4,159 research outputs found

    Exploring Task Mappings on Heterogeneous MPSoCs using a Bias-Elitist Genetic Algorithm

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    Exploration of task mappings plays a crucial role in achieving high performance in heterogeneous multi-processor system-on-chip (MPSoC) platforms. The problem of optimally mapping a set of tasks onto a set of given heterogeneous processors for maximal throughput has been known, in general, to be NP-complete. The problem is further exacerbated when multiple applications (i.e., bigger task sets) and the communication between tasks are also considered. Previous research has shown that Genetic Algorithms (GA) typically are a good choice to solve this problem when the solution space is relatively small. However, when the size of the problem space increases, classic genetic algorithms still suffer from the problem of long evolution times. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel bias-elitist genetic algorithm that is guided by domain-specific heuristics to speed up the evolution process. Experimental results reveal that our proposed algorithm is able to handle large scale task mapping problems and produces high-quality mapping solutions in only a short time period.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, uses algorithm2e.st

    OneMax in Black-Box Models with Several Restrictions

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    Black-box complexity studies lower bounds for the efficiency of general-purpose black-box optimization algorithms such as evolutionary algorithms and other search heuristics. Different models exist, each one being designed to analyze a different aspect of typical heuristics such as the memory size or the variation operators in use. While most of the previous works focus on one particular such aspect, we consider in this work how the combination of several algorithmic restrictions influence the black-box complexity. Our testbed are so-called OneMax functions, a classical set of test functions that is intimately related to classic coin-weighing problems and to the board game Mastermind. We analyze in particular the combined memory-restricted ranking-based black-box complexity of OneMax for different memory sizes. While its isolated memory-restricted as well as its ranking-based black-box complexity for bit strings of length nn is only of order n/log⁥nn/\log n, the combined model does not allow for algorithms being faster than linear in nn, as can be seen by standard information-theoretic considerations. We show that this linear bound is indeed asymptotically tight. Similar results are obtained for other memory- and offspring-sizes. Our results also apply to the (Monte Carlo) complexity of OneMax in the recently introduced elitist model, in which only the best-so-far solution can be kept in the memory. Finally, we also provide improved lower bounds for the complexity of OneMax in the regarded models. Our result enlivens the quest for natural evolutionary algorithms optimizing OneMax in o(nlog⁥n)o(n \log n) iterations.Comment: This is the full version of a paper accepted to GECCO 201

    A Computationally Efficient Limited Memory CMA-ES for Large Scale Optimization

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    We propose a computationally efficient limited memory Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy for large scale optimization, which we call the LM-CMA-ES. The LM-CMA-ES is a stochastic, derivative-free algorithm for numerical optimization of non-linear, non-convex optimization problems in continuous domain. Inspired by the limited memory BFGS method of Liu and Nocedal (1989), the LM-CMA-ES samples candidate solutions according to a covariance matrix reproduced from mm direction vectors selected during the optimization process. The decomposition of the covariance matrix into Cholesky factors allows to reduce the time and memory complexity of the sampling to O(mn)O(mn), where nn is the number of decision variables. When nn is large (e.g., nn > 1000), even relatively small values of mm (e.g., m=20,30m=20,30) are sufficient to efficiently solve fully non-separable problems and to reduce the overall run-time.Comment: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'2014) (2014

    Improved dynamical particle swarm optimization method for structural dynamics

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    A methodology to the multiobjective structural design of buildings based on an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm is presented, which has proved to be very efficient and robust in nonlinear problems and when the optimization objectives are in conflict. In particular, the behaviour of the particle swarm optimization (PSO) classical algorithm is improved by dynamically adding autoadaptive mechanisms that enhance the exploration/exploitation trade-off and diversity of the proposed algorithm, avoiding getting trapped in local minima. A novel integrated optimization system was developed, called DI-PSO, to solve this problem which is able to control and even improve the structural behaviour under seismic excitations. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, the methodology is tested against some benchmark problems. Then a 3-story-building model is optimized under different objective cases, concluding that the improved multiobjective optimization methodology using DI-PSO is more efficient as compared with those designs obtained using single optimization.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Genetic Algorithm with Optimal Recombination for the Asymmetric Travelling Salesman Problem

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    We propose a new genetic algorithm with optimal recombination for the asymmetric instances of travelling salesman problem. The algorithm incorporates several new features that contribute to its effectiveness: (i) Optimal recombination problem is solved within crossover operator. (ii) A new mutation operator performs a random jump within 3-opt or 4-opt neighborhood. (iii) Greedy constructive heuristic of W.Zhang and 3-opt local search heuristic are used to generate the initial population. A computational experiment on TSPLIB instances shows that the proposed algorithm yields competitive results to other well-known memetic algorithms for asymmetric travelling salesman problem.Comment: Proc. of The 11th International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations (LSSC-17), June 5 - 9, 2017, Sozopol, Bulgari

    Graphics Processing Unit–Enhanced Genetic Algorithms for Solving the Temporal Dynamics of Gene Regulatory Networks

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    Understanding the regulation of gene expression is one of the key problems in current biology. A promising method for that purpose is the determination of the temporal dynamics between known initial and ending network states, by using simple acting rules. The huge amount of rule combinations and the nonlinear inherent nature of the problem make genetic algorithms an excellent candidate for finding optimal solutions. As this is a computationally intensive problem that needs long runtimes in conventional architectures for realistic network sizes, it is fundamental to accelerate this task. In this article, we study how to develop efficient parallel implementations of this method for the fine-grained parallel architecture of graphics processing units (GPUs) using the compute unified device architecture (CUDA) platform. An exhaustive and methodical study of various parallel genetic algorithm schemes—master-slave, island, cellular, and hybrid models, and various individual selection methods (roulette, elitist)—is carried out for this problem. Several procedures that optimize the use of the GPU’s resources are presented. We conclude that the implementation that produces better results (both from the performance and the genetic algorithm fitness perspectives) is simulating a few thousands of individuals grouped in a few islands using elitist selection. This model comprises 2 mighty factors for discovering the best solutions: finding good individuals in a short number of generations, and introducing genetic diversity via a relatively frequent and numerous migration. As a result, we have even found the optimal solution for the analyzed gene regulatory network (GRN). In addition, a comparative study of the performance obtained by the different parallel implementations on GPU versus a sequential application on CPU is carried out. In our tests, a multifold speedup was obtained for our optimized parallel implementation of the method on medium class GPU over an equivalent sequential single-core implementation running on a recent Intel i7 CPU. This work can provide useful guidance to researchers in biology, medicine, or bioinformatics in how to take advantage of the parallelization on massively parallel devices and GPUs to apply novel metaheuristic algorithms powered by nature for real-world applications (like the method to solve the temporal dynamics of GRNs)
