5,043 research outputs found

    Transition models for turbomachinery boundary layer flows : a review

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    Current models for transition in turbomachinery boundary layer flows are reviewed. The basic physical mechanisms of transition processes and the way these processes are expressed by model ingredients are discussed. The fundamentals of models are described as far as possible, with a common structure of the equations and with emphasis on the similarities between the models. Tests of models reported in the literature are summarized and our own test is added. A conclusion on the performance of models is formulated

    Higher-Order DGFEM Transport Calculations on Polytope Meshes for Massively-Parallel Architectures

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    In this dissertation, we develop improvements to the discrete ordinates (S_N) neutron transport equation using a Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method (DGFEM) spatial discretization on arbitrary polytope (polygonal and polyhedral) grids compatible for massively-parallel computer architectures. Polytope meshes are attractive for multiple reasons, including their use in other physics communities and their ease in handling local mesh refinement strategies. In this work, we focus on two topical areas of research. First, we discuss higher-order basis functions compatible to solve the DGFEM S_N transport equation on arbitrary polygonal meshes. Second, we assess Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration (DSA) schemes compatible with polytope grids for massively-parallel transport problems. We first utilize basis functions compatible with arbitrary polygonal grids for the DGFEM transport equation. We analyze four different basis functions that have linear completeness on polygons: the Wachspress rational functions, the PWL functions, the mean value coordinates, and the maximum entropy coordinates. We then describe the procedure to extend these polygonal linear basis functions into the quadratic serendipity space of functions. These quadratic basis functions can exactly interpolate monomial functions up to order 2. Both the linear and quadratic sets of basis functions preserve transport solutions in the thick diffusion limit. Maximum convergence rates of 2 and 3 are observed for regular transport solutions for the linear and quadratic basis functions, respectively. For problems that are limited by the regularity of the transport solution, convergence rates of 3/2 (when the solution is continuous) and 1/2 (when the solution is discontinuous) are observed. Spatial Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) achieved superior convergence rates than uniform refinement, even for problems bounded by the solution regularity. We demonstrated accuracy in the AMR solutions by allowing them to reach a level where the ray effects of the angular discretization are realized. Next, we analyzed DSA schemes to accelerate both the within-group iterations as well as the thermal upscattering iterations for multigroup transport problems. Accelerating the thermal upscattering iterations is important for materials (e.g., graphite) with significant thermal energy scattering and minimal absorption. All of the acceleration schemes analyzed use a DGFEM discretization of the diffusion equation that is compatible with arbitrary polytope meshes: the Modified Interior Penalty Method (MIP). MIP uses the same DGFEM discretization as the transport equation. The MIP form is Symmetric Positive De_nite (SPD) and e_ciently solved with Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PCG) with Algebraic MultiGrid (AMG) preconditioning. The analysis from previous work was extended to show MIP's stability and robustness for accelerating 3D transport problems. MIP DSA preconditioning was implemented in the Parallel Deterministic Transport (PDT) code at Texas A&M University and linked with the HYPRE suite of linear solvers. Good scalability was numerically verified out to around 131K processors. The fraction of time spent performing DSA operations was small for problems with sufficient work performed in the transport sweep (O(10^3) angular directions). Finally, we have developed a novel methodology to accelerate transport problems dominated by thermal neutron upscattering. Compared to historical upscatter acceleration methods, our method is parallelizable and amenable to massively parallel transport calculations. Speedup factors of about 3-4 were observed with our new method

    A New 2D-Transport, 1D-Diffusion Approximation of the Boltzmann Transport equation

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    The work performed in this project consisted of the derivation, implementation, and testing of a new, computationally advantageous approximation to the 3D Boltz- mann transport equation. The solution of the Boltzmann equation is the neutron flux in nuclear reactor cores and shields, but solving this equation is difficult and costly. The new “2D/1D” approximation takes advantage of a special geometric feature of typical 3D reactors to approximate the neutron transport physics in a specific (ax- ial) direction, but not in the other two (radial) directions. The resulting equation is much less expensive to solve computationally, and its solutions are expected to be sufficiently accurate for many practical problems. In this project we formulated the new equation, discretized it using standard methods, developed a stable itera- tion scheme for solving the equation, implemented the new numerical scheme in the MPACT code, and tested the method on several realistic problems. All the hoped- for features of this new approximation were seen. For large, difficult problems, the resulting 2D/1D solution is highly accurate, and is calculated about 100 times faster than a 3D discrete ordinates simulation
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