3,032 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Recurrent Neural Network For Music Transcription

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    We investigate the problem of incorporating higher-level symbolic score-like information into Automatic Music Transcription (AMT) systems to improve their performance. We use recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and their variants as music language models (MLMs) and present a generative architecture for combining these models with predictions from a frame level acoustic classifier. We also compare different neural network architectures for acoustic modeling. The proposed model computes a distribution over possible output sequences given the acoustic input signal and we present an algorithm for performing a global search for good candidate transcriptions. The performance of the proposed model is evaluated on piano music from the MAPS dataset and we observe that the proposed model consistently outperforms existing transcription methods

    High-dimensional sequence transduction

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    We investigate the problem of transforming an input sequence into a high-dimensional output sequence in order to transcribe polyphonic audio music into symbolic notation. We introduce a probabilistic model based on a recurrent neural network that is able to learn realistic output distributions given the input and we devise an efficient algorithm to search for the global mode of that distribution. The resulting method produces musically plausible transcriptions even under high levels of noise and drastically outperforms previous state-of-the-art approaches on five datasets of synthesized sounds and real recordings, approximately halving the test error rate

    Deep Complex Networks

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    At present, the vast majority of building blocks, techniques, and architectures for deep learning are based on real-valued operations and representations. However, recent work on recurrent neural networks and older fundamental theoretical analysis suggests that complex numbers could have a richer representational capacity and could also facilitate noise-robust memory retrieval mechanisms. Despite their attractive properties and potential for opening up entirely new neural architectures, complex-valued deep neural networks have been marginalized due to the absence of the building blocks required to design such models. In this work, we provide the key atomic components for complex-valued deep neural networks and apply them to convolutional feed-forward networks and convolutional LSTMs. More precisely, we rely on complex convolutions and present algorithms for complex batch-normalization, complex weight initialization strategies for complex-valued neural nets and we use them in experiments with end-to-end training schemes. We demonstrate that such complex-valued models are competitive with their real-valued counterparts. We test deep complex models on several computer vision tasks, on music transcription using the MusicNet dataset and on Speech Spectrum Prediction using the TIMIT dataset. We achieve state-of-the-art performance on these audio-related tasks
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