3 research outputs found

    Перетворення структури складної технічної системи із частково недоступними елементами до зорового образу

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    The issues of structure state recognition of the hidden part of complex network objects under limited information from their hardly usable elements, including intellectual transformation of information from usable elements into some visual image of the entire object, followed by its recognition and restoration of damaged structures were considered.The proposed method for the state recognition of network objects formed the basis for constructing the intelligent decision support system during operation and re-engineering of renewable wireless computer networks with the elements, unusable for direct monitoring that increase the structural reliability of these networks.To achieve the goal, the following tasks were solved: the overall structure of the method for the structure transformation to the visual image was proposed; the theoretical basis of the method, which is the scientific novelty of the work was formulated.Testing of the proposed method within the common system of maintaining performance and re-engineering of damaged wireless computer networks was performed.Рассмотрено распознавание состояния структуры скрытой части сложных сетевых объектов в условиях ограниченной информации от их труднодоступных элементов. Метод распознавания состояния сетевых объектов лег в основу построения интеллектуальной системы поддержки принятия решений при эксплуатации и реинжиниринге восстанавливаемых беспроводных компьютерных сетей с недоступными для непосредственного мониторинга элементами.Розглянуто розпізнавання стану структури прихованої частини складних мережевих об'єктів в умовах обмеженої інформації від їх важкодоступних елементів. Метод розпізнавання стану мережних об'єктів ліг в основу побудови інтелектуальної системи підтримки прийняття рішень при експлуатації та реінжинірингу відновлюваних бездротових комп'ютерних мереж з недоступними для моніторингу елементами

    Перетворення структури складної технічної системи із частково недоступними елементами до зорового образу

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    The issues of structure state recognition of the hidden part of complex network objects under limited information from their hardly usable elements, including intellectual transformation of information from usable elements into some visual image of the entire object, followed by its recognition and restoration of damaged structures were considered.The proposed method for the state recognition of network objects formed the basis for constructing the intelligent decision support system during operation and re-engineering of renewable wireless computer networks with the elements, unusable for direct monitoring that increase the structural reliability of these networks.To achieve the goal, the following tasks were solved: the overall structure of the method for the structure transformation to the visual image was proposed; the theoretical basis of the method, which is the scientific novelty of the work was formulated.Testing of the proposed method within the common system of maintaining performance and re-engineering of damaged wireless computer networks was performed.Рассмотрено распознавание состояния структуры скрытой части сложных сетевых объектов в условиях ограниченной информации от их труднодоступных элементов. Метод распознавания состояния сетевых объектов лег в основу построения интеллектуальной системы поддержки принятия решений при эксплуатации и реинжиниринге восстанавливаемых беспроводных компьютерных сетей с недоступными для непосредственного мониторинга элементами.Розглянуто розпізнавання стану структури прихованої частини складних мережевих об'єктів в умовах обмеженої інформації від їх важкодоступних елементів. Метод розпізнавання стану мережних об'єктів ліг в основу побудови інтелектуальної системи підтримки прийняття рішень при експлуатації та реінжинірингу відновлюваних бездротових комп'ютерних мереж з недоступними для моніторингу елементами

    Formato de representação de eventos de segurança de informação

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoNos últimos anos, o crescimento da utilização das Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação nas organizações, aliado ao aumento da dependência da Internet, trouxe consigo um conjunto de ameaças que comprometem os seus Sistemas de Informação (SI). A propagação dessas ameaças tem aumentado, quer em número quer em sofisticação, a um ritmo alarmante, e desperta a atenção de todos aqueles que querem proteger e zelar os seus sistemas, sendo esta uma prioridade das organizações. De forma a colmatar este problema, existem várias abordagens para prevenir e detetar as ameaças aos SI, contudo as abordagens existentes por si só, não são suficientes para responder às necessidades reais do problema. Uma crescente solução é a Gestão dos Logs, especificamente a análise dos eventos enquanto técnica/ferramenta fundamental na deteção de falhas do sistema e da rede e também na deteção e prevenção de atividades que colocam em causa os SI. O contributo que os eventos podem dar é extremamente importante no auxílio e orientação no combate às ameaças aos seus SI. Contudo, a exploração dos logs não é uma tarefa fácil/trivial, devido à heterogeneidade e dispersão dos eventos e pela inconsistência do seu conteúdo e formato. Os logs devem ter um formato padronizado de modo a que se possa tirar partido das suas potencialidades de forma eficiente e inteligente. Nesta dissertação propõe-se um formato de representação de dados adequado a uma gestão de eventos de segurança de informação integrada e uma interface capaz de transformar os dados obtidos em informação útil, a partir de diversos sistemas de registos logs.In the last years, the growth and use of Technology and Information Systems by organizations, ally with the increasing dependence of the internet, provides a group of threats that compromise it Information Systems (IS). The spread of those threats it’s concerning and captures the attentions of those who pretend to protect and ensure there systems, becoming a priority to every organization. It’s one of the main priorities of every organization. In order to solve this problem, there are many approaches to prevent and detect the IS’s threats. Although there are many solutions they don’t are enough to solve the raised problem. A growing solution its Logs Management, specifically the events analysis as fundamental technique/tool to detect network and systems flaws also detect and prevent activities that compromise IS. The contribution of these events it extremely important to support and guide against the IS threats in an intelligence way. However, the logs exploration it’s not an easy task to do, result from the heterogeneity and dispersion of the events, and still the inconsistency of its contents and form. The logs must have a standard form in order to take advantage of its potentialities, in an efficient and intelligent way. In these master’s thesis its proposed a representation form of data suitable to a management of integrated information security events and an interface capable of transform the obtained data in useful information, through various log record systems