20 research outputs found

    A Lattice-Based Universal Thresholdizer for Cryptographic Systems

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    We develop a general approach to thresholdizing a large class of (non-threshold) cryptographic schemes. We show how to add threshold functionality to CCA-secure public-key encryption (PKE), signature schemes, pseudorandom functions, and others primitives. To do so, we introduce a general tool, called a universal thresholdizer, from which many threshold systems are possible. The tool builds upon a lattice-based fully-homomorphic encryption (FHE) system. Applying the tool to a (non-threshold) lattice-based signature, gives the first single-round threshold signature from the learning with errors problem (LWE). Applying the tool to a (non-threshold) lattice-base CCA-secure PKE, gives a single-round lattice-based threshold CCA-secure PKE

    Threshold Cryptosystems From Threshold Fully Homomorphic Encryption

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    We develop a general approach to adding a threshold functionality to a large class of (non- threshold) cryptographic schemes. A threshold functionality enables a secret key to be split into a number of shares, so that only a threshold of parties can use the key, without reconstructing the key. We begin by constructing a threshold fully-homomorphic encryption scheme (TFHE) from the learning with errors (LWE) problem. We next introduce a new concept, called a universal thresholdizer, from which many threshold systems are possible. We show how to construct a universal thresholdizer from our TFHE. A universal thresholdizer can be used to add threshold functionality to many systems, such as CCA-secure public key encryption (PKE), signature schemes, pseudorandom functions, and others primitives. In particular, by applying this paradigm to a (non-threshold) lattice signature system, we obtain the first single-round threshold signature scheme from LWE

    Password Protected Universal Thresholdizer

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    Universal thresholdizer (UT) was proposed by Boneh et al. in CRYPTO\u2718 as a general framework for thresholdizing non-threshold cryptographic primitives where a set of NN servers, each gets a share such that any set of kk servers, each produces a partial result, which can be combined to generate the final result. In many applications of threshold cryptography such as the protection of private keys in a digital wallet, the combining operation of partial results must be protected. In this paper, we extend the UT framework to include password authentication for such protection. We formalize the notion of password protected universal thresholdizer (PPUT) that requires the knowledge of a password to execute the protocol, propose a general construction of PPUT, and prove its security. Our construction uses threshold password authenticated key exchange (TPAKE) with simulation-based security as one of the main building blocks. We define simulation-based security of TPAKE in stand-alone model and give a construction using threshold fully-homomorphic encryption. As an application of PPUT, we propose a new primitive called password protected threshold signature. All the proposed constructions are secure in the standard model, and can be instantiated from lattices

    Improved Universal Thresholdizer from Threshold Fully Homomorphic Encryption

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    The Universal Thresholdizer (CRYPTO\u2718) is a cryptographic scheme that facilitates the transformation of any cryptosystem into a threshold cryptosystem, making it a versatile tool for threshold cryptography. For instance, this primitive enables the black-box construction of a one-round threshold signature scheme based on the Learning with Error problem, as well as a one-round threshold chosen ciphertext attack-secure public key encryption, by being combined with non-threshold schemes. The compiler is constructed in a modular fashion and includes a compact threshold fully homomorphic encryption, a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof with preprocessing, and a non-interactive commitment. An instantiation of the Universal Thresholdizer can be achieved through the construction of a compact threshold fully homomorphic encryption. Currently, there are two threshold fully homomorphic encryptions based on linear secret sharing, with one using Shamir\u27s secret sharing and the other using the {0,1}\{0,1\}-linear secret sharing scheme ({0,1}\{0,1\}-LSSS). The former fails to achieve compactness as the size of its ciphertext is O(NlogN)O(N\log N), where NN is the number of participants in the distributed system. Meanwhile, the latter provides compactness, with a ciphertext size of O(logN)O(\log N), but requires O(N4.3)O(N^{4.3}) share keys on each party, leading to high communication costs. In this paper, we propose a communication-efficient Universal Thresholdizer by revisiting the threshold fully homomorphic encryption. Our scheme reduces the number of share keys required on each party to O(N2+o(1))O(N^{2+o(1)}) while preserving the ciphertext size of O(logN)O(\log N). To achieve this, we introduce a new linear secret sharing scheme called TreeSSS, which requires a smaller number of shared keys and satisfies compactness. As a result, the Threshold Fully Homomorphic Encryption underlying our linear secret sharing scheme has fewer shared keys during the setup algorithm and reduced communication costs during the partial decryption algorithm. Moreover, the construction of a Universal Thresholdizer can be achieved through the use of TreeSSS, as it reduces the number of shared keys compared to previous constructions. Additionally, TreeSSS may be of independent interest, as it improves the efficiency in terms of communication costs when used to replace {0,1}\{0,1\}-LSSS

    Quantum-Resistant Password-Based Threshold Single-Sign-On Authentication with Updatable Server Private Key

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    Passwords are the most prevalent authentication mechanism and proliferate on nearly every new web service. As users are overloaded with the tasks of managing dozens even hundreds of passwords, accordingly password-based single-sign-on (SSO) schemes have been proposed. In password-based SSO schemes, the authentication server needs to maintain a sensitive password file, which is an attractive target for compromise and poses a single point of failure. Hence, the notion of password-based threshold authentication (PTA) system has been proposed. However, a static PTA system is threatened by perpetual leakage (e.g., the adversary perpetually compromises servers). In addition, most of the existing PTA schemes are built on the intractability of conventional hard problems and become insecure in the quantum era. In this work, we first propose a threshold oblivious pseudorandom function (TOPRF) to harden the password so that PTA schemes can resist offline password guessing attacks. Then, we employ the threshold homomorphic aggregate signature (THAS) over lattices to construct the first quantum-resistant password-based threshold single-sign-on authentication scheme with the updatable server private key. Our scheme resolves various issues arising from user corruption and server compromise, and it is formally proved secure against quantum adversaries. Comparison results show that our scheme is superior to its counterparts

    Succinct Publicly-Certifiable Proofs (or: Can a Blockchain Verify a Designated-Verifier Proof?)

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    We study zero-knowledge arguments where proofs are: of knowledge, short, publicly-verifiable and produced without interaction. While zkSNARKs satisfy these requirements, we build such proofs in a constrained theoretical setting: in the standard-model---i.e., without a random oracle---and without assuming public-verifiable SNARKs (or even NIZKs, for some of our constructions) or primitives currently known to imply them. We model and construct a new primitive, SPuC (Succinct Publicly-Certifiable System), where: a party can prove knowledge of a witness ww by publishing a proof π0\pi_0; the latter can then be certified non-interactively by a committee sharing a secret; any party in the system can now verify the proof through its certificates; the total communication complexity should be sublinear in w|w|. We construct SPuCs generally from (leveled) Threshold FHE, homomorphic signatures and linear-only encryption, all instantiatable from lattices and thus plausibly quantum-resistant. We also construct them in the two-party case replacing TFHE with the simpler primitive of homomorphic secret-sharing. Our model has practical applications in blockchains and in other protocols where there exist committees sharing a secret and it is necessary for parties to prove knowledge of a solution to some puzzle. We show that one can construct a version of SPuCs with robust proactive security from similar assumptions. In a proactively secure model the committee reshares its secret from time to time. Such a model is robust if the committee members can prove they performed this resharing step correctly. Along the way to our goal we define and build Proactive Universal Thresholdizers, a proactive version of the Universal Thresholdizer defined in Boneh et al. [Crypto 2018]

    Secure Computation over Lattices and Elliptic Curves

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    Traditional threshold cryptosystems have decentralized core cryptographic primitives like key generation, decryption and signatures. Most threshold cryptosystems, however, rely on special purpose protocols that cannot easily be integrated into more complex multiparty protocols. In this work, we design and implement decentralized versions of lattice-based and elliptic-curve-based public-key cryptoystems using generic secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocols. These are standard cryptosystems, so we introduce no additional work for encrypting devices and no new assumptions beyond those of the generic MPC framework. Both cryptosystems are also additively homomorphic, which allows for secure additions directly on ciphertexts. By using generic MPC techniques, our multiparty decryption protocols compute secret-shares of the plaintext, whereas most special-purpose cryptosystems either do not support decryption or must reveal the decryptions in the clear. Our method allows complex functions to be securely evaluated after decryption, revealing only the results of the functions and not the plaintexts themselves. To improve performance, we present a novel oblivious elliptic curve multiplication protocol and a new noise-masking technique which may be of independent interest. We implemented our protocols using the SCALE-MAMBA secure multiparty computation platform, which provides security against malicious adversaries and supports arbitrary numbers of participants


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    Recent developments in smart healthcare have brought us a great deal of convenience. Connecting common objects to the Internet is made possible by the Internet of Things (IoT). These connected gadgets have sensors and actuators for data collection and transfer. However, if users' private health information is compromised or exposed, it will seriously harm their privacy and may endanger their lives. In order to encrypt data and establish perfectly alright access control for such sensitive information, attribute-based encryption (ABE) has typically been used. Traditional ABE, however, has a high processing overhead. As a result, an effective security system algorithm based on ABE and Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is developed to protect health-related data. ABE is a workable option for one-to-many communication and perfectly alright access management of encrypting data in a cloud environment. Without needing to decode the encrypted data, cloud servers can use the FHE algorithm to take valid actions on it. Because of its potential to provide excellent security with a tiny key size, elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) algorithm is also used. As a result, when compared to related existing methods in the literature, the suggested hybridized algorithm (ABE-FHE-ECC) has reduced computation and storage overheads. A comprehensive safety evidence clearly shows that the suggested method is protected by the Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman postulate. The experimental results demonstrate that this system is more effective for devices with limited resources than the conventional ABE when the system’s performance is assessed by utilizing standard model