71 research outputs found

    Zig-zag Sort: A Simple Deterministic Data-Oblivious Sorting Algorithm Running in O(n log n) Time

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    We describe and analyze Zig-zag Sort--a deterministic data-oblivious sorting algorithm running in O(n log n) time that is arguably simpler than previously known algorithms with similar properties, which are based on the AKS sorting network. Because it is data-oblivious and deterministic, Zig-zag Sort can be implemented as a simple O(n log n)-size sorting network, thereby providing a solution to an open problem posed by Incerpi and Sedgewick in 1985. In addition, Zig-zag Sort is a variant of Shellsort, and is, in fact, the first deterministic Shellsort variant running in O(n log n) time. The existence of such an algorithm was posed as an open problem by Plaxton et al. in 1992 and also by Sedgewick in 1996. More relevant for today, however, is the fact that the existence of a simple data-oblivious deterministic sorting algorithm running in O(n log n) time simplifies the inner-loop computation in several proposed oblivious-RAM simulation methods (which utilize AKS sorting networks), and this, in turn, implies simplified mechanisms for privacy-preserving data outsourcing in several cloud computing applications. We provide both constructive and non-constructive implementations of Zig-zag Sort, based on the existence of a circuit known as an epsilon-halver, such that the constant factors in our constructive implementations are orders of magnitude smaller than those for constructive variants of the AKS sorting network, which are also based on the use of epsilon-halvers.Comment: Appearing in ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing (STOC) 201

    Spin-the-bottle Sort and Annealing Sort: Oblivious Sorting via Round-robin Random Comparisons

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    We study sorting algorithms based on randomized round-robin comparisons. Specifically, we study Spin-the-bottle sort, where comparisons are unrestricted, and Annealing sort, where comparisons are restricted to a distance bounded by a \emph{temperature} parameter. Both algorithms are simple, randomized, data-oblivious sorting algorithms, which are useful in privacy-preserving computations, but, as we show, Annealing sort is much more efficient. We show that there is an input permutation that causes Spin-the-bottle sort to require Ω(n2logn)\Omega(n^2\log n) expected time in order to succeed, and that in O(n2logn)O(n^2\log n) time this algorithm succeeds with high probability for any input. We also show there is an implementation of Annealing sort that runs in O(nlogn)O(n\log n) time and succeeds with very high probability.Comment: Full version of a paper appearing in ANALCO 2011, in conjunction with SODA 201

    Noisy Sorting Without Searching: Data Oblivious Sorting with Comparison Errors

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    We provide and study several algorithms for sorting an array of n comparable distinct elements subject to probabilistic comparison errors. In this model, the comparison of two elements returns the wrong answer according to a fixed probability, p_e < 1/2, and otherwise returns the correct answer. The dislocation of an element is the distance between its position in a given (current or output) array and its position in a sorted array. There are various algorithms that can be utilized for sorting or near-sorting elements subject to probabilistic comparison errors, but these algorithms are not data oblivious because they all make heavy use of noisy binary searching. In this paper, we provide new methods for sorting with comparison errors that are data oblivious while avoiding the use of noisy binary search methods. In addition, we experimentally compare our algorithms and other sorting algorithms