1,331 research outputs found

    Secure Method Invocation in JASON

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    We describe the Secure Method Invocation (SMI) framework implemented for Jason, our Javacard As Secure Objects Networks platform. Jason realises the secure object store paradigm, that reconciles the card-as-storage-element and card-as-processing-element views. In this paradigm, smart cards are viewed as secure containers for objects, whose methods can be called straightforwardly and securely using SMI. Jason is currently being developed as a middleware layer that securely interconnects an arbitrary number of smart cards, terminals and back-office systems over the Internet

    A Directory Infrastructure to Support Mobile Services

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    Traditional Voice-over-IP applications such as Microsoft NetMeeting assume that the user is on a machine with a fixed IP address. If, however, the user connects to the Internet, via a wireless network, on a handheld device, his IP address frequently changes as he moves from one subnet to another. In such a situation, we need a service that can be queried for the most current IP address of a person whom we wish to contact. In this project, we design and implement such a directory service. The service authenticates all callers and callees, is robust against most host failure, and scales to several thousand registered users

    Quire: Lightweight Provenance for Smart Phone Operating Systems

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    Smartphone apps often run with full privileges to access the network and sensitive local resources, making it difficult for remote systems to have any trust in the provenance of network connections they receive. Even within the phone, different apps with different privileges can communicate with one another, allowing one app to trick another into improperly exercising its privileges (a Confused Deputy attack). In Quire, we engineered two new security mechanisms into Android to address these issues. First, we track the call chain of IPCs, allowing an app the choice of operating with the diminished privileges of its callers or to act explicitly on its own behalf. Second, a lightweight signature scheme allows any app to create a signed statement that can be verified anywhere inside the phone. Both of these mechanisms are reflected in network RPCs, allowing remote systems visibility into the state of the phone when an RPC is made. We demonstrate the usefulness of Quire with two example applications. We built an advertising service, running distinctly from the app which wants to display ads, which can validate clicks passed to it from its host. We also built a payment service, allowing an app to issue a request which the payment service validates with the user. An app cannot not forge a payment request by directly connecting to the remote server, nor can the local payment service tamper with the request

    Secure Communication Using Electronic Identity Cards for Voice over IP Communication, Home Energy Management, and eMobility

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    Using communication services is a common part of everyday life in a personal or business context. Communication services include Internet services like voice services, chat service, and web 2.0 technologies (wikis, blogs, etc), but other usage areas like home energy management and eMobility are will be increasingly tackled. Such communication services typically authenticate participants. For this identities of some kind are used to identify the communication peer to the user of a service or to the service itself. Calling line identification used in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) used for Voice over IP (VoIP) is just one example. Authentication and identification of eCar users for accounting during charging of the eCar is another example. Also, further mechanisms rely on identities, e.g., whitelists defining allowed communication peers. Trusted identities prevent identity spoofing, hence are a basic building block for the protection of communication. However, providing trusted identities in a practical way is still a difficult problem and too often application specific identities are used, making identity handling a hassle. Nowadays, many countries introduced electronic identity cards, e.g., the German "Elektronischer Personalausweis" (ePA). As many German citizens will possess an ePA soon, it can be used as security token to provide trusted identities. Especially new usage areas (like eMobility) should from the start be based on the ubiquitous availability of trusted identities. This paper describes how identity cards can be integrated within three domains: home energy management, vehicle-2-grid communication, and SIP-based voice over IP telephony. In all three domains, identity cards are used to reliably identify users and authenticate participants. As an example for an electronic identity card, this paper focuses on the German ePA

    Spoofing Against Spoofing: Towards Caller ID Verification In Heterogeneous Telecommunication Systems

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    Caller ID spoofing is a global industry problem and often acts as a critical enabler for telephone fraud. To address this problem, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has mandated telecom providers in the US to implement STIR/SHAKEN, an industry-driven solution based on digital signatures. STIR/SHAKEN relies on a public key infrastructure (PKI) to manage digital certificates, but scaling up this PKI for the global telecom industry is extremely difficult, if not impossible. Furthermore, it only works with IP-based systems (e.g., SIP), leaving the traditional non-IP systems (e.g., SS7) unprotected. So far the alternatives to the STIR/SHAKEN have not been sufficiently studied. In this paper, we propose a PKI-free solution, called Caller ID Verification (CIV). CIV authenticates the caller ID based on a challenge-response process instead of digital signatures, hence requiring no PKI. It supports both IP and non-IP systems. Perhaps counter-intuitively, we show that number spoofing can be leveraged, in conjunction with Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF), to efficiently implement the challenge-response process, i.e., using spoofing to fight against spoofing. We implement CIV for VoIP, cellular, and landline phones across heterogeneous networks (SS7/SIP) by only updating the software on the user's phone. This is the first caller ID authentication solution with working prototypes for all three types of telephone systems in the current telecom architecture. Finally, we show how the implementation of CIV can be optimized by integrating it into telecom clouds as a service, which users may subscribe to.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, 2 table

    Authentic-caller : self-enforcing authentication in a next generation network

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) or the Cyber-Physical System (CPS) is the network of connected devices, things and people which collect and exchange information using the emerging telecommunication networks (4G, 5G IP-based LTE). These emerging telecommunication networks can also be used to transfer critical information between the source and destination, informing the control system about the outage in the electrical grid, or providing information about the emergency at the national express highway. This sensitive information requires authorization and authentication of source and destination involved in the communication. To protect the network from unauthorized access and to provide authentication, the telecommunication operators have to adopt the mechanism for seamless verification and authorization of parties involved in the communication. Currently, the next-generation telecommunication networks use a digest-based authentication mechanism, where the call-processing engine of the telecommunication operator initiates the challenge to the request-initiating client or caller, which is being solved by the client to prove his credentials. However, the digest-based authentication mechanisms are vulnerable to many forms of known attacks e.g., the Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attack and the password guessing attack. Furthermore, the digest-based systems require extensive processing overheads. Several Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) based and identity-based schemes have been proposed for the authentication and key agreements. However, these schemes generally require smart-card to hold long-term private keys and authentication credentials. In this paper, we propose a novel self-enforcing authentication protocol for the SIPbased next-generation network based on a low-entropy shared password without relying on any PKI or trusted third party system. The proposed system shows effective resistance against various attacks e.g., MITM, replay attack, password guessing attack, etc. We a..

    Email Security: The Challenges of Network Security

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    Now a day’s, network security has become very important. For those securities Simple Mail Transport Protocol is the most widely used protocol for e-mail delivery. But, it lackssecurity features like privacy, authentication and integrity of e-mail message. To make e-mail communication secure and private,e-mail servers adopted one or more security features. The security protocolsprovide a most security but it also has several limitations. This paper discusseslimitations of e-mail security protocols, analyses and evaluates theireffectiveness in e-mail servers, as well as outlines the various attack methods which are used, and various defencemechanisms against them. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15060
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