3 research outputs found

    Reputation-Based Trust for a Cooperative, Agent-Based Backup Protection Scheme for Power Networks

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    This thesis research explores integrating a reputation-based trust mechanism with an agent-based backup protection system to improve the performance of traditional backup relay methods that are currently in use in power transmission systems. Integrating agent technology into relay protection schemes has been previously proposed to clear faults more rapidly and to add precision by enabling the use of adaptive protection methods. A distributed, cooperative trust system such as that used in peer-to-peer file sharing networks has the potential to add an additional layer of defense in a protection system designed to operate with greater autonomy. This trust component enables agents in the system to make assessments using additional, behavioral-based analysis of cooperating protection agents. Simulation results illustrate the improved decision-making capability achieved by incorporating this cooperative trust method when experiencing abnormal or malicious communications. The integration of this additional trust component provides an added push for implementing the proposed agent-based protection schemes to help mitigate the impact from wide-area disturbances and the cascading blackouts that often follow. As the push for electric grid modernization continues, an agent-based trust system including this type of behavioral-based analysis will also benefit other smart components connecting critical grid control and monitoring information systems

    A Mechanism for Detecting and Responding to Misbehaving Nodes in Wireless Networks

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    Abstract—While mechanisms exist to instantiate common security functionality such as confidentiality and integrity, little has been done to define a mechanism for identification and remediation of devices engaging in behavior deemed inappropriate. This ability is particularly relevant as devices become increasingly adaptive through the development of softwaredefined and frequency agile radios. Adaptive devices can alter their behavior in a way that is noncompliant to a given set of standards and thus cause problems for other compliant devices. We address this deficiency by developing and assessing a mechanism for detecting misbehaving nodes in wireless systems. While we developed our system on an 802.11 network, the same approach could readily be applied to other wireless networks. Our mechanism is based on a reputation-enabled intrusion detection system, in which a centralized trust authority monitors traffic and collects secondhand information on potentially misbehaving nodes. The system integrates a mixture of alarms and reports to calculate a reputation vector of all nodes in the system. An XML based policy engine is used to detect policy violations. These mechanisms are built to be flexible and extensible in order to deal with the issues arising out of software programmable devices. In extending beyond traditional intrusion detection, our approach will incorporate physical layer information, such as power and frequency use, in determining improper behavior. In evaluating the system, we consider how our mechanism, 1) impacts system performance, 2) correctly identifies misbehaving nodes, 3) addresses ”bad mouthing ” and 4) resists collusion. I

    A layered security approach for cooperation enforcement in MANETs

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    In fully self-organized MANETs, nodes are naturally reluctant to spend their precious resources forwarding other nodes' packets and are therefore liable to exhibit selfish or sometimes malicious behaviour. This selfishness could potentially lead to network partitioning and network performance degradation. Cooperation enforcement schemes, such as reputation and trust based schemes have been proposed to counteract the issue of selfishness. The sole purpose of these schemes is to ensure selfish nodes bear the consequences of their bad actions. However, malicious nodes can exploit mobility and free identities available to breach the security of these systems and escape punishment or detection. Firstly, in the case of mobility, a malicious node can gain benefit even after having been detected by a reputation-based system, by interacting directly with its source or destination nodes. Secondly, since the lack of infrastructure in MANETs does not suit centralized identity management or centralized Trusted Third Parties, nodes can create zero-cost identities without any restrictions. As a result, a selfish node can easily escape the consequences of whatever misbehaviour it has performed by simply changing identity to clear all its bad history, known as whitewashing. Hence, this makes it difficult to hold malicious nodes accountable for their actions. Finally, a malicious node can concurrently create and control more than one virtual identity to launch an attack, called a Sybil attack. In the context of reputation-based schemes, a Sybil attacker can disrupt the detection accuracy by defaming other good nodes, self-promoting itself or exchanging bogus positive recommendations about one of its quarantined identities. This thesis explores two aspects of direct interactions (DIs), i. e. Dis as a selfish nodes' strategy and Dis produced by inappropriate simulation parameters. In the latter case DIs cause confusion in the results evaluation of reputation-based schemes. We propose a method that uses the service contribution and consumption information to discourage selfish nodes that try to increase their benefit through DIs. We also propose methods that categorize nodes' benefits in order to mitigate the confusion caused in the results evaluation. A novel layered security approach is proposed using proactive and reactive paradigms to counteract whitewashing and Sybil attacks. The proactive paradigm is aimed at removing the advantages that whitewashing can provide by enforcing a non-monetary entry fee per new identity, in the form of cooperation in the network. The results show that this method deters these attackers by reducing their benefits in the network. In the reactive case, we propose a lightweight approach to detect new identities of whitewashers and Sybil attackers on the MAC layer using the 802.11 protocol without using any extra hardware. The experiments show that a signal strength based threshold exists which can help us detect Sybil and whitewashers' identities. Through the help of extensive simulations and real-world testbed experimentations, we are able to demonstrate that our proposed solution detects Sybil or whitewashers' new identities with good accuracy and reduces the benefits of malicious activity even in the presence of mobility