3 research outputs found

    Performance play: consumo digital como performance no streaming de games da plataforma Twitch

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    In this paper, we will observe sociotechnical relations undertaken in Twitch — a digital platform that allows live streaming and the viewing of game sessions through Internet — from the comprehension of digital consumption as performance in online social practices. Since the concept of consumption covers the (re)affirmation of subject’s identity in reaction to material artifacts, our approach to account for sociotechnical relations involves Actor-Network Theory to discuss the acts of streaming and watching games on Twitch. We choose an Ethnographic Methodological approach, as we considered it as a pertinent method to accomplish the interpretation of users’ appropriation of this game streaming platform as digital consumption. The data from this research were gathered from the responses of an online survey answered by 177 Brazilian users, from participant observations, and from conducted interviews with three streamers. As a result, was perceived that the computerized coded structures of Twitch generate ambiguous relationships of digital consumption as performance because, despite the attempt of control through code, the manipulation performed by the users of the platform systems allows us to observe what we call “performance play”, a polysemic term that, in this investigation, refers to users entertaining, contesting and acting.Keywords: Twitch, consumption as performance, ethnography.Neste artigo, iremos observar as relações sociotécnicas empreendidas no Twitch — uma plataforma digital que permite a transmissão e a visualização ao vivo de sessões de jogos pela Internet — a partir da compreensão de consumo digital como performance na prática de socialização online. Uma vez que o conceito de consumo abrange a (re)afirmação da identidade de sujeitos em reação à manipulação de artefatos materiais, optou-se pela abordagem da Teoria Ator-Rede para dar conta das relações sociotécnicas envolvidas nos atos de transmitir e assistir jogos pelo Twitch. Adotamos uma abordagem metodológica etnográfica, pois a consideramos um método pertinente para realizar a intepretação da apropriação feita pelos usuários dessa plataforma de streaming de games como consumo digital. Os dados dessa investigação foram coletados a partir das respostas de um questionário online respondido por 177 usuários brasileiros, de observações participantes e de entrevistas realizadas com três streamers. Como resultados, percebe-se que a estrutura de códigos computadorizados do Twitch gera relações ambíguas de consumo digital como performance, pois, apesar da tentativa de controle pelo código, a manipulação realizada pelos usuários dos sistemas da plataforma permite observar o que denominamos como “performance play”, termo polissêmico que, nesta investigação, refere-se ao entretenimento, disputa e atuação dos usuários.Palavras-chave: Twitch, consumo como performance, etnografia

    Exploring the Emerging Domain of Research on Video Game Live Streaming in Web of Science: State of the Art, Changes and Trends

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    In recent years, interest in video game live streaming services has increased as a new communication instrument, social network, source of leisure, and entertainment platform for millions of users. The rise in this type of service has been accompanied by an increase in research on these platforms. As an emerging domain of research focused on this novel phenomenon takes shape, it is necessary to delve into its nature and antecedents. The main objective of this research is to provide a comprehensive reference that allows future analyses to be addressed with greater rigor and theoretical depth. In this work, we developed a meta-review of the literature supported by a bibliometric performance and network analysis (BPNA). We used the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) protocol to obtain a representative sample of 111 published documents since 2012 and indexed in the Web of Science. Additionally, we exposed the main research topics developed to date, which allowed us to detect future research challenges and trends. The findings revealed four specializations or subdomains: studies focused on the transmitter or streamer; the receiver or the audience; the channel or platform; and the transmission process. These four specializations add to the accumulated knowledge through the development of six core themes that emerge: motivations, behaviors, monetization of activities, quality of experience, use of social networks and media, and gender issues

    A Hybrid Preference-Aware Recommendation Algorithm for Live Streaming Channels

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