4,279 research outputs found

    Relay Selection Strategies for Multi-hop Cooperative Networks

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    In this dissertation we consider several relay selection strategies for multi-hop cooperative networks. The relay selection strategies we propose do not require a central controller (CC). Instead, the relay selection is on a hop-by-hop basis. As such, these strategies can be implemented in a distributed manner. Therefore, increasing the number of hops in the network would not increase the complexity or time consumed for the relay selection procedure of each hop. We first investigate the performance of a hop-by-hop relay selection strategy for multi-hop decode-and-forward (DF) cooperative networks. In each relay cluster, relays that successfully receive and decode the message from the previous hop form a decoding set for relaying, and the relay which has the highest signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) link to the next hop is then selected for retransmission. We analyze the performance of this method in terms of end-to-end outage probability, and we derive approximations for the ergodic capacity and the effective ergodic capacity of this strategy. Next we propose a novel hop-by-hop relay selection strategy where the relay in the decoding set with the largest number of ``good\u27\u27 channels to the next stage is selected for retransmission. We analyze the performance of this method in terms of end-to-end outage probability in the case of perfect and imperfect channel state information (CSI). We also investigate relay selection strategies in underlay spectrum sharing cognitive relay networks. We consider a two-hop DF cognitive relay network with a constraint on the interference to the primary user. The outage probability of the secondary user and the interference probability at the primary user are analyzed under imperfect CSI scenario. Finally we introduce a hop-by-hop relay selection strategy for underlay spectrum sharing multi-hop relay networks. Relay selection in each stage is only based on the CSI in that hop. It is shown that in terms of outage probability, the performance of this method is nearly optimal

    A Hop-by-Hop Relay Selection Strategy in Multi-Hop Cognitive Relay Networks

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    In this paper, a hop-by-hop relay selection strategy for multi-hop underlay cognitive relay networks (CRNs) is proposed. In each stage, relays that successfully decode the message from previous hop form a decoding set. Taking both maximum transmit power and maximum interference constraints into consideration, the relay in the decoding set which has the largest number of channels with an acceptable signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) level to the relays in the next stage is selected for retransmission. Therefore, relay selection in each stage only relies on channel state information (CSI) of the channels in that stage and does not require the CSI of any other stage. We analyze the performance of the proposed strategy in terms of endto-end outage probability and throughput, and show that the results match those obtained from simulation closely. Moreover, we derive the asymptotic end-to-end outage probability of the proposed strategy when there is no upper bound on transmitters’ power. We compare this strategy to other hop-by-hop strategies that have appeared recently in the literature and show that this strategy has the best performance in terms of outage probability and throughput. Finally it is shown that the outage probability and throughput of the proposed strategy are very close to that of exhaustive strategy which provides a lower bound for outage probability and an upper bound for throughput of all path selection strategies

    Rate enhancement and multi-relay selection schemes for application in wireless cooperative networks

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    In this thesis new methods are presented to achieve performance enhancement in wireless cooperative networks. In particular, techniques to improve transmission rate, mitigate asynchronous transmission and maximise end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio are described. An offset transmission scheme with full interference cancellation for a two-hop synchronous network with frequency flat links and four relays is introduced. This approach can asymptotically, as the symbol block size increases, achieve maximum transmission rate together with full cooperative diversity provided the destination node has multiple antennas. A novel full inter-relay interference cancellation method that also achieves asymptotically maximum rate and full cooperative diversity is then designed which only requires a single antenna at the destination node. Extension to asynchronous networks is then considered through the use of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) type transmission with a cyclic prefix, and interference cancellation techniques are designed for situations when synchronization errors are present in only the second hop or both the first and second hop. End-to-end bit error rate evaluations, with and without outer coding, are used to assess the performance of the various offset transmission schemes. Multi-relay selection methods for cooperative amplify and forward type networks are then studied in order to overcome the degradation of end-to-end bit error rate performance in single-relay selection networks when there are feedback errors in the destination to relay node links. Outage probability analysis for two and four relay selection is performed to show the advantage of multi-relay selection when no interference occurs and when adjacent cell interference is present both at the relay nodes and the destination node. Simulation studies are included which support the theoretical expressions. Finally, outage probability analysis of a cognitive amplify and forward type relay network with cooperation between certain secondary users, chosen by single and multi-relay (two and four) selection is presented. The cognitive relays are assumed to exploit an underlay approach, which requires adherence to an interference constraint on the primary user. The relay selection is performed either with a max-min strategy or one based on maximising exact end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio. The analyses are again confirmed by numerical evaluations

    Decentralized Dynamic Hop Selection and Power Control in Cognitive Multi-hop Relay Systems

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    In this paper, we consider a cognitive multi-hop relay secondary user (SU) system sharing the spectrum with some primary users (PU). The transmit power as well as the hop selection of the cognitive relays can be dynamically adapted according to the local (and causal) knowledge of the instantaneous channel state information (CSI) in the multi-hop SU system. We shall determine a low complexity, decentralized algorithm to maximize the average end-to-end throughput of the SU system with dynamic spatial reuse. The problem is challenging due to the decentralized requirement as well as the causality constraint on the knowledge of CSI. Furthermore, the problem belongs to the class of stochastic Network Utility Maximization (NUM) problems which is quite challenging. We exploit the time-scale difference between the PU activity and the CSI fluctuations and decompose the problem into a master problem and subproblems. We derive an asymptotically optimal low complexity solution using divide-and-conquer and illustrate that significant performance gain can be obtained through dynamic hop selection and power control. The worst case complexity and memory requirement of the proposed algorithm is O(M^2) and O(M^3) respectively, where MM is the number of SUs

    Secrecy performance of TAS/SC-based multi-hop harvest-to-transmit cognitive WSNs under joint constraint of interference and hardware imperfection

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    In this paper, we evaluate the secrecy performance of multi-hop cognitive wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In the secondary network, a source transmits its data to a destination via the multi-hop relaying model using the transmit antenna selection (TAS)/selection combining (SC) technique at each hop, in the presence of an eavesdropper who wants to receive the data illegally. The secondary transmitters, including the source and intermediate relays, have to harvest energy from radio-frequency signals of a power beacon for transmitting the source data. Moreover, their transmit power must be adjusted to satisfy the quality of service (QoS) of the primary network. Under the joint impact of hardware imperfection and interference constraint, expressions for the transmit power for the secondary transmitters are derived. We also derive exact and asymptotic expressions of secrecy outage probability (SOP) and probability of non-zero secrecy capacity (PNSC) for the proposed protocol over Rayleigh fading channel. The derivations are then verified by Monte Carlo simulations.Web of Science195art. no. 116

    Cognitive Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

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    This work is supported by the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant 61372114, by the National 973 Program of China under Grant 2012CB316005, by the Joint Funds of NSFC-Guangdong under Grant U1035001, and by Beijing Higher Education Young Elite Teacher Project (no. YETP0434)