60 research outputs found

    A computational model of visual attention.

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    Visual attention is a process by which the Human Visual System (HVS) selects most important information from a scene. Visual attention models are computational or mathematical models developed to predict this information. The performance of the state-of-the-art visual attention models is limited in terms of prediction accuracy and computational complexity. In spite of significant amount of active research in this area, modelling visual attention is still an open research challenge. This thesis proposes a novel computational model of visual attention that achieves higher prediction accuracy with low computational complexity. A new bottom-up visual attention model based on in-focus regions is proposed. To develop the model, an image dataset is created by capturing images with in-focus and out-of-focus regions. The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) spectrum of these images is investigated qualitatively and quantitatively to discover the key frequency coefficients that correspond to the in-focus regions. The model detects these key coefficients by formulating a novel relation between the in-focus and out-of-focus regions in the frequency domain. These frequency coefficients are used to detect the salient in-focus regions. The simulation results show that this attention model achieves good prediction accuracy with low complexity. The prediction accuracy of the proposed in-focus visual attention model is further improved by incorporating sensitivity of the HVS towards the image centre and the human faces. Moreover, the computational complexity is further reduced by using Integer Cosine Transform (ICT). The model is parameter tuned using the hill climbing approach to optimise the accuracy. The performance has been analysed qualitatively and quantitatively using two large image datasets with eye tracking fixation ground truth. The results show that the model achieves higher prediction accuracy with a lower computational complexity compared to the state-of-the-art visual attention models. The proposed model is useful in predicting human fixations in computationally constrained environments. Mainly it is useful in applications such as perceptual video coding, image quality assessment, object recognition and image segmentation

    Deep Video Compression

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    Subjective and objective quality assessment of multi-attribute retouched face images

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    Facial retouching, aiming at enhancing an individual’s appearance digitally, has become popular in many parts of human life, such as personal entertainment, commercial advertising, etc. However, excessive use of facial retouching can affect public aesthetic values and accordingly induce issues of mental health. There is a growing need for comprehensive quality assessment of Retouched Face (RF) images. This paper aims to advance this topic from both subjective and objective studies. Firstly, we generate 2,500 RF images by retouching 250 high-quality face images from multiple attributes (i.e., eyes, nose, mouth, and facial shape) with different photo-editing tools. After that, we carry out a series of subjective experiments to evaluate the quality of multi-attribute RF images from various perspectives, and construct the Multi-Attribute Retouched Face Database (MARFD) with multi-labels. Secondly, considering that retouching alters the facial morphology, we introduce a multi-task learning based No-Reference (NR) Image Quality Assessment (IQA) method, named MTNet. Specifically, to capture high-level semantic information associated with geometric changes, MTNet treats the alteration degree estimation of retouching attributes as auxiliary tasks for the main task (i.e., the overall quality prediction). In addition, inspired by the perceptual effects of viewing distance, MTNet utilizes a multi-scale data augmentation strategy during network training to help the network better understand the distortions. Experimental results on MARFD show that our MTNet correlates well with subjective ratings and outperforms 16 state-of-the-art NR-IQA methods

    3D exemplar-based image inpainting in electron microscopy

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    In electron microscopy (EM) a common problem is the non-availability of data, which causes artefacts in reconstructions. In this thesis the goal is to generate artificial data where missing in EM by using exemplar-based inpainting (EBI). We implement an accelerated 3D version tailored to applications in EM, which reduces reconstruction times from days to minutes. We develop intelligent sampling strategies to find optimal data as input for reconstruction methods. Further, we investigate approaches to reduce electron dose and acquisition time. Sparse sampling followed by inpainting is the most promising approach. As common evaluation measures may lead to misinterpretation of results in EM and falsify a subsequent analysis, we propose to use application driven metrics and demonstrate this in a segmentation task. A further application of our technique is the artificial generation of projections in tiltbased EM. EBI is used to generate missing projections, such that the full angular range is covered. Subsequent reconstructions are significantly enhanced in terms of resolution, which facilitates further analysis of samples. In conclusion, EBI proves promising when used as an additional data generation step to tackle the non-availability of data in EM, which is evaluated in selected applications. Enhancing adaptive sampling methods and refining EBI, especially considering the mutual influence, promotes higher throughput in EM using less electron dose while not lessening quality.Ein häufig vorkommendes Problem in der Elektronenmikroskopie (EM) ist die Nichtverfügbarkeit von Daten, was zu Artefakten in Rekonstruktionen führt. In dieser Arbeit ist es das Ziel fehlende Daten in der EM künstlich zu erzeugen, was durch Exemplar-basiertes Inpainting (EBI) realisiert wird. Wir implementieren eine auf EM zugeschnittene beschleunigte 3D Version, welche es ermöglicht, Rekonstruktionszeiten von Tagen auf Minuten zu reduzieren. Wir entwickeln intelligente Abtaststrategien, um optimale Datenpunkte für die Rekonstruktion zu erhalten. Ansätze zur Reduzierung von Elektronendosis und Aufnahmezeit werden untersucht. Unterabtastung gefolgt von Inpainting führt zu den besten Resultaten. Evaluationsmaße zur Beurteilung der Rekonstruktionsqualität helfen in der EM oft nicht und können zu falschen Schlüssen führen, weswegen anwendungsbasierte Metriken die bessere Wahl darstellen. Dies demonstrieren wir anhand eines Beispiels. Die künstliche Erzeugung von Projektionen in der neigungsbasierten Elektronentomographie ist eine weitere Anwendung. EBI wird verwendet um fehlende Projektionen zu generieren. Daraus resultierende Rekonstruktionen weisen eine deutlich erhöhte Auflösung auf. EBI ist ein vielversprechender Ansatz, um nicht verfügbare Daten in der EM zu generieren. Dies wird auf Basis verschiedener Anwendungen gezeigt und evaluiert. Adaptive Aufnahmestrategien und EBI können also zu einem höheren Durchsatz in der EM führen, ohne die Bildqualität merklich zu verschlechtern

    Learning based Image Quality Assessment

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    In this thesis, we present an abstract view of image quality assessment algorithms. Most of the research in the area of image quality assessment is focused on the scenario where the end-user is a human observer and therefore commonly known as perceptual image quality assessment. However, we believe that we should extend the field of image quality assessment to the task specific scenario where the end-user is not a human observer. The quality of image/video should be assessed based on the end-system/user that we call task-based image quality assessment. In this thesis, we discuss both perceptual image quality assessment and task-based image quality assessment with respect to face recognition task

    Salient Object Detection Techniques in Computer Vision-A Survey.

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    Detection and localization of regions of images that attract immediate human visual attention is currently an intensive area of research in computer vision. The capability of automatic identification and segmentation of such salient image regions has immediate consequences for applications in the field of computer vision, computer graphics, and multimedia. A large number of salient object detection (SOD) methods have been devised to effectively mimic the capability of the human visual system to detect the salient regions in images. These methods can be broadly categorized into two categories based on their feature engineering mechanism: conventional or deep learning-based. In this survey, most of the influential advances in image-based SOD from both conventional as well as deep learning-based categories have been reviewed in detail. Relevant saliency modeling trends with key issues, core techniques, and the scope for future research work have been discussed in the context of difficulties often faced in salient object detection. Results are presented for various challenging cases for some large-scale public datasets. Different metrics considered for assessment of the performance of state-of-the-art salient object detection models are also covered. Some future directions for SOD are presented towards end

    A Comprehensive Review of Deep Learning-based Single Image Super-resolution

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    Image super-resolution (SR) is one of the vital image processing methods that improve the resolution of an image in the field of computer vision. In the last two decades, significant progress has been made in the field of super-resolution, especially by utilizing deep learning methods. This survey is an effort to provide a detailed survey of recent progress in single-image super-resolution in the perspective of deep learning while also informing about the initial classical methods used for image super-resolution. The survey classifies the image SR methods into four categories, i.e., classical methods, supervised learning-based methods, unsupervised learning-based methods, and domain-specific SR methods. We also introduce the problem of SR to provide intuition about image quality metrics, available reference datasets, and SR challenges. Deep learning-based approaches of SR are evaluated using a reference dataset. Some of the reviewed state-of-the-art image SR methods include the enhanced deep SR network (EDSR), cycle-in-cycle GAN (CinCGAN), multiscale residual network (MSRN), meta residual dense network (Meta-RDN), recurrent back-projection network (RBPN), second-order attention network (SAN), SR feedback network (SRFBN) and the wavelet-based residual attention network (WRAN). Finally, this survey is concluded with future directions and trends in SR and open problems in SR to be addressed by the researchers.Comment: 56 Pages, 11 Figures, 5 Table