493 research outputs found

    Multiple Instance Learning: A Survey of Problem Characteristics and Applications

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    Multiple instance learning (MIL) is a form of weakly supervised learning where training instances are arranged in sets, called bags, and a label is provided for the entire bag. This formulation is gaining interest because it naturally fits various problems and allows to leverage weakly labeled data. Consequently, it has been used in diverse application fields such as computer vision and document classification. However, learning from bags raises important challenges that are unique to MIL. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of the characteristics which define and differentiate the types of MIL problems. Until now, these problem characteristics have not been formally identified and described. As a result, the variations in performance of MIL algorithms from one data set to another are difficult to explain. In this paper, MIL problem characteristics are grouped into four broad categories: the composition of the bags, the types of data distribution, the ambiguity of instance labels, and the task to be performed. Methods specialized to address each category are reviewed. Then, the extent to which these characteristics manifest themselves in key MIL application areas are described. Finally, experiments are conducted to compare the performance of 16 state-of-the-art MIL methods on selected problem characteristics. This paper provides insight on how the problem characteristics affect MIL algorithms, recommendations for future benchmarking and promising avenues for research

    Visual SLAM muuttuvissa ympäristöissä

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    This thesis investigates the problem of Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (vSLAM) in changing environments. The vSLAM problem is to sequentially estimate the pose of a device with mounted cameras in a map generated based on images taken with those cameras. vSLAM algorithms face two main challenges in changing environments: moving objects and temporal appearance changes. Moving objects cause problems in pose estimation if they are mistaken for static objects. Moving objects also cause problems for loop closure detection (LCD), which is the problem of detecting whether a previously visited place has been revisited. A same moving object observed in two different places may cause false loop closures to be detected. Temporal appearance changes such as those brought about by time of day or weather changes cause long-term data association errors for LCD. These cause difficulties in recognizing previously visited places after they have undergone appearance changes. Focus is placed on LCD, which turns out to be the part of vSLAM that changing environment affects the most. In addition, several techniques and algorithms for Visual Place Recognition (VPR) in challenging conditions that could be used in the context of LCD are surveyed and the performance of two state-of-the-art modern VPR algorithms in changing environments is assessed in an experiment in order to measure their applicability for LCD. The most severe performance degrading appearance changes are found to be those caused by change in season and illumination. Several algorithms and techniques that perform well in loop closure related tasks in specific environmental conditions are identified as a result of the survey. Finally, a limited experiment on the Nordland dataset implies that the tested VPR algorithms are usable as is or can be modified for use in long-term LCD. As a part of the experiment, a new simple neighborhood consistency check was also developed, evaluated, and found to be effective at reducing false positives output by the tested VPR algorithms

    Audio-coupled video content understanding of unconstrained video sequences

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    Unconstrained video understanding is a difficult task. The main aim of this thesis is to recognise the nature of objects, activities and environment in a given video clip using both audio and video information. Traditionally, audio and video information has not been applied together for solving such complex task, and for the first time we propose, develop, implement and test a new framework of multi-modal (audio and video) data analysis for context understanding and labelling of unconstrained videos. The framework relies on feature selection techniques and introduces a novel algorithm (PCFS) that is faster than the well-established SFFS algorithm. We use the framework for studying the benefits of combining audio and video information in a number of different problems. We begin by developing two independent content recognition modules. The first one is based on image sequence analysis alone, and uses a range of colour, shape, texture and statistical features from image regions with a trained classifier to recognise the identity of objects, activities and environment present. The second module uses audio information only, and recognises activities and environment. Both of these approaches are preceded by detailed pre-processing to ensure that correct video segments containing both audio and video content are present, and that the developed system can be made robust to changes in camera movement, illumination, random object behaviour etc. For both audio and video analysis, we use a hierarchical approach of multi-stage classification such that difficult classification tasks can be decomposed into simpler and smaller tasks. When combining both modalities, we compare fusion techniques at different levels of integration and propose a novel algorithm that combines advantages of both feature and decision-level fusion. The analysis is evaluated on a large amount of test data comprising unconstrained videos collected for this work. We finally, propose a decision correction algorithm which shows that further steps towards combining multi-modal classification information effectively with semantic knowledge generates the best possible results

    Big Data - Supply Chain Management Framework for Forecasting: Data Preprocessing and Machine Learning Techniques

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    This article intends to systematically identify and comparatively analyze state-of-the-art supply chain (SC) forecasting strategies and technologies. A novel framework has been proposed incorporating Big Data Analytics in SC Management (problem identification, data sources, exploratory data analysis, machine-learning model training, hyperparameter tuning, performance evaluation, and optimization), forecasting effects on human-workforce, inventory, and overall SC. Initially, the need to collect data according to SC strategy and how to collect them has been discussed. The article discusses the need for different types of forecasting according to the period or SC objective. The SC KPIs and the error-measurement systems have been recommended to optimize the top-performing model. The adverse effects of phantom inventory on forecasting and the dependence of managerial decisions on the SC KPIs for determining model performance parameters and improving operations management, transparency, and planning efficiency have been illustrated. The cyclic connection within the framework introduces preprocessing optimization based on the post-process KPIs, optimizing the overall control process (inventory management, workforce determination, cost, production and capacity planning). The contribution of this research lies in the standard SC process framework proposal, recommended forecasting data analysis, forecasting effects on SC performance, machine learning algorithms optimization followed, and in shedding light on future research

    Gait Analysis and Recognition for Automated Visual Surveillance

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    Human motion analysis has received a great attention from researchers in the last decade due to its potential use in different applications such as automated visual surveillance. This field of research focuses on the perception and recognition of human activities, including people identification. We explore a new approach for walking pedestrian detection in an unconstrained outdoor environment. The proposed algorithm is based on gait motion as the rhythm of the footprint pattern of walking people is considered the stable and characteristic feature for the classification of moving objects. The novelty of our approach is motivated by the latest research for people identification using gait. The experimental results confirmed the robustness of our method to discriminate between single walking subject, groups of people and vehicles with a successful detection rate of 100%. Furthermore, the results revealed the potential of our method to extend visual surveillance systems to recognize walking people. Furthermore, we propose a new approach to extract human joints (vertex positions) using a model-based method. The spatial templates describing the human gait motion are produced via gait analysis performed on data collected from manual labeling. The Elliptic Fourier Descriptors are used to represent the motion models in a parametric form. The heel strike data is exploited to reduce the dimensionality of the parametric models. People walk normal to the viewing plane, as major gait information is available in a sagittal view. The ankle, knee and hip joints are successfully extracted with high accuracy for indoor and outdoor data. In this way, we have established a baseline analysis which can be deployed in recognition, marker-less analysis and other areas. The experimental results confirmed the robustness of the model-based approach to recognise walking subjects with a correct classification rate of 95% using purely the dynamic features derived from the joint motion. Therefore, this confirms the early psychological theories claiming that the discriminative features for motion perception and people recognition are embedded in gait kinematics. Furthermore, to quantify the intrusive nature of gait recognition we explore the effects of the different covariate factors on the performance of gait recognition. The covariate factors include footwear, clothing, carrying conditions and walking speed. As far as the author can determine, this is the first major study of its kind in this field to analyse the covariate factors using a model-based method

    Development of a simulation tool for measurements and analysis of simulated and real data to identify ADLs and behavioral trends through statistics techniques and ML algorithms

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    openCon una popolazione di anziani in crescita, il numero di soggetti a rischio di patologia è in rapido aumento. Molti gruppi di ricerca stanno studiando soluzioni pervasive per monitorare continuamente e discretamente i soggetti fragili nelle loro case, riducendo i costi sanitari e supportando la diagnosi medica. Comportamenti anomali durante l'esecuzione di attività di vita quotidiana (ADL) o variazioni sulle tendenze comportamentali sono di grande importanza.With a growing population of elderly people, the number of subjects at risk of pathology is rapidly increasing. Many research groups are studying pervasive solutions to continuously and unobtrusively monitor fragile subjects in their homes, reducing health-care costs and supporting the medical diagnosis. Anomalous behaviors while performing activities of daily living (ADLs) or variations on behavioral trends are of great importance. To measure ADLs a significant number of parameters need to be considering affecting the measurement such as sensors and environment characteristics or sensors disposition. To face the impossibility to study in the real context the best configuration of sensors able to minimize costs and maximize accuracy, simulation tools are being developed as powerful means. This thesis presents several contributions on this topic. In the following research work, a study of a measurement chain aimed to measure ADLs and represented by PIRs sensors and ML algorithm is conducted and a simulation tool in form of Web Application has been developed to generate datasets and to simulate how the measurement chain reacts varying the configuration of the sensors. Starting from eWare project results, the simulation tool has been thought to provide support for technicians, developers and installers being able to speed up analysis and monitoring times, to allow rapid identification of changes in behavioral trends, to guarantee system performance monitoring and to study the best configuration of the sensors network for a given environment. The UNIVPM Home Care Web App offers the chance to create ad hoc datasets related to ADLs and to conduct analysis thanks to statistical algorithms applied on data. To measure ADLs, machine learning algorithms have been implemented in the tool. Five different tasks have been identified. To test the validity of the developed instrument six case studies divided into two categories have been considered. To the first category belong those studies related to: 1) discover the best configuration of the sensors keeping environmental characteristics and user behavior as constants; 2) define the most performant ML algorithms. The second category aims to proof the stability of the algorithm implemented and its collapse condition by varying user habits. Noise perturbation on data has been applied to all case studies. Results show the validity of the generated datasets. By maximizing the sensors network is it possible to minimize the ML error to 0.8%. Due to cost is a key factor in this scenario, the fourth case studied considered has shown that minimizing the configuration of the sensors it is possible to reduce drastically the cost with a more than reasonable value for the ML error around 11.8%. Results in ADLs measurement can be considered more than satisfactory.INGEGNERIA INDUSTRIALEopenPirozzi, Michel

    Remote Sensing Applications to Support Sustainable Natural Resource Management

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    The original design of this dissertation project was relatively simple and straightforward. It was intended to produce one single, dynamic, classification and mapping system for existing vegetation that could rely on commonly available inventory and remote sensing data. This classification and mapping system was intended to provide the analytical basis for resource planning and management. The problems encountered during the first phase of the original design transformed this project into an extensive analysis of the nature of these problems and a decade-long remote sensing applications development endeavor. What evolved from this applications development process is a portion of what has become a system of systems to inform and support natural resource management. This dissertation presents the progression of work that sequentially developed a suite of remote sensing applications designed to address different aspects of the problems encountered with the original project. These remote sensing applications feature different resource issues, and resource components and are presented in separate chapters. Chapter one provides an introduction and description of the project evolution and chapter six provides a summary of the work and concluding discussion. Chapters two through five describe remote sensing applications that represent related, yet independent studies that are presented essentially as previously published. Chapter two evaluates different approaches to classifying and mapping fire severity using multi-temporal Landsat TM data. The recommended method currently represents the analytical basis for fire severity data produced by the USDA Forest Service and the US Geological Survey. Chapter three also uses multi-temporal Landsat data and compares quantitative, remote-sensing-based change detection methods for forest management related canopy change. The recommended method has been widely applied for a variety of forest health and disaster response applications. Chapter four presents a method for multi-source and multi-classifier regional land cover mapping that is currently incorporated in the USDA Forest Service Existing Vegetation Classification and Mapping Technical Guide. Chapter five presents a study using nearest neighbor imputation methods to generate geospatial data surfaces for simulation modeling of vegetation through time and space. While these results have not yet been successful enough to support widespread adoption and implementation, it is possible that these general methods can be adapted to perform adequately for simulation modeling data needs