175 research outputs found

    Remote Powering and Data Communication Over a Single Inductive Link for Implantable Medical Devices

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    RÉSUMÉ Les implants mĂ©dicaux Ă©lectroniques (Implantable Medical Devices - IMDs) sont notamment utilisĂ©s pour restaurer ou amĂ©liorer des fonctions perdues de certains organes. Ils sont capables de traiter des complications qui ne peuvent pas ĂȘtre guĂ©ries avec des mĂ©dicaments ou par la chirurgie. Offrant des propriĂ©tĂ©s et des amĂ©liorations curatives sans prĂ©cĂ©dent, les IMDs sont de plus en plus demandĂ©s par les mĂ©decins et les patients. En 2017, le marchĂ© mondial des IMD Ă©tait Ă©valuĂ© Ă  15,21 milliards de dollars. D’ici 2025, il devrait atteindre 30,42 mil-liards de dollars, soutenu par un taux de croissance annuel de 9,24% selon le nouveau rapport publiĂ© par Fior Markets. Cette expansion entraĂźne une augmentation des exigences pour as-surer des performances supĂ©rieures, des fonctionnalitĂ©s supplĂ©mentaires et une durĂ©e de vie plus longue. Ces exigences ne peuvent ĂȘtre satisfaites qu’avec des techniques d’alimentation avancĂ©es, un dĂ©bit de donnĂ©es Ă©levĂ© et une Ă©lectronique miniaturisĂ©e robuste. Construire des systĂšmes capables de fournir toutes ces caractĂ©ristiques est l’objectif principal d’un grand nombre de chercheurs. Parmi plusieurs technologies sans fil, le lien inductif, qui consiste en une paire de bobines Ă  couplage magnĂ©tique, est la technique sans fil la plus largement utilisĂ©e pour le transfert de puissance et de donnĂ©es. Cela est dĂ» Ă  sa simplicitĂ©, sa sĂ©curitĂ© et sa capacitĂ© Ă  transmettre Ă  la fois de la puissance et des donnĂ©es de façon bidirectionnelle. Cependant, il existe encore un certain nombre de dĂ©fis concernant la mise en Ɠuvre d’un tel systĂšme de transfert d’énergie et de donnĂ©es sans fil (Wireless Power and Data Transfer - WPDT system). Un dĂ©fi majeur est que les exigences pour une efficacitĂ© de transfert d’énergie Ă©levĂ©e et pour une communication Ă  haut dĂ©bit sont contradictoires. En fait, la bande passante doit ĂȘtre Ă©largie pour des dĂ©bits de donnĂ©es Ă©levĂ©s, mais rĂ©duite pour une transmission efficace de l’énergie. Un autre grand dĂ©fi consiste Ă  rĂ©aliser un dĂ©modulateur fonctionnant Ă  haute vitesse avec une mise en Ɠuvre simple et une consommation d’énergie ultra-faible. Dans ce projet, nous proposons et expĂ©rimentons un nouveau systĂšme WPDT dĂ©diĂ© aux IMD permettant une communication Ă  haute vitesse et une alimentation efficace tout en maintenant une faible consommation d’énergie, une petite surface de silicium et une mise en Ɠuvre simple du rĂ©cepteur. Le systĂšme proposĂ© est basĂ© sur un nouveau schĂ©ma de modulation appelĂ© "Carrier Width Modulation (CWM)", ainsi que sur des circuits de modulation et de dĂ©modulation inĂ©dits. La modulation consiste en un coupe-circuit synchronisĂ© du rĂ©servoir LC primaire pendant un ou deux cycles en fonction des donnĂ©es transmises.----------ABSTRACT Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs) are electronic implants notably used to restore or en-hance lost organ functions. They may treat complications that cannot be cured with medica-tion or through surgery. O˙ering unprecedented healing properties and enhancements, IMDs are increasingly requested by physicians and patients. In 2017, the worldwide IMD market was valued at USD 15,21 Billion. By 2025, it is expected to attain USD 30.42 Billion sus-tained by a compound annual growth rate of 9.24% according to a recent report published by Fior Markets. This expansion is bringing-up more demand for higher performance, additional features, and longer device lifespan and autonomy. These requirements can only be achieved with advanced power sources, high-data rates, and robust miniaturized electronics. Building systems able to provide all these characteristics is the main goal of many researchers. Among several wireless technologies, the inductive link, which consists of a magnetically-coupled pair of coils, is the most widely used wireless technique for both power and data transfer. This is due to its simplicity, safety, and ability to provide simultaneously both power and bidirectional data transfer to the implant. However there are still a number of challenges regarding the implementation of such Wireless Power and Data Transfer (WPDT) systems. One main challenge is that the requirements for high Power Transfer EĂżciency (PTE) and for high-data rate communication are contra-dictory. In fact, the bandwidth needs to be widened for high data rates, but narrowed for eĂżcient power delivery. Another big challenge is to implement a high-speed demodulator with simple implementation and ultra-low power consumption. In this project, we propose and experiment a new WPDT system dedicated to IMDs allow-ing high-speed communication and eĂżcient power delivery, while maintaining a low power consumption, small silicon area, and simple implementation of the receiver. The proposed system is based on a new Carrier Width Modulation (CWM) scheme, as well as novel modu-lation and demodulation circuits. The modulation consists of a synchronized opening of the primary LC tank for one or two cycles according to the transmitted data. Unlike conventional modulation techniques, the data rate of the proposed CWM modulation is not limited by the quality factors of the primary and secondary coils. On the other hand, the proposed CWM demodulator allows higher-speed demodulation and simple implementation, unlike conven-tional demodulators for a similar modulation scheme. It also o˙ers a wide range of data rates under any selected frequency from 10 to 31 MHz

    ATS-6 engineering performance report. Volume 6: Scientific experiments

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    Evaluations include a very high resolution radiometer, a radio beacon experiment, environmental measurement experiments (EME), EME support hardware, EME anomalies and failures, EME results, and US/USSR magnetometer experiments

    A Fully Implantable Opto-Electro Closed-Loop Neural Interface for Motor Neuron Disease Studies

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    This paper presents a fully implantable closed-loop device for use in freely moving rodents to investigate new treatments for motor neuron disease. The 0.18 ”m CMOS integrated circuit comprises 4 stimulators, each featuring 16 channels for optical and electrical stimulation using arbitrary current waveforms at frequencies from 1.5 Hz to 50 kHz, and a bandwidth programmable front-end for neural recording. The implant uses a Qi wireless inductive link which can deliver >100 mW power at a maximum distance of 2 cm for a freely moving rodent. A backup rechargeable battery can support 10 mA continuous stimulation currents for 2.5 hours in the absence of an inductive power link. The implant is controlled by a graphic user interface with broad programmable parameters via a Bluetooth low energy bidirectional data telemetry link. The encapsulated implant is 40 mm × 20 mm × 10 mm. Measured results are presented showing the electrical performance of the electronics and the packaging method

    Wireless Power Transfer Techniques for Implantable Medical Devices:A Review

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    Wireless power transfer (WPT) systems have become increasingly suitable solutions for the electrical powering of advanced multifunctional micro-electronic devices such as those found in current biomedical implants. The design and implementation of high power transfer efficiency WPT systems are, however, challenging. The size of the WPT system, the separation distance between the outside environment and location of the implanted medical device inside the body, the operating frequency and tissue safety due to power dissipation are key parameters to consider in the design of WPT systems. This article provides a systematic review of the wide range of WPT systems that have been investigated over the last two decades to improve overall system performance. The various strategies implemented to transfer wireless power in implantable medical devices (IMDs) were reviewed, which includes capacitive coupling, inductive coupling, magnetic resonance coupling and, more recently, acoustic and optical powering methods. The strengths and limitations of all these techniques are benchmarked against each other and particular emphasis is placed on comparing the implanted receiver size, the WPT distance, power transfer efficiency and tissue safety presented by the resulting systems. Necessary improvements and trends of each WPT techniques are also indicated per specific IMD

    Remote Powering and Communication of Implantable Biosensors Through Inductive Link

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    Nowadays there is an increasing interest in the field of implantable biosensors. The possibility of real-time monitoring of the human body from inside paves the way to a large number of applications and offers wide opportunities for the future. Within this scenario, the i-IronIC project aims to develop an implantable, low cost, health-care device for real-time monitoring of human metabolites. The contribution of this research work to the i-IronIC project consists of the design and realization of a complete platform to provide power, data communication and remote control to the implantable biosensor. High wearability of the transmitting unit, low invasivity of the implanted electronics, integration of the power management module within the sensor, and a reliable communication protocol with portable devices are the key points of this platform. The power is transmitted to the implanted sensor by exploiting an inductive link. Simulations have been performed to check the effects of several variables on the link performance. These simulations have finally confirmed the possibility to operate in the low megahertz range, where tissue absorption is minimum, even if a miniaturized receiving inductor is used. A wearable patch has been designed to transmit power through the body tissues by driving an external inductor. The same inductive link is used to achieve bidirectional data communication with the implanted device. The patch, named IronIC, is powered by lithium-ion polymer batteries and can be remotely controlled by means of a dedicated Android application running on smartphones and tablets. Long-range communication between the patch and portable devices is performed by means of Bluetooth protocol. Different typologies of receiving inductors have been designed to minimize the size of the implantable device and reduce the discomfort of the patience. Multi-layer, printed spiral inductors and microfabricated spiral inductors have been designed, fabricated and tested. Both the approaches involve a sensibly smaller size, as compared to classic “pancake” inductors used for remote powering. Furthermore, the second solution enables the realization of the receiving inductor directly on the silicon substrate hosting the sensor, thus involving a further miniaturization of the implanted device. An integrated power module has been designed and fabricated in 0.18 ÎŒm CMOS technology to perform power management and data communication with the external patch. The circuit, to be merged with the sensor readout circuit, consists of an half-wave voltage rectifier, a low-dropout regulator, an amplitude demodulator and a load modulator. The module receives the power from the implanted inductor and provides a stable voltage to the sensor readout circuit. Finally, the amplitude demodulator and the load modulator enable short-range communication with the patch

    Advanced Engineering Laboratory project summaries 1989

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    The Advanced Engineering Laboratory of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is a development laboratory within the Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Department. Its function is the development of oceanographic instrumentation to test developing theories in ocean physics, and to enhance current research projects in other disciplines within the oceanographic community. This report summarizes recent and ongoing projects performed by members of the laboratory

    Application of advanced on-board processing concepts to future satellite communications systems

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    An initial definition of on-board processing requirements for an advanced satellite communications system to service domestic markets in the 1990's is presented. An exemplar system architecture with both RF on-board switching and demodulation/remodulation baseband processing was used to identify important issues related to system implementation, cost, and technology development

    ATS-6 engineering performance report. Volume 5: Propagation experiments

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    Propagation experiments at 1550 MHz to 1650 MHz are reviewed, including the Integrated L-Band Experiments system and results, and the Mobile L-Band Terminals for Satellite Communication system. Experiments at 4 GHz to 6 GHz are reported, including the Radio Frequency Interferometer Measurements system and results, and Earth station antenna evaluations. Experiments above 10 GHz are discussed, including Comsat and ATS-6 millimeter wave propagation/experiments, and communication ATS-6 version at 20 and 30 GHz

    Design/cost tradeoff studies. Earth Observatory Satellite system definition study (EOS)

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    The results of design/cost tradeoff studies conducted during the Earth Observatory Satellite system definition studies are presented. The studies are concerned with the definition of a basic modular spacecraft capable of supporting a variety of operational and/or research and development missions, with the deployment either by conventional launch vehicles or by means of the space shuttle. The three levels investigated during the study are: (1) subsystem tradeoffs, (2) spacecraft tradeoffs, and (3) system tradeoffs. The range of requirements which the modular concept must span is discussed. The mechanical, thermal, power, data and electromagnetic compatibility aspects of modularity are analyzed. Other data are provided for the observatory design concept, the payloads, integration and test, the ground support equipment, and ground data management systems
