2 research outputs found

    Detection of heartwood rot in Norway spruce trees with lidar and multi-temporal satellite data

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    Norway spruce pathogenic fungi causing root, butt and stem rot represent a substantial problem for the forest sector in many countries. Early detection of rot presence is important for efficient management of the forest resources but due to its nature, which does not generate evident exterior signs, it is very difficult to detect without invasive measurements. Remote sensing has been widely used to monitor forest health status in relation to many pathogens and infestations. In particular, multi-temporal remotely sensed data have shown to be useful in detecting degenerative diseases. In this study, we explored the possibility of using multi-temporal and multi-spectral satellite data to detect rot presence in Norway spruce trees in Norway. Images with four bands were acquired by the Dove satellite constellation with a spatial resolution of 3 m, ranging over three years from June 2017 to September 2019. Field data were collected in 2019–2020 by a harvester during the logging: 16163 trees were recorded, classified in terms of species and presence of rot at the stump and automatically geo-located. The analysis was carried out at individual tree crown (ITC) level, and ITCs were delineated using lidar data. ITCs were classified as healthy, infested and other species using a weighted Support Vector Machine. The results showed an underestimation of the rot presence (balanced accuracy of 56.3%, producer’s accuracies of 64.3 and 48.4% and user’s accuracies of 81.0% and 32.7% respectively for healthy and rot ITCs). The method can be used to provide a tentative map of the rot presence to guide more detailed assessments in field and harvesting activitie

    A Method for the Analysis of Small Crop Fields in Sentinel-2 Dense Time Series

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    Satellite image time series (SITS), such as those by Sentinel-2 (S2) satellites, provides a large amount of information due to their combined temporal, spatial, and spectral resolutions. The high revisit frequency and spatial resolution of S2 result in: 1) increase in the probability of acquiring cloud-free images and 2) availability of detailed information for analyzing small objects. These characteristics are of interest in precision agriculture, where temporally dense SITS can benefit the understanding of crop behaviors. In the past, information about agricultural practices has been collected over large regions and focused on mixed/aggregated crops due to the poor tradeoff between the spatial and temporal resolutions. Products have been generated at low spatial resolution and daily basis or at high spatial resolution and weekly/monthly basis. They are meaningful for large agricultural fields, whereas they are limited when fields show a small average size. In this context, S2 characteristics allow for both high spatial and temporal resolution products. However, no existing automatic method effectively separates small fields from each other in an unsupervised way and deals with data irregularly sampled in time. Thus, this article presents a method suitable for the analysis of small crop fields in S2 dense SITS that accounts for S2 characteristics. The method fuses spatio-temporal information, analyzes data spatio-temporal evolution, and extracts relevant spatio-temporal information. The effectiveness of the proposed method was corroborated by experiments carried out on S2-SITS acquired over an area located in Barrax, Spain