20,418 research outputs found

    Supporting Online Social Networks

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    A motif-based approach to network epidemics

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    Networks have become an indispensable tool in modelling infectious diseases, with the structure of epidemiologically relevant contacts known to affect both the dynamics of the infection process and the efficacy of intervention strategies. One of the key reasons for this is the presence of clustering in contact networks, which is typically analysed in terms of prevalence of triangles in the network. We present a more general approach, based on the prevalence of different four-motifs, in the context of ODE approximations to network dynamics. This is shown to outperform existing models for a range of small world networks

    A Formal Model for Trust in Dynamic Networks

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    We propose a formal model of trust informed by the Global Computing scenario and focusing on the aspects of trust formation, evolution, and propagation. The model is based on a novel notion of trust structures which, building on concepts from trust management and domain theory, feature at the same time a trust and an information partial order

    Social contagions on interdependent lattice networks

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    Although an increasing amount of research is being done on the dynamical processes on interdependent spatial networks, knowledge of how interdependent spatial networks influence the dynamics of social contagion in them is sparse. Here we present a novel non-Markovian social contagion model on interdependent spatial networks composed of two identical two-dimensional lattices. We compare the dynamics of social contagion on networks with different fractions of dependency links and find that the density of final recovered nodes increases as the number of dependency links is increased. We use a finite-size analysis method to identify the type of phase transition in the giant connected components (GCC) of the final adopted nodes and find that as we increase the fraction of dependency links, the phase transition switches from second-order to first-order. In strong interdependent spatial networks with abundant dependency links, increasing the fraction of initial adopted nodes can induce the switch from a first-order to second-order phase transition associated with social contagion dynamics. In networks with a small number of dependency links, the phase transition remains second-order. In addition, both the second-order and first-order phase transition points can be decreased by increasing the fraction of dependency links or the number of initially-adopted nodes.This work was partially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos 61501358, 61673085), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. (61501358 - National Natural Science Foundation of China; 61673085 - National Natural Science Foundation of China; Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities)Published versio

    HetHetNets: Heterogeneous Traffic Distribution in Heterogeneous Wireless Cellular Networks

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    A recent approach in modeling and analysis of the supply and demand in heterogeneous wireless cellular networks has been the use of two independent Poisson point processes (PPPs) for the locations of base stations (BSs) and user equipments (UEs). This popular approach has two major shortcomings. First, although the PPP model may be a fitting one for the BS locations, it is less adequate for the UE locations mainly due to the fact that the model is not adjustable (tunable) to represent the severity of the heterogeneity (non-uniformity) in the UE locations. Besides, the independence assumption between the two PPPs does not capture the often-observed correlation between the UE and BS locations. This paper presents a novel heterogeneous spatial traffic modeling which allows statistical adjustment. Simple and non-parameterized, yet sufficiently accurate, measures for capturing the traffic characteristics in space are introduced. Only two statistical parameters related to the UE distribution, namely, the coefficient of variation (the normalized second-moment), of an appropriately defined inter-UE distance measure, and correlation coefficient (the normalized cross-moment) between UE and BS locations, are adjusted to control the degree of heterogeneity and the bias towards the BS locations, respectively. This model is used in heterogeneous wireless cellular networks (HetNets) to demonstrate the impact of heterogeneous and BS-correlated traffic on the network performance. This network is called HetHetNet since it has two types of heterogeneity: heterogeneity in the infrastructure (supply), and heterogeneity in the spatial traffic distribution (demand).Comment: JSA

    Adaptive Network Dynamics and Evolution of Leadership in Collective Migration

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    The evolution of leadership in migratory populations depends not only on costs and benefits of leadership investments but also on the opportunities for individuals to rely on cues from others through social interactions. We derive an analytically tractable adaptive dynamic network model of collective migration with fast timescale migration dynamics and slow timescale adaptive dynamics of individual leadership investment and social interaction. For large populations, our analysis of bifurcations with respect to investment cost explains the observed hysteretic effect associated with recovery of migration in fragmented environments. Further, we show a minimum connectivity threshold above which there is evolutionary branching into leader and follower populations. For small populations, we show how the topology of the underlying social interaction network influences the emergence and location of leaders in the adaptive system. Our model and analysis can describe other adaptive network dynamics involving collective tracking or collective learning of a noisy, unknown signal, and likewise can inform the design of robotic networks where agents use decentralized strategies that balance direct environmental measurements with agent interactions.Comment: Submitted to Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomen

    The Multi-way Relay Channel

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    The multiuser communication channel, in which multiple users exchange information with the help of a relay terminal, termed the multi-way relay channel (mRC), is introduced. In this model, multiple interfering clusters of users communicate simultaneously, where the users within the same cluster wish to exchange messages among themselves. It is assumed that the users cannot receive each other's signals directly, and hence the relay terminal in this model is the enabler of communication. In particular, restricted encoders, which ignore the received channel output and use only the corresponding messages for generating the channel input, are considered. Achievable rate regions and an outer bound are characterized for the Gaussian mRC, and their comparison is presented in terms of exchange rates in a symmetric Gaussian network scenario. It is shown that the compress-and-forward (CF) protocol achieves exchange rates within a constant bit offset of the exchange capacity independent of the power constraints of the terminals in the network. A finite bit gap between the exchange rates achieved by the CF and the amplify-and-forward (AF) protocols is also shown. The two special cases of the mRC, the full data exchange model, in which every user wants to receive messages of all other users, and the pairwise data exchange model which consists of multiple two-way relay channels, are investigated in detail. In particular for the pairwise data exchange model, in addition to the proposed random coding based achievable schemes, a nested lattice coding based scheme is also presented and is shown to achieve exchange rates within a constant bit gap of the exchange capacity.Comment: Revised version of our submission to the Transactions on Information Theor

    Complex network analysis and nonlinear dynamics

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    This chapter aims at reviewing complex network and nonlinear dynamical models and methods that were either developed for or applied to socioeconomic issues, and pertinent to the theme of New Economic Geography. After an introduction to the foundations of the field of complex networks, the present summary introduces some applications of complex networks to economics, finance, epidemic spreading of innovations, and regional trade and developments. The chapter also reviews results involving applications of complex networks to other relevant socioeconomic issue
