2,609 research outputs found

    An Automated Design-flow for FPGA-based Sequential Simulation

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    In this paper we describe the automated design flow that will transform and map a given homogeneous or heterogeneous hardware design into an FPGA that performs a cycle accurate simulation. The flow replaces the required manually performed transformation and can be embedded in existing standard synthesis flows. Compared to the earlier manually translated designs, this automated flow resulted in a reduced number of FPGA hardware resources and higher simulation frequencies. The implementation of the complete design flow is work in progress.\u

    A low cost reconfigurable soft processor for multimedia applications: design synthesis and programming model

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    This paper presents an FPGA implementation of a low cost 8 bit reconfigurable processor core for media processing applications. The core is optimized to provide all basic arithmetic and logic functions required by the media processing and other domains, as well as to make it easily integrable into a 2D array. This paper presents an investigation of the feasibility of the core as a potential soft processing architecture for FPGA platforms. The core was synthesized on the entire Virtex FPGA family to evaluate its overall performance, scalability and portability. A special feature of the proposed architecture is its simple programming model which allows low level programming. Throughput results for popular benchmarks coded using the programming model and cycle accurate simulator are presented

    A Micro Power Hardware Fabric for Embedded Computing

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) mitigate many of the problemsencountered with the development of ASICs by offering flexibility, faster time-to-market, and amortized NRE costs, among other benefits. While FPGAs are increasingly being used for complex computational applications such as signal and image processing, networking, and cryptology, they are far from ideal for these tasks due to relatively high power consumption and silicon usage overheads compared to direct ASIC implementation. A reconfigurable device that exhibits ASIC-like power characteristics and FPGA-like costs and tool support is desirable to fill this void. In this research, a parameterized, reconfigurable fabric model named as domain specific fabric (DSF) is developed that exhibits ASIC-like power characteristics for Digital Signal Processing (DSP) style applications. Using this model, the impact of varying different design parameters on power and performance has been studied. Different optimization techniques like local search and simulated annealing are used to determine the appropriate interconnect for a specific set of applications. A design space exploration tool has been developed to automate and generate a tailored architectural instance of the fabric.The fabric has been synthesized on 160 nm cell-based ASIC fabrication process from OKI and 130 nm from IBM. A detailed power-performance analysis has been completed using signal and image processing benchmarks from the MediaBench benchmark suite and elsewhere with comparisons to other hardware and software implementations. The optimized fabric implemented using the 130 nm process yields energy within 3X of a direct ASIC implementation, 330X better than a Virtex-II Pro FPGA and 2016X better than an Intel XScale processor