22 research outputs found

    Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches

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    Sentiment analysis (SA) is also known as opinion mining, it is the process of gathering and analyzing people's opinions about a particular service, good, or company on websites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and blogs, among other places. This article covers a thorough analysis of SA and its levels. This manuscript's main focus is on aspect-based SA, which helps manufacturing organizations make better decisions by examining consumers' viewpoints and opinions of their products. The many approaches and methods used in aspect-based sentiment analysis are covered in this review study (ABSA). The features associated with the aspects were manually drawn out in traditional methods, which made it a time-consuming and error-prone operation. Nevertheless, these restrictions may be overcome as artificial intelligence develops. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of ABSA, researchers are increasingly using AI-based machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques. Additionally, certain recently released ABSA approaches based on ML and DL are examined, contrasted, and based on this research, gaps in both methodologies are discovered. At the conclusion of this study, the difficulties that current ABSA models encounter are also emphasized, along with suggestions that can be made to improve the efficacy and precision of ABSA systems

    A cognitive developmental study of children's sex-role development

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    Includes bibliographical references.The present study of the acquisition and development of the child's sex-typed behaviours and attitudes is pursued in the Piagetian cognitive developmental tradition. Qualitative changes in the child's perceptions of himself and his physical and social world are described as changes in mental structure. The cognitive structures are made up of categories of experience or schemas. The schemas are organizations of actions upon objects which possess the quality of mobility. Development of the cognitive structure is facilitated by old structures being continually fitted to new functions, and new structures evolving to fill old functions under changed circumstances. Through age and experience, schemas for hierarchical integrations of increasing differentiation moving from predominant use of lower to higher level operations. This study accounts for the qualitative changes in the child's gender self-concept with age development by investigating the changes in the structure of the child's cognitive schema. The cognitive developmental approach evidenced in the work of Piaget and Inhelder deals comprehensively with the acquisition and general stabilization of constancies in the physical world; the concepts of number, weight, mass, time, etc., only recently has it been proposed to account for the development of gender concepts (Kohlberg, 1966)

    The Power of positivity : how employee emotions and interaction can benefit cross-border acquisitions

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    Earlier research on mergers and acquisitions presents emotions as something problematic and negative that must be neutralized or controlled. However, emotions can also be the reason why individuals or organizations thrive. Thus, this study sets out to determine how employee emotions influence post-acquisition integration, paying particular attention to positivity in emotions. Taking a slightly unorthodox stance, this study adopts an abductive research structure guided by a moderate constructionist research philosophy in order to build a theory that is closely connected to empirical evidence. The empirical evidence that is crucial to abduction arises from an in vivo case study in two different acquisitions, where data collection centers on qualitative interviews and employee surveys. Emotions in general arise through appraisal—an evaluation of how pleasing or displeasing a triggering event is considered. Both individuals and groups can experience them. At work, emotions are triggered by work-related events and can influence work-related behavior. According to the findings of this study, a key positivity trigger at work is interactive communication. Previous research has indeed confirmed that communication is a key aspect during integration because social interaction and employee engagement can create a feeling of belongingness to the new organization. However, emotions are dynamic and vary within and between individuals and groups. According to the findings of this study, a key reason for this evolving nature of emotions is the surrounding emotional climate. An emotional climate refers to a socially constructed working atmosphere. It is visible in the predominant collective emotional states that arise through social interaction between organizational members. A positive emotional climate can improve organizational identification and performance, and thereby facilitate organizational change. The key theoretical contribution of this study is threefold. First, it acknowledges positive emotions. This can help overcome the previous negative bias in the emotion-centric acquisition literature. Second, it considers emotions in a more balanced manner, not as isolated instances but as both individual and collective instances, paying special attention to the relevant emotion triggers. This sheds more light on how and why emotions emerge during change periods, increasing the level of theorization in the field. Third, this study offers a more dynamic view of emotions in an organizational context, also shedding light on how to manage collective emotions following acquisitions. Together, these findings help answer the fundamental question of how to make acquisitions more successful. For practitioners, the key contribution is in the analytical power of the suggested framework. Managerially, the key elements for creating positive post-acquisition change are the chosen integration strategy and the managerial skills necessary to create the desired positivity. With regard to employee emotions, acknowledging the different levels of emotions and their triggers can help emphasize positivity and alleviate negativity. Simultaneously, an emphasis on the post-acquisition organization can help overcome us versus them thinking. With regard to communication, information sharing is essential to ensure day-to-day functions, but interaction is crucial for long-term engagement and motivation. With regard to the emotional climate surrounding change, awareness of the pre-acquisition climate and possible sub-climates can help predict fluctuations.Aiemman yrityskauppakirjallisuuden perusteella tunteet ovat ongelmallisia ja negatiivisia, joten ne täytyy neutralisoida tai niitä täytyy hallita. Tunteet voivat kuitenkin myös olla syy ihmisten ja organisaatioiden kukoistukseen. Siksi tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten työntekijöiden tunteet vaikuttavat yrityskauppaintegraatioon. Tutkimus kiinnittää erityistä huomiota tunteiden positiivisuuteen. Korostaakseen teorian ja empirian välistä yhteyttä tutkimus noudattaa abduktiivista, maltillisen konstruktionismin tieteenfilosofian ohjaamaa rakennetta. Abduktiossa keskeinen empiirinen aineisto kumpuaa tapaustutkimuksesta kahdessa yrityskaupassa, joista aineistoa kerättiin pääasiassa laadullisin haastatteluin ja työntekijöille suunnatuin kyselyin. Tunteet nousevat kognition pohjalta ja perustuvat laukaisevan tekijän tai tapahtuman arvioituun miellyttävyyteen. Tunteita ilmenee sekä yksilö- että ryhmätasolla. Työpaikalla tunteet kumpuavat usein työpaikan tapahtumista ja ne voivat vaikuttaa työntekijöiden käytökseen. Tämän tutkimuksen löydösten perusteella positiivisuutta työpaikalla voi kasvattaa etenkin vuorovaikutteinen kommunikaatio. Aiempi tutkimus onkin vahvistanut kommunikaation tärkeyden yrityskauppaintegraatiossa, sillä sosiaalinen vuorovaikutus ja työntekijöiden osallistaminen voivat luoda yhteenkuuluvuuden tunnetta uudessa, yrityskaupan jälkeisessä organisaatiossa. Tunteet ovat kuitenkin dynaamisia ja vaihtelevat sekä sisäisesti että eri yksilöiden ja ryhmien välillä. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan yksi tärkeä syy tähän dynaamisuuteen on muutosta ympäröivä tunneilmapiiri, mikä viittaa sosiaalisesti rakentuvaan työilmapiiriin. Tunneilmapiiri näkyy yleisimpinä työyhteisön jakamina tunteina, jotka kumpuavat organisaation jäsenten välisestä vuorovaikutuksesta. Positiivinen tunneilmapiiri voi lisätä organisaatioon identifioitumista ja parantaa organisaation tuloksia—ja sitä kautta helpottaa organisaatiomuutosta. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen kontribuutio jakautuu kolmeen osaan. Ensin, tutkimus tunnistaa positiivisten tunteiden merkityksen. Näin tutkimus pääsee yli aiemmassa tunteita käsittelevässä yrityskauppakirjallisuudessa vallitsevasta negatiivisesta ennakkoasetelmasta. Toiseksi, tämä tutkimus tarjoaa tasapainoisen näkökulman tunteisiin eristettyjen instanssien sijaan yksilöllisinä ja kollektiivisina kokemuksina, kiinnittäen erityistä huomiota yrityskaupan aikaisiin tunteita laukaiseviin tekijöihin. Näin tutkimus lisää tietoa siitä, miten ja miksi tunteita syntyy muutosaikoina, lisäten alan teoreettisuutta. Kolmanneksi, tämä tutkimus käsittelee tunteita dynaamisena organisaatiokontekstin osana ja valottaa tunnejohtamisen periaatteita yrityskauppaintegraatiossa. Yhdessä nämä löydökset auttavat vastaamaan pohjimmaiseen kysymykseen siitä, miten yrityskauppojen onnistumisprosenttia voitaisiin parantaa. Liikkeenjohdon näkökulmasta tutkimuksen avainkontribuutio on rakennetun viitekehyksen hyöty analyyttisenä ja ennustavana työkaluna. Johdon näkökulmasta avaintekijöitä positiivisen yrityskauppaintegraation luomiseksi ovat valittu integraatiostrategia sekä positiivisuuden ylläpitämiseen tarvittavat johtamiseen liittyvät kyvyt. Työntekijöiden tunteisiin liittyen tunteiden eri tasojen sekä tunteiden syiden tunnistaminen auttavat korostamaan positiivisuutta ja lieventämään huolia. Samaan aikaan positiivisuuden painottaminen voi auttaa yrityskauppojen jälkeen yleisen me vastaan ne -ajattelun purkamisessa. Kommunikaatioon liittyen tiedon jakaminen on tärkeää päivittäisten toimintojen turvaamiseksi, mutta vuorovaikutteinen osallistuminen on ensisijaista pitkän aikavälin motivaation ja sitoutumisen synnyttämiseksi. Tunneilmapiirin kannalta tietoisuus yrityskauppaa edeltäneestä ilmapiiristä sekä mahdollisista alailmapiireistä on hyödyllistä heilahtelujen ennustamisessa

    Modeling and Analyzing Collective Behavior Captured by Many-to-Many Networks

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    Sensing the Cultural Significance with AI for Social Inclusion

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    Social Inclusion has been growing as a goal in heritage management. Whereas the 2011 UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) called for tools of knowledge documentation, social media already functions as a platform for online communities to actively involve themselves in heritage-related discussions. Such discussions happen both in “baseline scenarios” when people calmly share their experiences about the cities they live in or travel to, and in “activated scenarios” when radical events trigger their emotions. To organize, process, and analyse the massive unstructured multi-modal (mainly images and texts) user-generated data from social media efficiently and systematically, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is shown to be indispensable. This thesis explores the use of AI in a methodological framework to include the contribution of a larger and more diverse group of participants with user-generated data. It is an interdisciplinary study integrating methods and knowledge from heritage studies, computer science, social sciences, network science, and spatial analysis. AI models were applied, nurtured, and tested, helping to analyse the massive information content to derive the knowledge of cultural significance perceived by online communities. The framework was tested in case study cities including Venice, Paris, Suzhou, Amsterdam, and Rome for the baseline and/or activated scenarios. The AI-based methodological framework proposed in this thesis is shown to be able to collect information in cities and map the knowledge of the communities about cultural significance, fulfilling the expectation and requirement of HUL, useful and informative for future socially inclusive heritage management processes

    Regional Development Modeling: Theory and Practice

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    This volume contains a collection of papers presented at IIASA's conference on "Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Regional Development Modelling". Of the 50 papers presented , 26 were selected for publication, in such a way as to strike a balance between theory and application of regional systems analysis. The book is divided into seven parts. After an introduction, the second and third parts contain overviews of current modelling practice and planned economies. In the next two parts, the focus shifts to the theoretical problems encountered in structural and multi-objective analysis of regional systems. The final two sections contain examples of regional development models currently ready for use or in operation and analyze the success of these models in clarifying regional planning and policy problems

    Mapping Urban Spaces. Designing the European City

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    open5siVolume edito sia a stampa (hardback e paperback) che in formato elettronico (Open Access)Mapping Urban Spaces focuses on medium- sized European cities and more specifically on their open spaces from psychological, sociological, and aesthetic points of view. The chapters illustrate how the characteristics that make life in medium- sized European cities pleasant and sustainable – accessibility, ease of travel, urban sustainability, social inclusiveness – can be traced back to the nature of that space. The chapters develop from a phenomenological study of space to contributions on places and landscapes in the city. Centralities and their meaning are studied, as well as the social space and its complexity. The contributions focus on history and theory as well as concrete research and mapping approaches and the resulting design applications. The case studies come from countries around Europe including Poland, Italy, Greece, Germany, and France, among others. The book will be of interest to students, scholars, and practitioners in architecture, urban planning, and landscape architecture.openLamberto Amistadi, Valter Balducci, Tomasz Bradecki, Enrico Prandi, Uwe SchroederLamberto Amistadi, Valter Balducci, Tomasz Bradecki, Enrico Prandi, Uwe Schroede

    Essentials of Business Analytics

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    Multiregional Economic Modeling: Practice and Prospect

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    This volume is the result of a particularly effective research collaboration between IIASA and the Department of Regional Economics at the Free University of Amsterdam. The objective was to provide a survey of current practice in the field of multiregional economic modelling and to review its major development trends. As part of the study 50 different models were reviewed and classified, based on a questionnaire circulated to almost 100 researchers or research institutions active in the field. Thus, the project has brought together existing expertise in the area, using IIASA as a "clearing-house" for theories, models and application experience, stemming from many different countries, planning systems and modelling traditions. This book will prove useful both as a source of reference and guide to current applied multiregional economic models, and as a work of structured analysis of the field

    Intuition: The Experience of Formal Research

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    A new concept of Intuition, the Deep Unconscious is considered on the basis of the Paradigm of limiting generalizations. The book describes a high-level sketch. The results of the study can be used in education, economics, medicine, artificial intelligence, and the management of complex systems of various natures