113 research outputs found

    Multi-level Map Construction for Dynamic Scenes

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    In dynamic scenes, both localization and mapping in visual SLAM face significant challenges. In recent years, numerous outstanding research works have proposed effective solutions for the localization problem. However, there has been a scarcity of excellent works focusing on constructing long-term consistent maps in dynamic scenes, which severely hampers map applications. To address this issue, we have designed a multi-level map construction system tailored for dynamic scenes. In this system, we employ multi-object tracking algorithms, DBSCAN clustering algorithm, and depth information to rectify the results of object detection, accurately extract static point clouds, and construct dense point cloud maps and octree maps. We propose a plane map construction algorithm specialized for dynamic scenes, involving the extraction, filtering, data association, and fusion optimization of planes in dynamic environments, thus creating a plane map. Additionally, we introduce an object map construction algorithm targeted at dynamic scenes, which includes object parameterization, data association, and update optimization. Extensive experiments on public datasets and real-world scenarios validate the accuracy of the multi-level maps constructed in this study and the robustness of the proposed algorithms. Furthermore, we demonstrate the practical application prospects of our algorithms by utilizing the constructed object maps for dynamic object tracking

    Modeling the environment with egocentric vision systems

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    Cada vez más sistemas autónomos, ya sean robots o sistemas de asistencia, están presentes en nuestro día a día. Este tipo de sistemas interactúan y se relacionan con su entorno y para ello necesitan un modelo de dicho entorno. En función de las tareas que deben realizar, la información o el detalle necesario del modelo varía. Desde detallados modelos 3D para sistemas de navegación autónomos, a modelos semánticos que incluyen información importante para el usuario como el tipo de área o qué objetos están presentes. La creación de estos modelos se realiza a través de las lecturas de los distintos sensores disponibles en el sistema. Actualmente, gracias a su pequeño tamaño, bajo precio y la gran información que son capaces de capturar, las cámaras son sensores incluidos en todos los sistemas autónomos. El objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollar y estudiar nuevos métodos para la creación de modelos del entorno a distintos niveles semánticos y con distintos niveles de precisión. Dos puntos importantes caracterizan el trabajo desarrollado en esta tesis: - El uso de cámaras con punto de vista egocéntrico o en primera persona ya sea en un robot o en un sistema portado por el usuario (wearable). En este tipo de sistemas, las cámaras son solidarias al sistema móvil sobre el que van montadas. En los últimos años han aparecido muchos sistemas de visión wearables, utilizados para multitud de aplicaciones, desde ocio hasta asistencia de personas. - El uso de sistemas de visión omnidireccional, que se distinguen por su gran campo de visión, incluyendo mucha más información en cada imagen que las cámara convencionales. Sin embargo plantean nuevas dificultades debido a distorsiones y modelos de proyección más complejos. Esta tesis estudia distintos tipos de modelos del entorno: - Modelos métricos: el objetivo de estos modelos es crear representaciones detalladas del entorno en las que localizar con precisión el sistema autónomo. Ésta tesis se centra en la adaptación de estos modelos al uso de visión omnidireccional, lo que permite capturar más información en cada imagen y mejorar los resultados en la localización. - Modelos topológicos: estos modelos estructuran el entorno en nodos conectados por arcos. Esta representación tiene menos precisión que la métrica, sin embargo, presenta un nivel de abstracción mayor y puede modelar el entorno con más riqueza. %, por ejemplo incluyendo el tipo de área de cada nodo, la localización de objetos importantes o el tipo de conexión entre los distintos nodos. Esta tesis se centra en la creación de modelos topológicos con información adicional sobre el tipo de área de cada nodo y conexión (pasillo, habitación, puertas, escaleras...). - Modelos semánticos: este trabajo también contribuye en la creación de nuevos modelos semánticos, más enfocados a la creación de modelos para aplicaciones en las que el sistema interactúa o asiste a una persona. Este tipo de modelos representan el entorno a través de conceptos cercanos a los usados por las personas. En particular, esta tesis desarrolla técnicas para obtener y propagar información semántica del entorno en secuencias de imágen

    Multi-robot active perception for fast andefficient scene reconstruction.

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    The efficiency of path-planning in robot navigation is crucial in tasks, such as search-and-rescue and disaster surveying, but this is emphasised even more when considering multi-rotor aerial robots due to the limited battery and flight time. In this spirit, this Master Thesis proposes an efficient, hierarchical planner to achieve a comprehensive visual coverage of large-scale outdoor scenarios for small drones. Following an initial reconnaissance flight, a coarse map of the scene gets built in real-time. Then, regions of the map that were not appropriately observed are identified and grouped by a novel perception-aware clustering process that enables the generation of continuous trajectories (sweeps) to cover them efficiently. Thanks to this partitioning of the map in a set of tasks, we are able to generalize the planning to an arbitrary number of drones and perform a well-balanced workload distribution among them. We compare our approach to an alternative state-of-the-art method for exploration and show the advantages of our pipeline in terms of efficiency for obtaining coverage in large environments.<br /

    Percepción Activa multi-robot para la cobertura rápida y eficiente de escenas.

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    The efficiency of path-planning in robot navigation is crucial in tasks, such as search-and-rescue and disaster surveying, but this is emphasised even more when considering multi-rotor aerial robots due to the limited battery and flight time. In this spirit, this Master Thesis proposes an efficient, hierarchical planner to achieve a comprehensive visual coverage of large-scale outdoor scenarios for small drones. Following an initial reconnaissance flight, a coarse map of the scene gets built in real-time. Then, regions of the map that were not appropriately observed are identified and grouped by a novel perception-aware clustering process that enables the generation of continuous trajectories (sweeps) to cover them efficiently. Thanks to this partitioning of the map in a set of tasks, we are able to generalize the planning to an arbitrary number of drones and perform a well-balanced workload distribution among them. We compare our approach to an alternative state-of-the-art method for exploration and show the advantages of our pipeline in terms of efficiency for obtaining coverage in large environments.<br /

    Building an enhanced vocabulary of the robot environment with a ceiling pointing camera

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    Mobile robots are of great help for automatic monitoring tasks in different environments. One of the first tasks that needs to be addressed when creating these kinds of robotic systems is modeling the robot environment. This work proposes a pipeline to build an enhanced visual model of a robot environment indoors. Vision based recognition approaches frequently use quantized feature spaces, commonly known as Bag of Words (BoW) or vocabulary representations. A drawback using standard BoW approaches is that semantic information is not considered as a criteria to create the visual words. To solve this challenging task, this paper studies how to leverage the standard vocabulary construction process to obtain a more meaningful visual vocabulary of the robot work environment using image sequences. We take advantage of spatio-temporal constraints and prior knowledge about the position of the camera. The key contribution of our work is the definition of a new pipeline to create a model of the environment. This pipeline incorporates (1) tracking information to the process of vocabulary construction and (2) geometric cues to the appearance descriptors. Motivated by long term robotic applications, such as the aforementioned monitoring tasks, we focus on a configuration where the robot camera points to the ceiling, which captures more stable regions of the environment. The experimental validation shows how our vocabulary models the environment in more detail than standard vocabulary approaches, without loss of recognition performance. We show different robotic tasks that could benefit of the use of our visual vocabulary approach, such as place recognition or object discovery. For this validation, we use our publicly available data-set

    Enabling Multi-LiDAR Sensing in GNSS-Denied Environments: SLAM Dataset, Benchmark, and UAV Tracking with LiDAR-as-a-camera

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    The rise of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensors has profoundly impacted industries ranging from automotive to urban planning. As these sensors become increasingly affordable and compact, their applications are diversifying, driving precision, and innovation. This thesis delves into LiDAR's advancements in autonomous robotic systems, with a focus on its role in simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) methodologies and LiDAR as a camera-based tracking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). Our contributions span two primary domains: the Multi-Modal LiDAR SLAM Benchmark, and the LiDAR-as-a-camera UAV Tracking. In the former, we have expanded our previous multi-modal LiDAR dataset by adding more data sequences from various scenarios. In contrast to the previous dataset, we employ different ground truth-generating approaches. We propose a new multi-modal multi-lidar SLAM-assisted and ICP-based sensor fusion method for generating ground truth maps. Additionally, we also supplement our data with new open road sequences with GNSS-RTK. This enriched dataset, supported by high-resolution LiDAR, provides detailed insights through an evaluation of ten configurations, pairing diverse LiDAR sensors with state-of-the-art SLAM algorithms. In the latter contribution, we leverage a custom YOLOv5 model trained on panoramic low-resolution images from LiDAR reflectivity (LiDAR-as-a-camera) to detect UAVs, demonstrating the superiority of this approach over point cloud or image-only methods. Additionally, we evaluated the real-time performance of our approach on the Nvidia Jetson Nano, a popular mobile computing platform. Overall, our research underscores the transformative potential of integrating advanced LiDAR sensors with autonomous robotics. By bridging the gaps between different technological approaches, we pave the way for more versatile and efficient applications in the future

    Density-based algorithms for active and anytime clustering

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    Data intensive applications like biology, medicine, and neuroscience require effective and efficient data mining technologies. Advanced data acquisition methods produce a constantly increasing volume and complexity. As a consequence, the need of new data mining technologies to deal with complex data has emerged during the last decades. In this thesis, we focus on the data mining task of clustering in which objects are separated in different groups (clusters) such that objects inside a cluster are more similar than objects in different clusters. Particularly, we consider density-based clustering algorithms and their applications in biomedicine. The core idea of the density-based clustering algorithm DBSCAN is that each object within a cluster must have a certain number of other objects inside its neighborhood. Compared with other clustering algorithms, DBSCAN has many attractive benefits, e.g., it can detect clusters with arbitrary shape and is robust to outliers, etc. Thus, DBSCAN has attracted a lot of research interest during the last decades with many extensions and applications. In the first part of this thesis, we aim at developing new algorithms based on the DBSCAN paradigm to deal with the new challenges of complex data, particularly expensive distance measures and incomplete availability of the distance matrix. Like many other clustering algorithms, DBSCAN suffers from poor performance when facing expensive distance measures for complex data. To tackle this problem, we propose a new algorithm based on the DBSCAN paradigm, called Anytime Density-based Clustering (A-DBSCAN), that works in an anytime scheme: in contrast to the original batch scheme of DBSCAN, the algorithm A-DBSCAN first produces a quick approximation of the clustering result and then continuously refines the result during the further run. Experts can interrupt the algorithm, examine the results, and choose between (1) stopping the algorithm at any time whenever they are satisfied with the result to save runtime and (2) continuing the algorithm to achieve better results. Such kind of anytime scheme has been proven in the literature as a very useful technique when dealing with time consuming problems. We also introduced an extended version of A-DBSCAN called A-DBSCAN-XS which is more efficient and effective than A-DBSCAN when dealing with expensive distance measures. Since DBSCAN relies on the cardinality of the neighborhood of objects, it requires the full distance matrix to perform. For complex data, these distances are usually expensive, time consuming or even impossible to acquire due to high cost, high time complexity, noisy and missing data, etc. Motivated by these potential difficulties of acquiring the distances among objects, we propose another approach for DBSCAN, called Active Density-based Clustering (Act-DBSCAN). Given a budget limitation B, Act-DBSCAN is only allowed to use up to B pairwise distances ideally to produce the same result as if it has the entire distance matrix at hand. The general idea of Act-DBSCAN is that it actively selects the most promising pairs of objects to calculate the distances between them and tries to approximate as much as possible the desired clustering result with each distance calculation. This scheme provides an efficient way to reduce the total cost needed to perform the clustering. Thus it limits the potential weakness of DBSCAN when dealing with the distance sparseness problem of complex data. As a fundamental data clustering algorithm, density-based clustering has many applications in diverse fields. In the second part of this thesis, we focus on an application of density-based clustering in neuroscience: the segmentation of the white matter fiber tracts in human brain acquired from Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). We propose a model to evaluate the similarity between two fibers as a combination of structural similarity and connectivity-related similarity of fiber tracts. Various distance measure techniques from fields like time-sequence mining are adapted to calculate the structural similarity of fibers. Density-based clustering is used as the segmentation algorithm. We show how A-DBSCAN and A-DBSCAN-XS are used as novel solutions for the segmentation of massive fiber datasets and provide unique features to assist experts during the fiber segmentation process.Datenintensive Anwendungen wie Biologie, Medizin und Neurowissenschaften erfordern effektive und effiziente Data-Mining-Technologien. Erweiterte Methoden der Datenerfassung erzeugen stetig wachsende Datenmengen und Komplexit\"at. In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat sich daher ein Bedarf an neuen Data-Mining-Technologien f\"ur komplexe Daten ergeben. In dieser Arbeit konzentrieren wir uns auf die Data-Mining-Aufgabe des Clusterings, in der Objekte in verschiedenen Gruppen (Cluster) getrennt werden, so dass Objekte in einem Cluster untereinander viel \"ahnlicher sind als Objekte in verschiedenen Clustern. Insbesondere betrachten wir dichtebasierte Clustering-Algorithmen und ihre Anwendungen in der Biomedizin. Der Kerngedanke des dichtebasierten Clustering-Algorithmus DBSCAN ist, dass jedes Objekt in einem Cluster eine bestimmte Anzahl von anderen Objekten in seiner Nachbarschaft haben muss. Im Vergleich mit anderen Clustering-Algorithmen hat DBSCAN viele attraktive Vorteile, zum Beispiel kann es Cluster mit beliebiger Form erkennen und ist robust gegen\"uber Ausrei{\ss}ern. So hat DBSCAN in den letzten Jahrzehnten gro{\ss}es Forschungsinteresse mit vielen Erweiterungen und Anwendungen auf sich gezogen. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wollen wir auf die Entwicklung neuer Algorithmen eingehen, die auf dem DBSCAN Paradigma basieren, um mit den neuen Herausforderungen der komplexen Daten, insbesondere teurer Abstandsma{\ss}e und unvollst\"andiger Verf\"ugbarkeit der Distanzmatrix umzugehen. Wie viele andere Clustering-Algorithmen leidet DBSCAN an schlechter Per- formanz, wenn es teuren Abstandsma{\ss}en f\"ur komplexe Daten gegen\"uber steht. Um dieses Problem zu l\"osen, schlagen wir einen neuen Algorithmus vor, der auf dem DBSCAN Paradigma basiert, genannt Anytime Density-based Clustering (A-DBSCAN), der mit einem Anytime Schema funktioniert. Im Gegensatz zu dem urspr\"unglichen Schema DBSCAN, erzeugt der Algorithmus A-DBSCAN zuerst eine schnelle Ann\"aherung des Clusterings-Ergebnisses und verfeinert dann kontinuierlich das Ergebnis im weiteren Verlauf. Experten k\"onnen den Algorithmus unterbrechen, die Ergebnisse pr\"ufen und w\"ahlen zwischen (1) Anhalten des Algorithmus zu jeder Zeit, wann immer sie mit dem Ergebnis zufrieden sind, um Laufzeit sparen und (2) Fortsetzen des Algorithmus, um bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Eine solche Art eines "Anytime Schemas" ist in der Literatur als eine sehr n\"utzliche Technik erprobt, wenn zeitaufwendige Problemen anfallen. Wir stellen auch eine erweiterte Version von A-DBSCAN als A-DBSCAN-XS vor, die effizienter und effektiver als A-DBSCAN beim Umgang mit teuren Abstandsma{\ss}en ist. Da DBSCAN auf der Kardinalit\"at der Nachbarschaftsobjekte beruht, ist es notwendig, die volle Distanzmatrix auszurechen. F\"ur komplexe Daten sind diese Distanzen in der Regel teuer, zeitaufwendig oder sogar unm\"oglich zu errechnen, aufgrund der hohen Kosten, einer hohen Zeitkomplexit\"at oder verrauschten und fehlende Daten. Motiviert durch diese m\"oglichen Schwierigkeiten der Berechnung von Entfernungen zwischen Objekten, schlagen wir einen anderen Ansatz f\"ur DBSCAN vor, namentlich Active Density-based Clustering (Act-DBSCAN). Bei einer Budgetbegrenzung B, darf Act-DBSCAN nur bis zu B ideale paarweise Distanzen verwenden, um das gleiche Ergebnis zu produzieren, wie wenn es die gesamte Distanzmatrix zur Hand h\"atte. Die allgemeine Idee von Act-DBSCAN ist, dass es aktiv die erfolgversprechendsten Paare von Objekten w\"ahlt, um die Abst\"ande zwischen ihnen zu berechnen, und versucht, sich so viel wie m\"oglich dem gew\"unschten Clustering mit jeder Abstandsberechnung zu n\"ahern. Dieses Schema bietet eine effiziente M\"oglichkeit, die Gesamtkosten der Durchf\"uhrung des Clusterings zu reduzieren. So schr\"ankt sie die potenzielle Schw\"ache des DBSCAN beim Umgang mit dem Distance Sparseness Problem von komplexen Daten ein. Als fundamentaler Clustering-Algorithmus, hat dichte-basiertes Clustering viele Anwendungen in den unterschiedlichen Bereichen. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit konzentrieren wir uns auf eine Anwendung des dichte-basierten Clusterings in den Neurowissenschaften: Die Segmentierung der wei{\ss}en Substanz bei Faserbahnen im menschlichen Gehirn, die vom Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) erfasst werden. Wir schlagen ein Modell vor, um die \"Ahnlichkeit zwischen zwei Fasern als einer Kombination von struktureller und konnektivit\"atsbezogener \"Ahnlichkeit von Faserbahnen zu beurteilen. Verschiedene Abstandsma{\ss}e aus Bereichen wie dem Time-Sequence Mining werden angepasst, um die strukturelle \"Ahnlichkeit von Fasern zu berechnen. Dichte-basiertes Clustering wird als Segmentierungsalgorithmus verwendet. Wir zeigen, wie A-DBSCAN und A-DBSCAN-XS als neuartige L\"osungen f\"ur die Segmentierung von sehr gro{\ss}en Faserdatens\"atzen verwendet werden, und bieten innovative Funktionen, um Experten w\"ahrend des Fasersegmentierungsprozesses zu unterst\"utzen

    Mapping forests using an unmanned ground vehicle with 3D LiDAR and graph-SLAM

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    Enabling automated 3D mapping in forests is an important component of the future development of forest technology, and has been garnering interest in the scientific community, as can be seen from the many recent publications. Accordingly, the authors of the present paper propose the use of a Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping algorithm, called graph-SLAM, to generate local maps of forests. In their study, the 3D data required for the mapping process were collected using a custom-made, mobile platform equipped with a number of sensors, including Velodyne VLP-16 LiDAR, a stereo camera, an IMU, and a GPS. The 3D map was generated solely from laser scans, first by relying on laser odometry and then by improving it with robust graph optimisation after loop closures, which is the core of the graph-SLAM algorithm. The resulting map, in the form of a 3D point cloud, was then evaluated in terms of its accuracy and precision. Specifically, the accuracy of the fitted diameter at breast height (DBH) and the relative distance between the trees were evaluated. The results show that the DBH estimates using the Pratt circle fit method could enable a mean estimation error of approximately 2 cm (7–12%) and an RMSE of 2.38 cm (9%), whereas for tree positioning accuracy, the mean error was 0.0476 m. The authors conclude that robust SLAM algorithms can support the development of forestry by providing cost-effective and acceptable quality methods for forest mapping. Moreover, such maps open up the possibility for precision localisation for forestry vehicles.publishedVersio