117,873 research outputs found

    Multi-modal and multi-subject modular organization of human brain networks

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    The human brain is a complex network of anatomically interconnected brain areas. Spontaneous neural activity is constrained by this architecture, giving rise to patterns of statistical dependencies between the activity of remote neural elements. The non-trivial relationship between structural and functional connectivity poses many unsolved challenges about cognition, disease, development, learning and aging. While numerous studies have focused on statistical relationships between edge weights in anatomical and functional networks, less is known about dependencies between their modules and communities. In this work, we investigate and characterize the relationship between anatomical and functional modular organization of the human brain, developing a novel multi-layer framework that expands the classical concept of multi-layer modularity. By simultaneously mapping anatomical and functional networks estimated from different subjects into communities, this approach allows us to carry out a multi-subject and multi-modal analysis of the brain's modular organization. Here, we investigate the relationship between anatomical and functional modules during resting state, finding unique and shared structures. The proposed framework constitutes a methodological advance in the context of multi-layer network analysis and paves the way to further investigate the relationship between structural and functional network organization in clinical cohorts, during cognitively demanding tasks, and in developmental or lifespan studies

    Intracranial EEG structure-function coupling predicts surgical outcomes in focal epilepsy

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    Alterations to structural and functional brain networks have been reported across many neurological conditions. However, the relationship between structure and function -- their coupling -- is relatively unexplored, particularly in the context of an intervention. Epilepsy surgery alters the brain structure and networks to control the functional abnormality of seizures. Given that surgery is a structural modification aiming to alter the function, we hypothesized that stronger structure-function coupling preoperatively is associated with a greater chance of post-operative seizure control. We constructed structural and functional brain networks in 39 subjects with medication-resistant focal epilepsy using data from intracranial EEG (pre-surgery), structural MRI (pre-and post-surgery), and diffusion MRI (pre-surgery). We investigated pre-operative structure-function coupling at two spatial scales a) at the global iEEG network level and b) at the resolution of individual iEEG electrode contacts using virtual surgeries. At global network level, seizure-free individuals had stronger structure-function coupling pre-operatively than those that were not seizure-free regardless of the choice of interictal segment or frequency band. At the resolution of individual iEEG contacts, the virtual surgery approach provided complementary information to localize epileptogenic tissues. In predicting seizure outcomes, structure-function coupling measures were more important than clinical attributes, and together they predicted seizure outcomes with an accuracy of 85% and sensitivity of 87%. The underlying assumption that the structural changes induced by surgery translate to the functional level to control seizures is valid when the structure-functional coupling is strong. Mapping the regions that contribute to structure-functional coupling using virtual surgeries may help aid surgical planning

    DiffGAN-F2S: Symmetric and Efficient Denoising Diffusion GANs for Structural Connectivity Prediction from Brain fMRI

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    Mapping from functional connectivity (FC) to structural connectivity (SC) can facilitate multimodal brain network fusion and discover potential biomarkers for clinical implications. However, it is challenging to directly bridge the reliable non-linear mapping relations between SC and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In this paper, a novel diffusision generative adversarial network-based fMRI-to-SC (DiffGAN-F2S) model is proposed to predict SC from brain fMRI in an end-to-end manner. To be specific, the proposed DiffGAN-F2S leverages denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs) and adversarial learning to efficiently generate high-fidelity SC through a few steps from fMRI. By designing the dual-channel multi-head spatial attention (DMSA) and graph convolutional modules, the symmetric graph generator first captures global relations among direct and indirect connected brain regions, then models the local brain region interactions. It can uncover the complex mapping relations between fMRI and structural connectivity. Furthermore, the spatially connected consistency loss is devised to constrain the generator to preserve global-local topological information for accurate intrinsic SC prediction. Testing on the public Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) dataset, the proposed model can effectively generate empirical SC-preserved connectivity from four-dimensional imaging data and shows superior performance in SC prediction compared with other related models. Furthermore, the proposed model can identify the vast majority of important brain regions and connections derived from the empirical method, providing an alternative way to fuse multimodal brain networks and analyze clinical disease.Comment: 12 page

    Multi-scale community organization of the human structural connectome and its relationship with resting-state functional connectivity

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    The human connectome has been widely studied over the past decade. A principal finding is that it can be decomposed into communities of densely interconnected brain regions. Past studies have often used single-scale modularity measures in order to infer the connectome's community structure, possibly overlooking interesting structure at other organizational scales. In this report, we used the partition stability framework, which defines communities in terms of a Markov process (random walk), to infer the connectome's multi-scale community structure. Comparing the community structure to observed resting-state functional connectivity revealed communities across a broad range of scales that were closely related to functional connectivity. This result suggests a mapping between communities in structural networks, models of influence-spreading and diffusion, and brain function. It further suggests that the spread of influence among brain regions may not be limited to a single characteristic scal

    Spinal cord injury disrupts resting-state networks in the human brain

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    Despite 253,000 spinal cord injury (SCI) patients in the United States, little is known about how SCI affects brain networks. Spinal MRI provides only structural information with no insight into functional connectivity. Resting-state functional MRI (RS-fMRI) quantifies network connectivity through the identification of resting-state networks (RSNs) and allows detection of functionally relevant changes during disease. Given the robust network of spinal cord afferents to the brain, we hypothesized that SCI produces meaningful changes in brain RSNs. RS-fMRIs and functional assessments were performed on 10 SCI subjects. Blood oxygen-dependent RS-fMRI sequences were acquired. Seed-based correlation mapping was performed using five RSNs: default-mode (DMN), dorsal-attention (DAN), salience (SAL), control (CON), and somatomotor (SMN). RSNs were compared with normal control subjects using false-discovery rate-corrected two way t tests. SCI reduced brain network connectivity within the SAL, SMN, and DMN and disrupted anti-correlated connectivity between CON and SMN. When divided into separate cohorts, complete but not incomplete SCI disrupted connectivity within SAL, DAN, SMN and DMN and between CON and SMN. Finally, connectivity changed over time after SCI: the primary motor cortex decreased connectivity with the primary somatosensory cortex, the visual cortex decreased connectivity with the primary motor cortex, and the visual cortex decreased connectivity with the sensory parietal cortex. These unique findings demonstrate the functional network plasticity that occurs in the brain as a result of injury to the spinal cord. Connectivity changes after SCI may serve as biomarkers to predict functional recovery following an SCI and guide future therapy

    Mental flexibility depends on a largely distributed white matter network: Causal evidence from connectome-based lesion-symptom mapping.

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    Mental flexibility (MF) refers to the capacity to dynamically switch from one task to another. Current neurocognitive models suggest that since this function requires interactions between multiple remote brain areas, the integrity of the anatomic tracts connecting these brain areas is necessary to maintain performance. We tested this hypothesis by assessing with a connectome-based lesion-symptom mapping approach the effects of white matter lesions on the brain's structural connectome and their association with performance on the trail making test, a neuropsychological test of MF, in a sample of 167 first unilateral stroke patients. We found associations between MF deficits and damage of i) left lateralized fronto-temporo-parietal connections and interhemispheric connections between left temporo-parietal and right parietal areas; ii) left cortico-basal connections; and iii) left cortico-pontine connections. We further identified a relationship between MF and white matter disconnections within cortical areas composing the cognitive control, default mode and attention functional networks. These results for a central role of white matter integrity in MF extend current literature by providing causal evidence for a functional interdependence among the regional cortical and subcortical structures composing the MF network. Our results further emphasize the necessity to consider connectomics in lesion-symptom mapping analyses to establish comprehensive neurocognitive models of high-order cognitive functions

    Bilingualism across the lifespan: Neuroanatomical correlates

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    187 p.Recently, an increasing number of studies addressing the neuroanatomical bases of bilingualism have appeared (Garcia-Penton et al., 2016). However, the results are variable and in sorne cases conflicting,and consequen y it is still a matter of debate how brain changes due to bilingual experience.The present study will try to shed sorne light on the field by adding fresh new evidence testing children and elderly high proficient early Spanish-Basque bilinguals, two very typologically different languages . The proposed work will use large-scale brain-mapping techniques to explore the relationship between structure and function, as a more holistic and realistic approach to understanding comprehensively the neural bases of bilingualism. This integrational perspectiva will also promote convergent evidence about the specialization and integration of the neural networks in bilingualism. As such, this work will study the organisation of brain networks,either due to slow changes in brain areas and their wiring (namely, the structural plasticity), or due to fast modulation of their interactions (namely, functional plasticity).This thesis will employ Functional Magnetic Resonance lmaging (fMRI) during resting-state in combination with Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance lmaging (DW-MRI) to determine functional and structural connectivity, respectively. Both techniques will make it possible to model the large-scale structural/functional connectivity maps by means of a high­ dimensional parcellation of the grey matter (GM) in the brain instead of limiting analysis to specific regions of interest, as done in previous studies. A 30 high resolution whole-head anatomical sean (T1-MRI) will be used in order to generate GM parcellations employed in the connectivity analysis, but also to identify regional differential structural patterns associated with bilingualism, using voxel-based and surface-based analyses of the GM. Network­ based statistics (Zalesky et al., 2010) and graph theoretical approaches (Latora & Marchiori, 2001; Rubinov and Spoms, 201O) will be employed to investigate differences between groups in connectiv ity pattems, by isolating sets of regions interconnected differently between groups, and in topological properties of the networks, by measuring global/local efficiency. The main findings of this research on bilingualism across different groups of age (childhood and elderly) suggested that structural brain plasticity related to bilingualism was so small, unstable, subtle and transient that it was very difficult to detect even in lifelong bilinguals. A fact that is consisten! with the curren! ambiguous picture in bilingualism studies (Garcia-Pentón et al.,2016; see also others, Baum & Titone,2014; Costa,& Sebastián-Gallés , 2014; Li, Legault, & Litcofsky, 2014; Paap et al., 2015; de Bruin et al., 2015a). However, this study suggested that even when the brain did not display focal brain differences (i.e. did not show any specialization) it could still show differences at the global level. Specifically,the evidence draws attention that lifelong bilingualism could pinpoint a gain toward a better neural reserve in aging due to the whole-network graph-efficiency observed in elderly lifelono bilinouals

    Brain Mapping of Behavioral Domains Using Multi-Scale Networks and Canonical Correlation Analysis

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    Simultaneous mapping of multiple behavioral domains into brain networks remains a major challenge. Here, we shed some light on this problem by employing a combination of machine learning, structural and functional brain networks at different spatial resolutions (also known as scales), together with performance scores across multiple neurobehavioral domains, including sensation, motor skills, and cognition. Provided by the Human Connectome Project, we make use of three cohorts: 640 participants for model training, 160 subjects for validation, and 200 subjects for model performance testing thus enhancing prediction generalization. Our modeling consists of two main stages, namely dimensionality reduction in brain network features at multiple scales, followed by canonical correlation analysis, which determines an optimal linear combination of connectivity features to predict multiple behavioral performance scores. To assess the differences in the predictive power of each modality, we separately applied three different strategies: structural unimodal, functional unimodal, and multimodal, that is, structural in combination with functional features of the brain network. Our results show that the multimodal association outperforms any of the unimodal analyses. Then, to answer which human brain structures were most involved in predicting multiple behavioral scores, we simulated different synthetic scenarios in which in each case we completely deleted a brain structure or a complete resting state network, and recalculated performance in its absence. In deletions, we found critical structures to affect performance when predicting single behavioral domains, but this occurred in a lesser manner for prediction of multi-domain behavior. Overall, our results confirm that although there are synergistic contributions between brain structure and function that enhance behavioral prediction, brain networks may also be mutually redundant in predicting multidomain behavior, such that even after deletion of a structure, the connectivity of the others can compensate for its lack in predicting behavior.JC was funded by Ikerbasque: The Basque Foundation for Science and by the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructure of the Basque Country (Elkartek Program Grant KK-2021-00009). AJ-M was funded by a predoctoral contract from the Department of Education of the Basque Country Predoctoral Program PRE-2019-1-0070. IF-I was funded by a research assistant contract from the University of the Basque Country (Elkartek Program Grant KK-2021/00033). PB acknowledge financial support from Ikerbasque (The Basque Foundation for Science) and FEDER (AI-2021-039)

    Network alterations underlying anxiety symptoms in early multiple sclerosis

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    Background: Anxiety, often seen as comorbidity in multiple sclerosis (MS), is a frequent neuropsychiatric symptom and essentially afects the overall disease burden. Here, we aimed to decipher anxiety-related networks functionally connected to atrophied areas in patients sufering from MS. Methods: Using 3-T MRI, anxiety-related atrophy maps were generated by correlating longitudinal cortical thinning with the severity of anxiety symptoms in MS patients. To determine brain regions functionally connected to these maps, we applied a technique termed “atrophy network mapping”. Thereby, the anxiety-related atrophy maps were projected onto a large normative connectome (n=1000) performing seed‐based functional connectivity. Finally, an instructed threat paradigm was conducted with regard to neural excitability and efective connectivity, using transcranial magnetic stimulation combined with high-density electroencephalography. Results: Thinning of the left dorsal prefrontal cortex was the only region that was associated with higher anxiety levels. Atrophy network mapping identifed functional involvement of bilateral prefrontal cortex as well as amygdala and hippocampus. Structural equation modeling confrmed that the volumes of these brain regions were signifcant determinants that infuence anxiety symptoms in MS. We additionally identifed reduced information fow between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala at rest, and pathologically increased excitability in the prefrontal cortex in MS patients as compared to controls. Conclusion: Anxiety-related prefrontal cortical atrophy in MS leads to a specifc network alteration involving structures that resemble known neurobiological anxiety circuits. These fndings elucidate the emergence of anxiety as part of the disease pathology and might ultimately enable targeted treatment approaches modulating brain networks in MS. Keywords: Multiple sclerosis, Anxiety, Atrophy, Functional connectivity, Excitabilit