2,541 research outputs found

    Enhancing endoscopic navigation and polyp detection using artificial intelligence

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one most common and deadly forms of cancer. It has a very high mortality rate if the disease advances to late stages however early diagnosis and treatment can be curative is hence essential to enhancing disease management. Colonoscopy is considered the gold standard for CRC screening and early therapeutic treatment. The effectiveness of colonoscopy is highly dependent on the operator’s skill, as a high level of hand-eye coordination is required to control the endoscope and fully examine the colon wall. Because of this, detection rates can vary between different gastroenterologists and technology have been proposed as solutions to assist disease detection and standardise detection rates. This thesis focuses on developing artificial intelligence algorithms to assist gastroenterologists during colonoscopy with the potential to ensure a baseline standard of quality in CRC screening. To achieve such assistance, the technical contributions develop deep learning methods and architectures for automated endoscopic image analysis to address both the detection of lesions in the endoscopic image and the 3D mapping of the endoluminal environment. The proposed detection models can run in real-time and assist visualization of different polyp types. Meanwhile the 3D reconstruction and mapping models developed are the basis for ensuring that the entire colon has been examined appropriately and to support quantitative measurement of polyp sizes using the image during a procedure. Results and validation studies presented within the thesis demonstrate how the developed algorithms perform on both general scenes and on clinical data. The feasibility of clinical translation is demonstrated for all of the models on endoscopic data from human participants during CRC screening examinations

    Depth from Monocular Images using a Semi-Parallel Deep Neural Network (SPDNN) Hybrid Architecture

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    Deep neural networks are applied to a wide range of problems in recent years. In this work, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is applied to the problem of determining the depth from a single camera image (monocular depth). Eight different networks are designed to perform depth estimation, each of them suitable for a feature level. Networks with different pooling sizes determine different feature levels. After designing a set of networks, these models may be combined into a single network topology using graph optimization techniques. This "Semi Parallel Deep Neural Network (SPDNN)" eliminates duplicated common network layers, and can be further optimized by retraining to achieve an improved model compared to the individual topologies. In this study, four SPDNN models are trained and have been evaluated at 2 stages on the KITTI dataset. The ground truth images in the first part of the experiment are provided by the benchmark, and for the second part, the ground truth images are the depth map results from applying a state-of-the-art stereo matching method. The results of this evaluation demonstrate that using post-processing techniques to refine the target of the network increases the accuracy of depth estimation on individual mono images. The second evaluation shows that using segmentation data alongside the original data as the input can improve the depth estimation results to a point where performance is comparable with stereo depth estimation. The computational time is also discussed in this study.Comment: 44 pages, 25 figure
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