42 research outputs found

    Developmental features of biomedical bibliographic databases

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    The genesis of bibliographic databases can be traced to the abstracting and indexing (A&I) periodicals. The Journal Des Scavans published in 1665 did contain abstracts of articles, but the formal abstracting journal began in 1820 (English) and in 1830 (German). The growth of primary periodicals required libraries to subscribe to A&I services to search for papers scattered in different journals as it was not possible to acquire all the primary periodical titles. The electronic versions of A&I periodicals started appearing in 1960s with emergence of database concept. The Chemical Titles and the MEDLARS are considered to be the earliest bibliographic databases. The Silver Platter is believed publish first biomedical CD-ROM database the MEDLINE with search facility � SPIRS. The growth and development of bibliographic databases has continued since then and enters the digital era to serve the users. The present paper theoretically examines EMBASE, PubMed and IndMed databases. © 2017, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR). All rights reserved

    Developmental features of biomedical bibliographic databases

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    The genesis of bibliographic databases can be traced to the abstracting and indexing (A&I) periodicals. The Journal Des Scavans published in 1665 did contain abstracts of articles, but the formal abstracting journal began in 1820 (English) and in 1830 (German). The growth of primary periodicals required libraries to subscribe to A&I services to search for papers scattered in different journals as it was not possible to acquire all the primary periodical titles. The electronic versions of A&I periodicals started appearing in 1960s with emergence of database concept. The Chemical Titles and the MEDLARS are considered to be the earliest bibliographic databases. The Silver Platter is believed publish first biomedical CD-ROM database the MEDLINE with search facility – SPIRS. The growth and development of bibliographic databases has continued since then and enters the digital era to serve the users. The present paper theoretically examines EMBASE, PubMed and IndMed databases

    America’s information wars

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    Information Retrieval (IR) is deal as the interface between the information handler and the framework and the query thus formulated is matched against a keyword indexed in the system whereas in Interactive Information Retrieval (IIR) Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is involved. Although, Interactive Information Retrieval (IIR) is a multidisciplinary field its broad subject is Computer science. Algorithmic kind of IR is still prevalent in Interactive Information Retrieval (IIR), information seeking and information behavior

    Wykorzystanie schematu książki na potrzeby środowiska cyfrowego

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    The book, especially printed, for more than five hundred years, works as a communication tool, and, therefore, also as a method of preservation and presentation of information,knowledge and content. Its actual semiotic scheme verified a centuries-long history, the bookevolved and been subjected to modifications in order to most effectively carry out the functionof medium of information, knowledge, content and data. In the second half of the twentiethcentury, in the social communication appeared digital network space. Although the newmedium was built on the basis of binary code, it does not break with the heritage of the bookculture. This article aims to show how the book scheme is presented in the environment of theInternet and the World Wide Web.Książka, zwłaszcza drukowana, od ponad pięciuset lat sprawdza się jako narzędzie komunikacji, a więc także jako metoda utrwalania oraz sposób prezentacji informacji, wiedzy i treści. Jej obowiązujący aktualnie semiotyczny schemat zweryfikowała wielowiekowa historia, książka bowiem ewoluowała i poddawana była modyfikacjom po to, aby najskuteczniej realizować funkcję środka przekazu informacji, wiedzy, treści oraz danych. W drugiej połowie XX w. w komunikacji społecznej pojawiła się przestrzeń cyfrowo-sieciowa. Mimo iż budowana była na zero-jedynkowym kodzie binarnym, to jednak nie zrywała z dziedzictwem kultury książki. Celem artykułu jest wykazanie, jak schemat książki jest obecny w środowisku Internetu i World Wide Web

    COVIC:Collecting Visualizations of COVID-19 to Outline a Space of Possibilities

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    We describe the COVID-19 Online Visualization Collection (COVIC), its goals, how it came to be, and why we propose such a collection as a new path for design research. The COVIC database contains a collective visualization response to the COVID-19 pandemic gathered from approximately 3,000 articles, each containing one or more visualizations (about 12,000 in total). We have sought to create a resource for design research—a boundary object—that will be useful to any of the disciplines brought together through their response to the pandemic event

    PIUG: Patent Information Users Group, Inc.: A History of The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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    Efforts to view and analyze patents began soon after the first patents were filed in the novel system founded in the U.S. Constitution. In the succeeding 200 plus years, classification and indexing tools have evolved from paper to digital, with searching demanding ever-higher skills. Answering the need of patent researchers and analysts for advocacy, scholarship, and professional education, leading searchers founded the Patent Information Users Group, Inc., now the pre-eminent professional organization for patent searchers in the United States. It offers formal coursework for prospective patent searchers, colloquia, and conferences where novice searchers can master their craft. Searchers, who often work in isolation, benefit from the support network and collegiality of PIUG. Patent searching is both challenging and rewarding. It is vital for individuals seeking to secure rights to intellectual property and contributes to research in many fields: history, economics, finance, management, sociology, law, medicine, and government policy. It is a career path for academic and special librarians with knowledge of the sciences behind the inventions and is a core skill for those preparing for careers in the sciences and technology fields. Skills and applications for patent knowledge receive little treatment in college curriculum, leaving it to the individual to discover the range of tools, strategies, and practical uses of patents. This article describes the developments in patent searching technology and the work of PIUG’s founders and members that led to its creation, growth, and successes in professional education, advocacy, and outreach. Keywords: PIUG, patent searchers, professional education, librarian

    Online informationssøgning i en overgangstid: - med særligt fokus på det historiske forløb i et større dansk forskningsbibliotek

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    Over the centuries, searching for information took place through searches in printed works. computers enabled the onset of electronic data processing. In the wake of this, an information industry emerged that partly digitized information in large databases and made the contents of the databases searchable and accessible. This article describes the brief but hectic development where online information search was established as a service in documentation centres. This is exemplified by illustrating the conditions at the then Odense University Library. In the period up to the turn of the millennium, end users of online information gradually took over the search process itself, which led to a reduction in the search activity at the documentation centres, while the total number of searches increased. Gradually, the information search service was adapted to the users’ new needs. The users' use of paid databases remains an area of ​​concern for the library sector, as users often prefer the free bases of the Internet, but they do not necessarily find the best references. Thus, there is still a task in promoting the scientific databases and educating the users. Concepts such as “information literacy” and “digital education” are therefore central to the work of research libraries.&nbsp