980 research outputs found

    A custom sensor network for autonomous water quality assessment in fish farms

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    ProducciĂłn CientĂ­ficaThe control of water quality is crucial to ensure the survival of fish in aquaculture production facilities. Today, the combination of sensors with communication technologies permits to monitor these crucial parameters in real-time, allowing to take fast management decisions. However, out-of-the-box solutions are expensive, due to the small market and the industrial nature of sensors, besides being little customizable. To solve this, the present work describes a low-cost hardware and software architecture developed to achieve the autonomous water quality assessment and management on a remote facility for fish conservation aquaculture within the framework of the Smart Comunidad Rural Digital (smartCRD) project. The developed sensor network has been working uninterruptedly since its installation (20 April 2021). It is based on open source technology and includes a central gateway for on-site data monitoring of water quality nodes as well as an online management platform for data visualization and sensor network configuration. Likewise, the system can detect autonomously water quality parameters outside configurable thresholds and deliver management alarms. The described architecture, besides low-cost, is highly customizable, compatible with other sensor network projects, machine-learning applications, and is capable of edge computing. Thus, it contributes to making open sensorization more accessible to real-world applications.Torres Quevedo (grant PTQ2018-010162

    Platforms and Protocols for the Internet of Things

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    Building a general architecture for the Internet of Things (IoT) is a very complex task, exacerbated by the extremely large variety of devices, link layer technologies, and services that may be involved in such a system. In this paper, we identify the main blocks of a generic IoT architecture, describing their features and requirements, and analyze the most common approaches proposed in the literature for each block. In particular, we compare three of the most important communication technologies for IoT purposes, i.e., REST, MQTT, and AMQP, and we also analyze three IoT platforms: openHAB, Sentilo, and Parse. The analysis will prove the importance of adopting an integrated approach that jointly addresses several issues and is able to flexibly accommodate the requirements of the various elements of the system. We also discuss a use case which illustrates the design challenges and the choices to make when selecting which protocols and technologies to use

    Explorar kubernetes e devOps num contexto de IoT

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    Containerized solutions and container orchestration technologies have recently been of great interest to organizations as a way of accelerating both software development and delivery processes. However, adopting these is a rather complex shift that may impact an organization and teams that were already established. This is where development cultures such as DevOps emerge to ease such shift amongst teams, promoting collaboration and automation of development and deployment processes throughout. The purpose of the current dissertation is to illustrate the path that led to the use of DevOps and containerization as means to support the development and deployment of a proof of concept system, Firefighter Sync – an Internet of Things based solution applied to a firefighting monitoring scenario. The goal, besides implementing Firefighter Sync, was to propose and deploy a development and operations ecosystem based on DevOps practices to achieve a full automation pipeline for both the development and operations processes. Firefighter Sync enabled the exploration of such state-of-the-art solutions such as Kubernetes to support container-based deployment and Jenkins for a fully automated CI/CD pipeline. Firefighter Sync clearly illustrates that addressing the development of a system from a DevOps perspective from the very beginning, although it requires an accentuated learning curve due to the large range of concepts and technologies addressed throughout, has illustrated to effectively impact the development process as well as ease the solution for future evolution. A good example is the automation process pipeline, that whilst allowing an easy integration of new features within a DevOps process – implies addressing the development and operations as a whole – it abstracts specific technological concerns turning these transversals to the traditional stages from development to deployment.Soluções de contentores e orquestração de contentores têm vindo a tornar-se de grande interesse para as organizações como uma forma de acelerar os processos de desenvolvimento e entrega de software. No entanto, adotá-las é uma mudança bastante complexa que pode impactar uma organização e equipas já estabelecidas. É aqui que surgem culturas como o DevOps para facilitar essa mudança, promovendo a colaboração e a automação dos processos de desenvolvimento e deployment entre equipas. O objetivo desta dissertação é ilustrar o caminho que levou ao uso de DevOps e à conteinerização de modo a apoiar o desenvolvimento e o deployment de um sistema como prova de conceito, o Firefighter Sync – uma solução baseada na Internet das Coisas aplicada a um cenário de monitorização de combate a incêndios. Além de implementar o Firefighter Sync, o objetivo era também propor e implementar um ecossistema de desenvolvimento e operações com base nas práticas de DevOps para alcançar uma pipeline de automação completa para os processos de desenvolvimento e operações. O Firefighter Sync permitiu explorar soluções que constituem o estado da arte neste contexto, como o Kubernetes para apoiar o deployment baseado em contentores e o Jenkins para suportar a pipeline de CI/CD totalmente automatizada. O Firefighter Sync ilustra claramente que abordar o desenvolvimento de um sistema a partir da perspectiva de DevOps, embora exija uma curva de aprendizagem acentuada devido à grande variedade de conceitos e tecnologias inerentes ao longo do processo, demonstrou tornar mais eficiente o processo de desenvolvimento, bem como facilitar evolução futura. Um exemplo é a pipeline de automação, que permite uma fácil integração de novos recursos dentro de um processo de DevOps – que implica abordar o desenvolvimento e as operações como um todo – abstraindo assim preocupações tecnológicas específicas, transformando essas transversais nas fases tradicionais do desenvolvimento ao deployment.Mestrado em Engenharia Informátic

    Beyond financial metrics, the place and role of technical and other additional due diligence in the process of Mergers & Acquisitions transactions. Case study in the Engineering Services Industry.

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    This paper aims at complementing the literature on Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) with a case study to provide the lecturer with a full insight on the diversity of the challenges inherent to M&A transactions. Especially, a strong emphasis will be made on extra-financial analysis of the target. Indeed, a M&A process always includes a very formal and standardized financial analysis of the target, called the Financial Due Diligences, very often including also a similar Tax & Legal Due Diligences process. However, the collection and analysis of other information relative to the business and its specificities are much less standardized. As regards to the technical capabilities of the target or economic and operational considerations, the level of information available to the purchaser might be significantly variable from an acquisition to another, depending on the availability of the info first, but also on the quality of the analysis of them. This case study will provide concrete examples of what additional analysis to the financial ones can be performed on the target and its environment. It will be then discussed how crucial they might be in the decision-making process of pursuing with the acquisition or not. The discussion will be extended to the place that take each of those analysis (financial and extra-financial ones) in the valuation of the target and the consistency of current valuation methods as regard to the importance of each element

    Modeling an Industrial Revolution: How to Manage Large-Scale, Complex IoT Ecosystems?

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    Advancements around the modern digital industry gave birth to a number of closely interrelated concepts: in the age of the Internet of Things (IoT), System of Systems (SoS), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Digital Twins and the fourth industrial revolution, everything revolves around the issue of designing well-understood, sound and secure complex systems while providing maximum flexibility, autonomy and dynamics.The aim of the paper is to present a concise overview of a comprehensive conceptual framework for integrated modeling and management of industrial IoT architectures, supported by actual evidence from the Arrowhead Tools project; in particular, we adopt a three-dimensional projection of our complex engineering space, from modeling the engineering process to SoS design and deployment.In particular, we start from modeling principles of the the engineering process itself. Then, we present a design-time SoS representation along with a toolchain concept aiding SoS design and deployment. This brings us to reasoning about what potential workflows are thinkable for specifying comprehensive toolchains along with their data exchange interfaces. We also discuss the potential of aligning our vision with RAMI4.0, as well as the utilization perspectives for real-life engineering use-cases

    Generic Home Automation System Using IoT Gateway Based on Wi-Fi and ant+ Sensor Network

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    This research article explores the use of internet of things (IoT) technology in home automation, including cloud computing and sensor networks to improve quality of life, and the increasing affordability through mobile connectivity. In this proposed smart home system, our main objective is to build a home automation system for the common consumer, which can help him to use home appliances with confidence and control at a low cost. The paper describes the building of an IoT gateway using the ANT multi-hop wireless network protocol and the Wi-Fi protocol, specifically utilizing the nRF24L01 and Esp8266 chips. Various sensor nodes, such as a water tank level sensor, human presence sensor, smart LED door sensor, and smart switch, will be integrated into the system. The main goal of the research is to develop an affordable solution for smart home technology for everyday consumers

    Blockchain Empowered Federated Learning Ecosystem for Securing Consumer IoT Features Analysis

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    Resource constraint Consumer Internet of Things (CIoT) is controlled through gateway devices (e.g., smartphones, computers, etc.) that are connected to Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) servers or cloud regulated by a third party. Recently Machine Learning (ML) has been widely used in automation, consumer behavior analysis, device quality upgradation, etc. Typical ML predicts by analyzing customers’ raw data in a centralized system which raises the security and privacy issues such as data leakage, privacy violation, single point of failure, etc. To overcome the problems, Federated Learning (FL) developed an initial solution to ensure services without sharing personal data. In FL, a centralized aggregator collaborates and makes an average for a global model used for the next round of training. However, the centralized aggregator raised the same issues, such as a single point of control leaking the updated model and interrupting the entire process. Additionally, research claims data can be retrieved from model parameters. Beyond that, since the Gateway (GW) device has full access to the raw data, it can also threaten the entire ecosystem. This research contributes a blockchain-controlled, edge intelligence federated learning framework for a distributed learning platform for CIoT. The federated learning platform allows collaborative learning with users’ shared data, and the blockchain network replaces the centralized aggregator and ensures secure participation of gateway devices in the ecosystem. Furthermore, blockchain is trustless, immutable, and anonymous, encouraging CIoT end users to participate. We evaluated the framework and federated learning outcomes using the well-known Stanford Cars dataset. Experimental results prove the effectiveness of the proposed framework
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