30 research outputs found

    A Linear-Optical Proof that the Permanent is #P-Hard

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    One of the crown jewels of complexity theory is Valiant's 1979 theorem that computing the permanent of an n*n matrix is #P-hard. Here we show that, by using the model of linear-optical quantum computing---and in particular, a universality theorem due to Knill, Laflamme, and Milburn---one can give a different and arguably more intuitive proof of this theorem.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Proceedings of the Royal Society A. doi: 10.1098/rspa.2011.023

    Simply Exponential Approximation of the Permanent of Positive Semidefinite Matrices

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    We design a deterministic polynomial time cnc^n approximation algorithm for the permanent of positive semidefinite matrices where c=eγ+1≃4.84c=e^{\gamma+1}\simeq 4.84. We write a natural convex relaxation and show that its optimum solution gives a cnc^n approximation of the permanent. We further show that this factor is asymptotically tight by constructing a family of positive semidefinite matrices

    Monotone Projection Lower Bounds from Extended Formulation Lower Bounds

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    In this short note, we reduce lower bounds on monotone projections of polynomials to lower bounds on extended formulations of polytopes. Applying our reduction to the seminal extended formulation lower bounds of Fiorini, Massar, Pokutta, Tiwari, & de Wolf (STOC 2012; J. ACM, 2015) and Rothvoss (STOC 2014; J. ACM, 2017), we obtain the following interesting consequences. 1. The Hamiltonian Cycle polynomial is not a monotone subexponential-size projection of the permanent; this both rules out a natural attempt at a monotone lower bound on the Boolean permanent, and shows that the permanent is not complete for non-negative polynomials in VNPR_{{\mathbb R}} under monotone p-projections. 2. The cut polynomials and the perfect matching polynomial (or "unsigned Pfaffian") are not monotone p-projections of the permanent. The latter, over the Boolean and-or semi-ring, rules out monotone reductions in one of the natural approaches to reducing perfect matchings in general graphs to perfect matchings in bipartite graphs. As the permanent is universal for monotone formulas, these results also imply exponential lower bounds on the monotone formula size and monotone circuit size of these polynomials.Comment: Published in Theory of Computing, Volume 13 (2017), Article 18; Received: November 10, 2015, Revised: July 27, 2016, Published: December 22, 201

    Polynomial computational complexity of matrix elements of finite-rank-generated single-particle operators in products of finite bosonic states

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    It is known that computing the permanent of the matrix 1+A1+A, where AA is a finite-rank matrix, requires a number of operations polynomial in the matrix size. Motivated by the boson-sampling proposal of restricted quantum computation, I extend this result to a generalization of the matrix permanent: an expectation value in a product of a large number of identical bosonic states with a bounded number of bosons. This result complements earlier studies on the computational complexity in boson sampling and related setups. The proposed technique based on the Gaussian averaging is equally applicable to bosonic and fermionic systems. This also allows us to improve an earlier polynomial complexity estimate for the fermionic version of the same problem.Comment: 4 pages, introduction and conclusion expanded, minor style correction

    Boson sampling with integrated optical circuits

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    Simulating the evolution of non-interacting bosons through a linear transformation acting on the system’s Fock state is strongly believed to be hard for a classical computer. This is commonly known as the Boson Sampling problem, and has recently got attention as the first possble way to demonstrate the superior computational power of quantum devices over classical ones. In this paper we describe the quantum optics approach to this problem, highlighting the role of integrated optical circuits

    The Power of Quantum Fourier Sampling

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    A line of work initiated by Terhal and DiVincenzo and Bremner, Jozsa, and Shepherd, shows that quantum computers can efficiently sample from probability distributions that cannot be exactly sampled efficiently on a classical computer, unless the PH collapses. Aaronson and Arkhipov take this further by considering a distribution that can be sampled efficiently by linear optical quantum computation, that under two feasible conjectures, cannot even be approximately sampled classically within bounded total variation distance, unless the PH collapses. In this work we use Quantum Fourier Sampling to construct a class of distributions that can be sampled by a quantum computer. We then argue that these distributions cannot be approximately sampled classically, unless the PH collapses, under variants of the Aaronson and Arkhipov conjectures. In particular, we show a general class of quantumly sampleable distributions each of which is based on an "Efficiently Specifiable" polynomial, for which a classical approximate sampler implies an average-case approximation. This class of polynomials contains the Permanent but also includes, for example, the Hamiltonian Cycle polynomial, and many other familiar #P-hard polynomials. Although our construction, unlike that proposed by Aaronson and Arkhipov, likely requires a universal quantum computer, we are able to use this additional power to weaken the conjectures needed to prove approximate sampling hardness results