18 research outputs found


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    Currently, a large number of trait selection methods are used. They are becoming more and more of interest among researchers. Some of the methods are of course used more frequently. The article describes the basics of selection-based algorithms. FS methods fall into three categories: filter wrappers, embedded methods. Particular attention was paid to finding examples of applications of the described methods in the diagnosisof skin melanoma.Obecnie stosuje się wiele metod selekcji cech. Cieszą się coraz większym zainteresowaniem badaczy. Oczywiście niektóre metody są stosowane częściej. W artykule zostały opisane podstawy działania algorytmów opartych na selekcji. Metody selekcji cech należące dzielą się na trzy kategorie: metody filtrowe, metody opakowujące, metody wbudowane. Zwrócono szczególnie uwagę na znalezienie przykładów zastosowań opisanych metod w diagnostyce czerniaka skóry

    Comparison of GLCM and First Order Feature Extraction Methods for Classification of Mammogram Images

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    Breast cancer is one of the main causes of death in women and ranks first in cancer cases in Indonesia. Therefore, an early detection and prevention of breast cancer is necessary, one of which is through mammography procedures. A machine learning classifier such as Support Vector Machines (SVM) could be used as an aid to the doctors and radiologist in diagnosing breast cancer from the mammogram images. The aim of this paper is to compare two feature extraction methods used in SVM, namely the Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and first order with two kernels for each method, namely Gaussian and Polynomial. Classification using SVM method is carried out by testing several parameters such as the value of C, gamma, degree and varying the pixel spacing values ​​in GLCM, which usually in previous studies only used the default pixel spacing. The dataset consists of 500 mammogram images containing 250 benign and malignant images, respectively. This study is expected to find out the best method with the highest accuracy between these two texture feature extractions and and able to distinguish between benign and malignant classes correctly. The result achieved that Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) feature extraction method with both Gaussian and Polynomial kernel yields the best performance with an accuracy of 89%

    Mapping the distribution of oil palm using Landsat 8 data by comparing machine learning and non-machine learning algorithms

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    Oil palm is one of the major crops in Malaysia; it accounts for 47% of the global palm oil supply. Equatorial climate has provided Malaysia with the potential to produce oil palm biomass, which is one of the major contributors to the local economy. The utilisation of oil palm biomass as a source of renewable energy is one of the effective methods to promote green energy. Therefore, there is a need to have sufficient data related to oil palm biomass such as yield estimation, oil palm distributions, and locations. The aim of this study was to produce a land cover map on the distribution of oil palm plantations on three districts located in Selangor. Landsat 8 images of resolutions 15 x 15 m were used and classified via machine learning and non-machine learning algorithms. In this study, three different classifier algorithms were compared using support vector machines, artificial neural networks, and maximum likelihood classifications in which the values obtained for overall accuracy were 98.96%, 99.39%, and 15.30% respectively. The output showed that machine learning algorithms, support vector machines and artificial neural networks gave rise to high accuracies. Hence, the mapping of oil palm distributions via machine learning algorithm was better than that via non-machine learning algorithm

    A Survey From Distributed Machine Learning to Distributed Deep Learning

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    Artificial intelligence has achieved significant success in handling complex tasks in recent years. This success is due to advances in machine learning algorithms and hardware acceleration. In order to obtain more accurate results and solve more complex problems, algorithms must be trained with more data. This huge amount of data could be time-consuming to process and require a great deal of computation. This solution could be achieved by distributing the data and algorithm across several machines, which is known as distributed machine learning. There has been considerable effort put into distributed machine learning algorithms, and different methods have been proposed so far. In this article, we present a comprehensive summary of the current state-of-the-art in the field through the review of these algorithms. We divide this algorithms in classification and clustering (traditional machine learning), deep learning and deep reinforcement learning groups. Distributed deep learning has gained more attention in recent years and most of studies worked on this algorithms. As a result, most of the articles we discussed here belong to this category. Based on our investigation of algorithms, we highlight limitations that should be addressed in future research

    Feature Selection in Classification of Eye Movements Using Electrooculography for Activity Recognition

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    Activity recognition is needed in different requisition, for example, reconnaissance system, patient monitoring, and human-computer interfaces. Feature selection plays an important role in activity recognition, data mining, and machine learning. In selecting subset of features, an efficient evolutionary algorithm Differential Evolution (DE), a very efficient optimizer, is used for finding informative features from eye movements using electrooculography (EOG). Many researchers use EOG signals in human-computer interactions with various computational intelligence methods to analyze eye movements. The proposed system involves analysis of EOG signals using clearness based features, minimum redundancy maximum relevance features, and Differential Evolution based features. This work concentrates more on the feature selection algorithm based on DE in order to improve the classification for faultless activity recognition