12,576 research outputs found

    Applying mesh conformation on shape analysis with missing data

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    A mesh conformation approach that makes use of deformable generic meshes has been applied to establishing correspondences between 3D shapes with missing data. Given a group of shapes with correspondences, we can build up a statistical shape model by applying principal component analysis (PCA). The conformation at first globally maps the generic mesh to the 3D shape based on manually located corresponding landmarks, and then locally deforms the generic mesh to clone the 3D shape. The local deformation is constrained by minimizing the energy of an elastic model. An algorithm was also embedded in the conformation process to fill missing surface data of the shapes. Using synthetic data, we demonstrate that the conformation preserves the configuration of the generic mesh and hence it helps to establish good correspondences for shape analysis. Case studies of the principal component analysis of shapes were presented to illustrate the successes and advantages of our approach

    Image databases in medical applications

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    The number of medical images acquired yearly in hospitals increases all the time. These imaging data contain lots of information on the characteristics of anatomical structures and on their variations. This information can be utilized in numerous medical applications. In deformable model-based segmentation and registration methods, the information in the image databases can be used to give a priori information on the shape of the object studied and the gray-level values in the image, and on their variations. On the other hand, by studying the variations of the object of interest in different populations, the effects of, for example, aging, gender, and diseases on anatomical structures can be detected. In the work described in this Thesis, methods that utilize image databases in medical applications were studied. Methods were developed and compared for deformable model-based segmentation and registration. Model selection procedure, mean models, and combination of classifiers were studied for the construction of a good a priori model. Statistical and probabilistic shape models were generated to constrain the deformations in segmentation and registration so that only the shapes typical to the object studied were accepted. In the shape analysis of the striatum, both volume and local shape changes were studied. The effects of aging and gender, and also the asymmetries were examined. The results proved that the segmentation and registration accuracy of deformable model-based methods can be improved by utilizing the information in image databases. The databases used were relatively small. Therefore, the statistical and probabilistic methods were not able to model all the population-specific variation. On the other hand, the simpler methods, the model selection procedure, mean models, and combination of classifiers, gave good results also with the small image databases. Two main applications were the reconstruction of 3-D geometry from incomplete data and the segmentation of heart ventricles and atria from short- and long-axis magnetic resonance images. In both applications, the methods studied provided promising results. The shape analysis of the striatum showed that the volume of the striatum decreases in aging. Also, the shape of the striatum changes locally. Asymmetries in the shape were found, too, but any gender-related local shape differences were not found.reviewe

    A Generic Framework for Tracking Using Particle Filter With Dynamic Shape Prior

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    ©2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2007.894244Tracking deforming objects involves estimating the global motion of the object and its local deformations as functions of time. Tracking algorithms using Kalman filters or particle filters (PFs) have been proposed for tracking such objects, but these have limitations due to the lack of dynamic shape information. In this paper, we propose a novel method based on employing a locally linear embedding in order to incorporate dynamic shape information into the particle filtering framework for tracking highly deformable objects in the presence of noise and clutter. The PF also models image statistics such as mean and variance of the given data which can be useful in obtaining proper separation of object and backgroun

    A closed-form solution to estimate uncertainty in non-rigid structure from motion

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    Semi-Definite Programming (SDP) with low-rank prior has been widely applied in Non-Rigid Structure from Motion (NRSfM). Based on a low-rank constraint, it avoids the inherent ambiguity of basis number selection in conventional base-shape or base-trajectory methods. Despite the efficiency in deformable shape reconstruction, it remains unclear how to assess the uncertainty of the recovered shape from the SDP process. In this paper, we present a statistical inference on the element-wise uncertainty quantification of the estimated deforming 3D shape points in the case of the exact low-rank SDP problem. A closed-form uncertainty quantification method is proposed and tested. Moreover, we extend the exact low-rank uncertainty quantification to the approximate low-rank scenario with a numerical optimal rank selection method, which enables solving practical application in SDP based NRSfM scenario. The proposed method provides an independent module to the SDP method and only requires the statistic information of the input 2D tracked points. Extensive experiments prove that the output 3D points have identical normal distribution to the 2D trackings, the proposed method and quantify the uncertainty accurately, and supports that it has desirable effects on routinely SDP low-rank based NRSfM solver.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Finite Element Based Tracking of Deforming Surfaces

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    We present an approach to robustly track the geometry of an object that deforms over time from a set of input point clouds captured from a single viewpoint. The deformations we consider are caused by applying forces to known locations on the object's surface. Our method combines the use of prior information on the geometry of the object modeled by a smooth template and the use of a linear finite element method to predict the deformation. This allows the accurate reconstruction of both the observed and the unobserved sides of the object. We present tracking results for noisy low-quality point clouds acquired by either a stereo camera or a depth camera, and simulations with point clouds corrupted by different error terms. We show that our method is also applicable to large non-linear deformations.Comment: additional experiment
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