3 research outputs found

    Massively Parallelized Monte Carlo Simulation and Its Applications in Finance

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    In this paper, we propose, develop and implement a tool that increases the computational speed of exotic derivatives pricing at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. Our paper focuses on investigating the computing efficiencies of GPU systems. We utilize the GPU’s natural parallelization capabilities to price financial instruments. We outline our implementation, solutions to practical complications arising during implementation and how much faster GPU systems are. Each step that we explore has a significant impact on the efficiency and performance of GPU pricing. Rather than speaking in theoretical, abstract terms, we detail each step in an attempt to give the reader a clear sense of what’s going on. Efficiency is one of the pillars of financial calculations. With the volume of risk calculations mandated by prudent risk management practices, even moderate improvements in calculation efficiency can translate into material changes in trading limits or savings in regulatory capital. This can make the difference between a growing, successful trading operation or an also-ran. Unfortunately, a decent algorithm written in VBA cannot calculate option prices at the same speed as a farm of computers, particularly if we must price the trade in less than 150 milliseconds using 10 million simulation paths. Fast forward from one trade to a book of several hundred thousand trades, many of which are exotic products. Not only is it necessary to price each trade, but we must do so in each of thousands of different market scenarios in order to calculate even basic risk measures such as Greeks and Value-at-Risk (VaR). At the end of the paper, we discuss how GPUs are currently used in the industry and their various advantages, including cost, time, accuracy and calculation frequency. In addition, we discuss the implementation challenges of GPU systems and the attention to detail that is required for memory allocation

    Real-Time Scheduling for GPUs with Applications in Advanced Automotive Systems

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    Self-driving cars, once constrained to closed test tracks, are beginning to drive alongside human drivers on public roads. Loss of life or property may result if the computing systems of automated vehicles fail to respond to events at the right moment. We call such systems that must satisfy precise timing constraints “real-time systems.” Since the 1960s, researchers have developed algorithms and analytical techniques used in the development of real-time systems; however, this body of knowledge primarily applies to traditional CPU-based platforms. Unfortunately, traditional platforms cannot meet the computational requirements of self-driving cars without exceeding the power and cost constraints of commercially viable vehicles. We argue that modern graphics processing units, or GPUs, represent a feasible alternative, but new algorithms and analytical techniques must be developed in order to integrate these uniquely constrained processors into a real-time system. The goal of the research presented in this dissertation is to discover and remedy the issues that prevent the use of GPUs in real-time systems. To overcome these issues, we design and implement a real-time multi-GPU scheduler, called GPUSync. GPUSync tightly controls access to a GPU’s computational and DMA processors, enabling simultaneous use despite potential limitations in GPU hardware. GPUSync enables tasks to migrate among GPUs, allowing new classes of real-time multi-GPU computing platforms. GPUSync employs heuristics to guide scheduling decisions to improve system efficiency without risking violations in real-time constraints. GPUSync may be paired with a wide variety of common real-time CPU schedulers. GPUSync supports closed-source GPU runtimes and drivers without loss in functionality. We evaluate GPUSync with both analytical and runtime experiments. In our analytical experiments, we model and evaluate over fifty configurations of GPUSync. We determine which configurations support the greatest computational capacity while maintaining real-time constraints. In our runtime experiments, we execute computer vision programs similar to those found in automated vehicles, with and without GPUSync. Our results demonstrate that GPUSync greatly reduces jitter in video processing. Research into real-time systems with GPUs is a new area of study. Although there is prior work on such systems, no other GPU scheduling framework is as comprehensive and flexible as GPUSync.Doctor of Philosoph