6 research outputs found

    Diseño y primeros resultados de una plataforma móvil eléctrica de registro de datos para agricultura de precisión

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    La monitorización cercana requiere de equipamiento montado a bordo de vehículos agrícolas, implementos o cualquier plataforma que permitan obtener rasgos agronómicamente relevantes. Las plataformas móviles para el fenotipado de características biofísicas de los cultivos permiten obtener una alta repetibilidad de las mediciones, al tiempo de no ser invasivas sobre las labores normales de cultivo. De la misma forma que el diseño de estas plataformas está condicionado por la variedad de sensores que deben alojar, deberá ser adecuado al tipo de cultivo del que se pretende obtener información precisa, y que su uso no requiera de una intensiva participación humana. Los objetivos se centraron en (i) desarrollar una plataforma móvil eléctrica, sencilla y modular, diseñada para alojar una gran variedad de sensores que permitan la caracterización fenotípica de cultivos, y (ii) probar su rendimiento en campo, la reproducibilidad de los resultados y su capacidad para obtener mediciones sobre el volumen de copa de los naranjos de una parcela comercial. Para este segundo objetivo, y tras unas primeras comprobaciones en laboratorio sobre aspectos como la velocidad, la carga óptima, y la estabilidad, se llevaron a cabo pruebas de campo empleando un sensor LiDAR escaneando de forma lateral y una cámara de profundidad Kinect de Microsoft. En este trabajo se presentan los primeros resultados obtenidos del desarrollo técnico de la plataforma para la caracterización electrónica del volumen de copa de cítricos, con los que se pretende en el futuro generar información de alto valor para el agricultor que le permitan ajustar aspectos como las aplicaciones de agroquímicos o labores como la poda

    A Low-Cost Approach to Automatically Obtain Accurate 3D Models of Woody Crops

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    Crop monitoring is an essential practice within the field of precision agriculture since it is based on observing, measuring and properly responding to inter- and intra-field variability. In particular, “on ground crop inspection” potentially allows early detection of certain crop problems or precision treatment to be carried out simultaneously with pest detection. “On ground monitoring” is also of great interest for woody crops. This paper explores the development of a low-cost crop monitoring system that can automatically create accurate 3D models (clouds of coloured points) of woody crop rows. The system consists of a mobile platform that allows the easy acquisition of information in the field at an average speed of 3 km/h. The platform, among others, integrates an RGB-D sensor that provides RGB information as well as an array with the distances to the objects closest to the sensor. The RGB-D information plus the geographical positions of relevant points, such as the starting and the ending points of the row, allow the generation of a 3D reconstruction of a woody crop row in which all the points of the cloud have a geographical location as well as the RGB colour values. The proposed approach for the automatic 3D reconstruction is not limited by the size of the sampled space and includes a method for the removal of the drift that appears in the reconstruction of large crop rows

    A low-cost approach to automatically obtain accurate 3D models of woody crops

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    Crop monitoring is an essential practice within the field of precision agriculture since it is based on observing, measuring and properly responding to inter-and intra-field variability. In particular, “on ground crop inspection” potentially allows early detection of certain crop problems or precision treatment to be carried out simultaneously with pest detection. “On ground monitoring” is also of great interest for woody crops. This paper explores the development of a low-cost crop monitoring system that can automatically create accurate 3D models (clouds of coloured points) of woody crop rows. The system consists of a mobile platform that allows the easy acquisition of information in the field at an average speed of 3 km/h. The platform, among others, integrates an RGB-D sensor that provides RGB information as well as an array with the distances to the objects closest to the sensor. The RGB-D information plus the geographical positions of relevant points, such as the starting and the ending points of the row, allow the generation of a 3D reconstruction of a woody crop row in which all the points of the cloud have a geographical location as well as the RGB colour values. The proposed approach for the automatic 3D reconstruction is not limited by the size of the sampled space and includes a method for the removal of the drift that appears in the reconstruction of large crop rows.The Spanish Government has provided full and continuing support for this research work through project AGL2014-52465-C4-3-R. The authors wish to thank the Codorniu S.A. company for the use of the facilities on the estate of Raimat and extend their gratitude to Jordi Recasens and his team (Weed Science and Plant Ecology Research Group of the UdL) for their invaluable help in the field trials. Karla Cantuña thanks the service commission for the remuneration given by the Cotopaxi Technical University. The authors also wish to acknowledge the ongoing technical support of Damián RodríguezPeer Reviewe

    Aplicación móvil con administración web para la seguridad comunitaria de la ciudad de Latacunga

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    Citizen insecurity is an issue that has caused much controversy, due to the number of robberies, assaults, kidnappings that occur day by day in various cities in the country and the world. It is a problem that affects people because of the fear caused by being a victim of an act that affects their mental and sometimes physical health. It can be evidenced through statistics in the media the increase in cases of crime caused worldwide and specifically in our country where citizens feel a degree of dissatisfaction with the issue of insecurity. The present research project is developed by contributing to the study for the design of a technological tool that will help citizens to control the security of homes through the use of agile practices of Software Engineering, by using Java and PHP programming languages you get the coding process, the database design is done through Firebase Realtime, the development tools applied were Android Studio, Android IDE, Visual Code Studio. The integration process with the hardware prototype is done by linking to the database and using authentication credentials. This results in a prototype mobile APP with web management for user control, zones, physical, digital alarms and sirens. This type of investigation is considered important to provide processes for the safety of people.La inseguridad ciudadana es un tema que ha causado mucha controversia, por la cantidad de robos, asaltos, secuestros que se dan día a día en varias ciudades del país y del mundo. Es una problemática que afecta a las personas por el temor que causa el ser víctima de un acto que afecte a su salud mental y en ocasiones física. Se puede evidenciar a través de estadísticas en medios de comunicación el incremento de casos de delitos ocasionados a nivel mundial y específicamente en nuestro país en donde la ciudadanía siente un grado de insatisfacción con el tema de inseguridad. El presente proyecto de investigación se desarrolla en virtud de contribuir con el estudio para el diseño de una herramienta tecnológica que sirva de ayuda a la ciudadanía para el control de la seguridad de los hogares a través del uso de prácticas ágiles de la Ingeniería de Software, mediante el uso de los lenguajes de programación Java y PHP se obtiene el proceso de codificación, el diseño de la base de datos se realiza a través de Firebase Realtime, las herramientas de desarrollo aplicadas fueron Android Studio, Android IDE, Visual Code Studio. El proceso de integración con el prototipo de hardware se realiza mediante el enlace con la base de datos y uso de credenciales de autentificación. Se obtiene como resultado un prototipo de APP móvil con administración web para el control de usuarios, zonas, alarmas físicas, digitales y sirenas. Se considera importante este tipo de investigaciones que aporten procesos de seguridad de las personas

    X Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería = X Congresso Ibérico de Agroengenharia : Libro de actas = Livro de atas

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    In 2017, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) issued a report on the challenges that Agriculture is facing and will face into the 21st century, which can be summarized in one question: will we be able to sustainably and effectively feed everyone by 2050 and beyond, while meeting the additional demand for agricultural commodities due to non- food uses? Agricultural engineers can contribute in this process by releasing the biological and technical constraints on crop and animal productivity, reducing the contribution of the agricultural sector to environmental degradation, and enabling agricultural practices to adapt to environmental changes. To achieve optimal results for agribusiness and the society, the expertise of agricultural engineers must be integrated with expertise from other sciences: breakthrough technologies are needed for agricultural enterprises to meet the increasing list of standards and norms in the areas of energy, animal welfare, product quality, water, and volatile emissions. Recognition of trends in society and networking and participation in debates have thus become important activities for agricultural engineers. The Iberian Agroengineering Congress series brings together Spanish and Portuguese engineers, researchers, educators and practitioners to present and discuss innovations, trends, and solutions to the aforementioned challenges in the interdisciplinary field of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. This biennial congress, jointly organized by the Spanish Society of Agroengineering and the Specialized Section of Rural Engineering of the Sociedade de Ciências Agrárias de Portugal, has proven to be an excellent opportunity to network and discuss future developments. In its 10th edition, the Congress has been held from 3-6 September in Huesca (Spain), at the Escuela Politécnica Superior, located on the Huesca Campus of the University of Zaragoza. The topics of the Congress have included the main areas of Agricultural Engineering: mechanization; soils and water; animal production technology and aquaculture; rural constructions; energy; information technologies and process control; projects, environment, and territory; postharvest technology; and educational innovation in agroengineering. The Congress has received 123 participants, who have submitted 144 papers, 86 oral communications and 58 poster. 22 universities, 4 research centers and 8 companies/professional associations have been represented. The quality of the papers presented to the congress is endorsed not only by the long trajectory of the Iberian Agroengineering Congress, but also by the edition of a Special Issue of Agronomy journal (ISSN 2073-4395) entitled “Selected Papers form 10th Iberian Agroengineering Congress”