3 research outputs found

    A Hands-on Approach on Botnets for Behavior Exploration

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    A botnet consists of a network of computers that run a special software that allows a third-party to remotely control them. This characteristic presents a major issue regarding security in the Internet. Although common malicious software infect the network with almost immediate visible consequences, there are cases where that software acts stealthy without direct visible effects on the host machine. This is the normal case of botnets. However, not always the bot software is created and used for illicit purposes. There is a need for further exploring the concepts behind botnets and network security. For this purpose, this paper presents and discusses an educational tool that consists of an open-source botnet software kit with built-in functionalities. The tool enables anyone with some computer technical knowledge, to experiment and find out how botnets work and can be changed and adapted to a variety of useful applications, such as introducing and exemplifying security and distributed systems' concepts. Copyrigh

    Distributed Denial of Service Attacks on Cloud Computing Environment‎

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    This paper aimed to identify the various kinds of distributed denial of service attacks (DDoS) attacks, their destructive capabilities, and most of all, how best these issues could be counter attacked and resolved for the benefit of all stakeholders along the cloud continuum, preferably as permanent solutions. A compilation of the various types of DDoS is done, their strike capabilities and most of all, how best cloud computing environment issues could be addressed and resolved for the benefit of all stakeholders along the cloud continuum. The key challenges against effective DDoS defense mechanism are also explored