559 research outputs found

    An Historical Analysis of the SEAndroid Policy Evolution

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    Android adopted SELinux's mandatory access control (MAC) mechanisms in 2013. Since then, billions of Android devices have benefited from mandatory access control security policies. These policies are expressed in a variety of rules, maintained by Google and extended by Android OEMs. Over the years, the rules have grown to be quite complex, making it challenging to properly understand or configure these policies. In this paper, we perform a measurement study on the SEAndroid repository to understand the evolution of these policies. We propose a new metric to measure the complexity of the policy by expanding policy rules, with their abstraction features such as macros and groups, into primitive "boxes", which we then use to show that the complexity of the SEAndroid policies has been growing exponentially over time. By analyzing the Git commits, snapshot by snapshot, we are also able to analyze the "age" of policy rules, the trend of changes, and the contributor composition. We also look at hallmark events in Android's history, such as the "Stagefright" vulnerability in Android's media facilities, pointing out how these events led to changes in the MAC policies. The growing complexity of Android's mandatory policies suggests that we will eventually hit the limits of our ability to understand these policies, requiring new tools and techniques.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, published in ACSAC '1

    A Multi-view Context-aware Approach to Android Malware Detection and Malicious Code Localization

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    Existing Android malware detection approaches use a variety of features such as security sensitive APIs, system calls, control-flow structures and information flows in conjunction with Machine Learning classifiers to achieve accurate detection. Each of these feature sets provides a unique semantic perspective (or view) of apps' behaviours with inherent strengths and limitations. Meaning, some views are more amenable to detect certain attacks but may not be suitable to characterise several other attacks. Most of the existing malware detection approaches use only one (or a selected few) of the aforementioned feature sets which prevent them from detecting a vast majority of attacks. Addressing this limitation, we propose MKLDroid, a unified framework that systematically integrates multiple views of apps for performing comprehensive malware detection and malicious code localisation. The rationale is that, while a malware app can disguise itself in some views, disguising in every view while maintaining malicious intent will be much harder. MKLDroid uses a graph kernel to capture structural and contextual information from apps' dependency graphs and identify malice code patterns in each view. Subsequently, it employs Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) to find a weighted combination of the views which yields the best detection accuracy. Besides multi-view learning, MKLDroid's unique and salient trait is its ability to locate fine-grained malice code portions in dependency graphs (e.g., methods/classes). Through our large-scale experiments on several datasets (incl. wild apps), we demonstrate that MKLDroid outperforms three state-of-the-art techniques consistently, in terms of accuracy while maintaining comparable efficiency. In our malicious code localisation experiments on a dataset of repackaged malware, MKLDroid was able to identify all the malice classes with 94% average recall

    Understanding and measuring privacy violations in Android apps

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    Increasing data collection and tracking of consumers by today’s online services is becoming a major problem for individuals’ rights. It raises a serious question about whether such data collection can be legally justified under legislation around the globe. Unfortunately, the community lacks insight into such violations in the mobile ecosystem. In this dissertation, we approach these problems by presenting a line of work that provides a comprehensive understanding of privacy violations in Android apps in the wild and automatically measures such violations at scale. First, we build an automated tool that detects unexpected data access based on user perception when interacting with the apps’ user interface. Subsequently, we perform a large-scale study on Android apps to understand how prevalent violations of GDPR’s explicit consent requirement are in the wild. Finally, until now, no study has systematically analyzed the currently implemented consent notices and whether they conform to GDPR in mobile apps. Therefore, we propose a mostly automated and scalable approach to identify the current practices of implemented consent notices. We then develop an automatic tool that detects data sent out to the Internet with different consent conditions. Our result shows the urgent need for more transparent user interface designs to better inform users of data access and call for new tools to support app developers in this endeavor.Die zunehmende Datenerfassung und Verfolgung von Konsumenten durch die heutigen Online-Dienste wird zu einem großen Problem für individuelle Rechte. Es wirft eine ernsthafte Frage auf, ob eine solche Datenerfassung nach der weltweiten Gesetzgebung juristisch begründet werden kann. Leider hat die Gemeinschaft keinen Einblick in diese Verstöße im mobilen Ökosystem. In dieser Dissertation nähern wir uns diesen Problemen, indem wir eine Arbeitslinie vorstellen, die ein umfassendes Verständnis von Datenschutzverletzungen in Android- Apps in der Praxis bietet und solche Verstöße automatisch misst. Zunächst entwickeln wir ein automatisiertes Tool, das unvorhergesehene Datenzugriffe basierend auf der Nutzung der Benutzeroberfläche von Apps erkennt. Danach führen wir eine umfangreiche Studie zu Android-Apps durch, um zu verstehen, wie häufig Verstöße gegen die ausdrückliche Zustimmung der GDPR vorkommen. Schließlich hat bis jetzt keine Studie systematisch die gegenwärtig implementierten Zustimmungen und deren Übereinstimmung mit der GDPR in mobilen Apps analysiert. Daher schlagen wir einen meist automatisierten und skalierbaren Ansatz vor, um die aktuellen Praktiken von Zustimmungen zu identifizieren. Danach entwickeln wir ein Tool, das Daten erkennt, die mit unterschiedlichen Zustimmungsbedingungen ins Internet gesendet werden. Unser Ergebnis zeigt den dringenden Bedarf an einer transparenteren Gestaltung von Benutzeroberflächen, um die Nutzer besser über den Datenzugriff zu informieren, und wir fordern neue Tools, die App-Entwickler bei diesem Unterfangen unterstützen. ii

    Security-centric ranking algorithm and two privacy scores to mitigate intrusive apps

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    Smartphone users are constantly facing the risks of losing their private information to third-party mobile applications. Studies have revealed that the vast majority of users either do not pay attention to privacy or unable to comprehend privacy messages. Developers though have exploited this fact by asking users to grant their apps an enormous number of permissions. In this article, we propose and evaluate a new security-centric ranking algorithm built on top of the Elasticsearch engine to help users evade such apps. The algorithm calculates an intrusiveness score for an app based on its requested permissions, received system actions, and users' privacy preferences. As such, we further propose a new approach to capture these preferences. We evaluate the ranking algorithm using a million Android applications, contextual data and APK files, that we collect from the Google Play store. The results show that the scoring and reranking steps add minor overhead. Moreover, participants of the user studies gave positive feedback for the ranking algorithm and the privacy preferences solicitation approach. These results suggest that our proposed system would definitely protect the privacy of mobile users and pushes developers into requesting least amount of privileges. Still, there are many risks that endanger the users' privacy