6 research outputs found

    Integrating Conflict Driven Clause Learning to Local Search

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    This article introduces SatHyS (SAT HYbrid Solver), a novel hybrid approach for propositional satisfiability. It combines local search and conflict driven clause learning (CDCL) scheme. Each time the local search part reaches a local minimum, the CDCL is launched. For SAT problems it behaves like a tabu list, whereas for UNSAT ones, the CDCL part tries to focus on minimum unsatisfiable sub-formula (MUS). Experimental results show good performances on many classes of SAT instances from the last SAT competitions

    Boosting local search thanks to {CDCL}

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    International audienceIn this paper, a novel hybrid and complete approach for propositional satisfiability, called SAT HYS (Sat Hybrid Solver), is introduced. It efficiently combines the strength of both local search and CDCL based SAT solvers. Considering the consistent partial assignment under construction by the CDCL SAT solver, local search is used to extend it to a model of the Boolean formula, while the CDCL component is used by the local search one as a strategy to escape from a local minimum. Additionally, both solvers heavily cooperate thanks to relevant information gathered during search. Experimentations on SAT instances taken from the last competitions demonstrate the efficiency and the robustness of our hybrid solver with respect to the state-of-the-art CDCL based, local search and hybrid SAT solvers

    Hybrid solvers for the Boolean Satisfiability problem: an exploration

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    The Boolean Satisfiability problem (SAT) is one of the most extensively researched NP-complete problems in Computer Science. This thesis focuses on the design of feasible solvers for this problem. A SAT problem instance is a formula in propositional logic. A SAT solver attempts to find a solution for the formula. Our research focuses on a newer solver paradigm, hybrid solvers, where two solvers are combined in order to gain the benefits from both solvers in the search for a solution. Our hybrid solver, AmbSAT, combines two well-known solvers: the systematic Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland solver (DPLL) and the stochastic WalkSAT solver. AmbSAT\u27s design is original and differs from the hybrid solver designs in the research literature. AmbSAT utilizes a DPLL algorithm to lead the search and WalkSAT at appropriate points to aid in the search process. Central to AmbSAT\u27s design is the notion of ambivalence. Essentially, ambivalence attempts to formally identify the points in time when the DPLL solver might be well served by further guidance from WalkSAT. In this thesis, we present three different ambivalence notions and analyze their performance against a pure DPLL solver. Our results are promising, and indicate that AmbSAT performs better than a pure DPLL solver on a diverse collection of SAT problem instances

    Implementation methodology for using concurrent and collaborative approaches for theorem provers, with case studies of SAT and LCF style provers

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    Theorem provers are faced with the challenges of size and complexity, fueled by the increasing range of applications. The use of concurrent/ distributed programming paradigms to engineer better theorem provers merits serious investigation, as it provides: more processing power and opportunities for implementing novel approaches to address theorem proving tasks hitherto infeasible in a sequential setting. Investigation of these opportunities for two diverse theorem prover settings with an emphasis on desirable implementation criteria is the core focus of this thesis. Concurrent programming is notoriously error prone, hard to debug and evaluate. Thus, implementation approaches which promote easy prototyping, portability, incremental development and effective isolation of design and implementation can greatly aid the enterprise of experimentation with the application of concurrent techniques to address specific theorem proving tasks. In this thesis, we have explored one such approach by using Alice ML, a functional programming language with support for concurrency and distribution, to implement the prototypes and have used programming abstractions to encapsulate the implementations of the concurrent techniques used. The utility of this approach is illustrated via proof-of-concept prototypes of concurrent systems for two diverse case studies of theorem proving: the propositional satisfiability problem (SAT) and LCF style (first-order) theorem proving, addressing some previously unexplored parallelisation opportunities for each, as follows:. SAT: We have developed a novel hybrid approach for SAT and implemented a prototype for the same: DPLL-Stalmarck. It uses two complementary algorithms for SAT, DPLL and Stalmarck’s. The two solvers run asynchronously and dynamic information exchange is used for co-operative solving. Interaction of the solvers has been encapsulated as a programming abstraction. Compared to the standalone DPLL solver, DPLL-Stalmarck shows significant performance gains for two of the three problem classes considered and comparable behaviour otherwise. As an exploratory research effort, we have developed a novel algorithm, Concurrent Stalmarck, by applying concurrent techniques to the Stalmarck algorithm. A proof-of-concept prototype for the same has been implemented. Implementation of the saturation technique of the Stalmarck algorithm in a parallel setting, as implemented in Concurrent Stalmarck, has been encapsulated as a programming abstraction. LCF: Provision of programmable concurrent primitives enables customisation of concurrent techniques to specific theorem proving scenarios. In this case study, we have developed a multilayered approach to support programmable, sound extensions for an LCF prover: use programming abstractions to implement the concurrent techniques; use these to develop novel tacticals (control structures to apply tactics), incorporating concurrent techniques; and use these to develop novel proof search procedures. This approach has been implemented in a prototypical LCF style first-order prover, using Alice ML. New tacticals developed are: fastest-first; distributed composition; crossTalk: a novel tactic which uses dynamic, collaborative information exchange to handle unification across multiple sub-goals, with shared meta-variables; a new tactic, performing simultaneous proof-refutation attempts on propositional (sub- )goals, by invoking an external SAT solver (SAT case study), as a counter-example finder. Examples of concrete theorem proving scenarios are provided, demonstrating the utility of these extensions. Synthesis of a variety of automatic proof search procedures has been demonstrated, illustrating the scope of programmability and customisation, enabled by our multilayered approach

    A Hybrid Approach for SAT

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    International audienceExploiting variable dependencies has been shown very useful in local search algorithms for SAT. In this paper, we extend the use of such dependencies by hybridizing a local search algorithm, Walksat, and the DPLL procedure, Satz. At each node reached in the DPLL search tree to a fixed depth, we construct the literal implication graph. Its strongly connected components are viewed as equivalency classes. Each one is substituted by a unique representative literal to reduce the constructed graph and the input formula. Finally, the implication dependencies are closed under transitivity. The resulted implications and equivalencies are exploited by Walksat at each node of the DPLL tree. Our approach is motivated by the power of the branching rule used in Satz that may provide a valid path to a solution, and generate more implications at deep nodes. Experimental results confirm the efficiency of our approach