1,362 research outputs found

    A Knowledge-Based Simulated Annealing Algorithm to Multiple Satellites Mission Planning Problems

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    The multiple satellites mission planning is a complex combination optimization problem. A knowledge-based simulated annealing algorithm is proposed to the multiple satellites mission planning problems. The experimental results suggest that the proposed algorithm is effective to the given problem. The knowledge-based simulated annealing method will provide a useful reference for the improvement of existing optimization approaches

    Adaptive laser link reconfiguration using constraint propagation

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    This paper describes Harris AI research performed on the Adaptive Link Reconfiguration (ALR) study for Rome Lab, and focuses on the application of constraint propagation to the problem of link reconfiguration for the proposed space based Strategic Defense System (SDS) Brilliant Pebbles (BP) communications system. According to the concept of operations at the time of the study, laser communications will exist between BP's and to ground entry points. Long-term links typical of RF transmission will not exist. This study addressed an initial implementation of BP's based on the Global Protection Against Limited Strikes (GPALS) SDI mission. The number of satellites and rings studied was representative of this problem. An orbital dynamics program was used to generate line-of-site data for the modeled architecture. This was input into a discrete event simulation implemented in the Harris developed COnstraint Propagation Expert System (COPES) Shell, developed initially on the Rome Lab BM/C3 study. Using a model of the network and several heuristics, the COPES shell was used to develop the Heuristic Adaptive Link Ordering (HALO) Algorithm to rank and order potential laser links according to probability of communication. A reduced set of links based on this ranking would then be used by a routing algorithm to select the next hop. This paper includes an overview of Constraint Propagation as an Artificial Intelligence technique and its embodiment in the COPES shell. It describes the design and implementation of both the simulation of the GPALS BP network and the HALO algorithm in COPES. This is described using a 59 Data Flow Diagram, State Transition Diagrams, and Structured English PDL. It describes a laser communications model and the heuristics involved in rank-ordering the potential communication links. The generation of simulation data is described along with its interface via COPES to the Harris developed View Net graphical tool for visual analysis of communications networks. Conclusions are presented, including a graphical analysis of results depicting the ordered set of links versus the set of all possible links based on the computed Bit Error Rate (BER). Finally, future research is discussed which includes enhancements to the HALO algorithm, network simulation, and the addition of an intelligent routing algorithm for BP

    Manual Control Aspects of Orbital Flight

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    A brief description of several laboratories' current research in the general area of manual control of orbital flight is presented. With an operational-space-station era (and its increased traffic levels) approaching, now is an opportune time to investigate issues such as docking and rendezvous profiles and course-planning aids. The tremendous increase in the capabilities of computers and computer graphics has made extensive study possible and economical. It is time to study these areas, from a human factors and manual control perspective in order to preclude the occurrence of problems analogous to those that occurred in the airline and other related industries

    Artificial Intelligence for Small Satellites Mission Autonomy

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    Space mission engineering has always been recognized as a very challenging and innovative branch of engineering: since the beginning of the space race, numerous milestones, key successes and failures, improvements, and connections with other engineering domains have been reached. Despite its relative young age, space engineering discipline has not gone through homogeneous times: alternation of leading nations, shifts in public and private interests, allocations of resources to different domains and goals are all examples of an intrinsic dynamism that characterized this discipline. The dynamism is even more striking in the last two decades, in which several factors contributed to the fervour of this period. Two of the most important ones were certainly the increased presence and push of the commercial and private sector and the overall intent of reducing the size of the spacecraft while maintaining comparable level of performances. A key example of the second driver is the introduction, in 1999, of a new category of space systems called CubeSats. Envisioned and designed to ease the access to space for universities, by standardizing the development of the spacecraft and by ensuring high probabilities of acceptance as piggyback customers in launches, the standard was quickly adopted not only by universities, but also by agencies and private companies. CubeSats turned out to be a disruptive innovation, and the space mission ecosystem was deeply changed by this. New mission concepts and architectures are being developed: CubeSats are now considered as secondary payloads of bigger missions, constellations are being deployed in Low Earth Orbit to perform observation missions to a performance level considered to be only achievable by traditional, fully-sized spacecraft. CubeSats, and more in general the small satellites technology, had to overcome important challenges in the last few years that were constraining and reducing the diffusion and adoption potential of smaller spacecraft for scientific and technology demonstration missions. Among these challenges were: the miniaturization of propulsion technologies, to enable concepts such as Rendezvous and Docking, or interplanetary missions; the improvement of telecommunication state of the art for small satellites, to enable the downlink to Earth of all the data acquired during the mission; and the miniaturization of scientific instruments, to be able to exploit CubeSats in more meaningful, scientific, ways. With the size reduction and with the consolidation of the technology, many aspects of a space mission are reduced in consequence: among these, costs, development and launch times can be cited. An important aspect that has not been demonstrated to scale accordingly is operations: even for small satellite missions, human operators and performant ground control centres are needed. In addition, with the possibility of having constellations or interplanetary distributed missions, a redesign of how operations are management is required, to cope with the innovation in space mission architectures. The present work has been carried out to address the issue of operations for small satellite missions. The thesis presents a research, carried out in several institutions (Politecnico di Torino, MIT, NASA JPL), aimed at improving the autonomy level of space missions, and in particular of small satellites. The key technology exploited in the research is Artificial Intelligence, a computer science branch that has gained extreme interest in research disciplines such as medicine, security, image recognition and language processing, and is currently making its way in space engineering as well. The thesis focuses on three topics, and three related applications have been developed and are here presented: autonomous operations by means of event detection algorithms, intelligent failure detection on small satellite actuator systems, and decision-making support thanks to intelligent tradespace exploration during the preliminary design of space missions. The Artificial Intelligent technologies explored are: Machine Learning, and in particular Neural Networks; Knowledge-based Systems, and in particular Fuzzy Logics; Evolutionary Algorithms, and in particular Genetic Algorithms. The thesis covers the domain (small satellites), the technology (Artificial Intelligence), the focus (mission autonomy) and presents three case studies, that demonstrate the feasibility of employing Artificial Intelligence to enhance how missions are currently operated and designed

    Understanding Algorithm Performance on an Oversubscribed Scheduling Application

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    The best performing algorithms for a particular oversubscribed scheduling application, Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN) scheduling, appear to have little in common. Yet, through careful experimentation and modeling of performance in real problem instances, we can relate characteristics of the best algorithms to characteristics of the application. In particular, we find that plateaus dominate the search spaces (thus favoring algorithms that make larger changes to solutions) and that some randomization in exploration is critical to good performance (due to the lack of gradient information on the plateaus). Based on our explanations of algorithm performance, we develop a new algorithm that combines characteristics of the best performers; the new algorithms performance is better than the previous best. We show how hypothesis driven experimentation and search modeling can both explain algorithm performance and motivate the design of a new algorithm

    Optimizing Mean Mission Duration for Multiple-Payload Satellites

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    This thesis addresses the problem of optimally selecting and specifying satellite payloads for inclusion on a satellite bus to be launched into a constellation. The objective is to select and specify payloads so that the total lifetime utility of the constellation is maximized. The satellite bus is limited by finite power, weight, volume, and cost constraints. This problem is modeled as a classical knapsack problem in one and multiple dimensions, and dynamic programming and binary integer programming formulations are provided to solve the problem. Due to the computational complexity of the problem, the solution techniques include exact methods as well as four heuristic procedures including a greedy heuristic, two norm-based heuristics, and a simulated annealing heuristic. The performance of the exact and heuristic approaches is evaluated on the basis of solution quality and computation time by solving a series of notional and randomly-generated problem instances. The numerical results indicate that, when an exact solution is required for a moderately-sized constellation, the integer programming formulation is most reliable in solving the problem to optimality. However, if the problem size is very large, and near-optimal solutions are acceptable, then the simulated annealing algorithm performs best among the heuristic procedures

    A comparative analysis of algorithms for satellite operations scheduling

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    Scheduling is employed in everyday life, ranging from meetings to manufacturing and operations among other activities. One instance of scheduling in a complex real-life setting is space mission operations scheduling, i.e. instructing a satellite to perform fitting tasks during predefined time periods with a varied frequency to achieve its mission goals. Mission operations scheduling is pivotal to the success of any space mission, choreographing every task carefully, accounting for technological and environmental limitations and constraints along with mission goals.;It remains standard practice to this day, to generate operations schedules manually ,i.e. to collect requirements from individual stakeholders, collate them into a timeline, compare against feasibility and available satellite resources, and find potential conflicts. Conflict resolution is done by hand, checked by a simulator and uplinked to the satellite weekly. This process is time consuming, bears risks and can be considered sub-optimal.;A pertinent question arises: can we automate the process of satellite mission operations scheduling? And if we can, what method should be used to generate the schedules? In an attempt to address this question, a comparison of algorithms was deemed suitable in order to explore their suitability for this particular application.;The problem of mission operations scheduling was initially studied through literature and numerous interviews with experts. A framework was developed to approximate a generic Low Earth Orbit satellite, its environment and its mission requirements. Optimisation algorithms were chosen from different categories such as single-point stochastic without memory (Simulated Annealing, Random Search), multi-point stochastic with memory (Genetic Algorithm, Ant Colony System, Differential Evolution) and were run both with and without Local Search.;The aforementioned algorithmic set was initially tuned using a single 89-minute Low Earth Orbit of a scientific mission to Mars. It was then applied to scheduling operations during one high altitude Low Earth Orbit (2.4hrs) of an experimental mission.;It was then applied to a realistic test-case inspired by the European Space Agency PROBA-2 mission, comprising a 1 day schedule and subsequently a 7 day schedule - equal to a Short Term Plan as defined by the European Space Agency.;The schedule fitness - corresponding to the Hamming distance between mission requirements and generated schedule - are presented along with the execution time of each run. Algorithmic performance is discussed and put at the disposal of mission operations experts for consideration.Scheduling is employed in everyday life, ranging from meetings to manufacturing and operations among other activities. One instance of scheduling in a complex real-life setting is space mission operations scheduling, i.e. instructing a satellite to perform fitting tasks during predefined time periods with a varied frequency to achieve its mission goals. Mission operations scheduling is pivotal to the success of any space mission, choreographing every task carefully, accounting for technological and environmental limitations and constraints along with mission goals.;It remains standard practice to this day, to generate operations schedules manually ,i.e. to collect requirements from individual stakeholders, collate them into a timeline, compare against feasibility and available satellite resources, and find potential conflicts. Conflict resolution is done by hand, checked by a simulator and uplinked to the satellite weekly. This process is time consuming, bears risks and can be considered sub-optimal.;A pertinent question arises: can we automate the process of satellite mission operations scheduling? And if we can, what method should be used to generate the schedules? In an attempt to address this question, a comparison of algorithms was deemed suitable in order to explore their suitability for this particular application.;The problem of mission operations scheduling was initially studied through literature and numerous interviews with experts. A framework was developed to approximate a generic Low Earth Orbit satellite, its environment and its mission requirements. Optimisation algorithms were chosen from different categories such as single-point stochastic without memory (Simulated Annealing, Random Search), multi-point stochastic with memory (Genetic Algorithm, Ant Colony System, Differential Evolution) and were run both with and without Local Search.;The aforementioned algorithmic set was initially tuned using a single 89-minute Low Earth Orbit of a scientific mission to Mars. It was then applied to scheduling operations during one high altitude Low Earth Orbit (2.4hrs) of an experimental mission.;It was then applied to a realistic test-case inspired by the European Space Agency PROBA-2 mission, comprising a 1 day schedule and subsequently a 7 day schedule - equal to a Short Term Plan as defined by the European Space Agency.;The schedule fitness - corresponding to the Hamming distance between mission requirements and generated schedule - are presented along with the execution time of each run. Algorithmic performance is discussed and put at the disposal of mission operations experts for consideration
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