807 research outputs found

    The Classical Complexity of Boson Sampling

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    We study the classical complexity of the exact Boson Sampling problem where the objective is to produce provably correct random samples from a particular quantum mechanical distribution. The computational framework was proposed by Aaronson and Arkhipov in 2011 as an attainable demonstration of `quantum supremacy', that is a practical quantum computing experiment able to produce output at a speed beyond the reach of classical (that is non-quantum) computer hardware. Since its introduction Boson Sampling has been the subject of intense international research in the world of quantum computing. On the face of it, the problem is challenging for classical computation. Aaronson and Arkhipov show that exact Boson Sampling is not efficiently solvable by a classical computer unless P#P=BPPNPP^{\#P} = BPP^{NP} and the polynomial hierarchy collapses to the third level. The fastest known exact classical algorithm for the standard Boson Sampling problem takes O((m+n1n)n2n)O({m + n -1 \choose n} n 2^n ) time to produce samples for a system with input size nn and mm output modes, making it infeasible for anything but the smallest values of nn and mm. We give an algorithm that is much faster, running in O(n2n+poly(m,n))O(n 2^n + \operatorname{poly}(m,n)) time and O(m)O(m) additional space. The algorithm is simple to implement and has low constant factor overheads. As a consequence our classical algorithm is able to solve the exact Boson Sampling problem for system sizes far beyond current photonic quantum computing experimentation, thereby significantly reducing the likelihood of achieving near-term quantum supremacy in the context of Boson Sampling.Comment: 15 pages. To appear in SODA '1

    Symmetry Breaking Constraints: Recent Results

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    Symmetry is an important problem in many combinatorial problems. One way of dealing with symmetry is to add constraints that eliminate symmetric solutions. We survey recent results in this area, focusing especially on two common and useful cases: symmetry breaking constraints for row and column symmetry, and symmetry breaking constraints for eliminating value symmetryComment: To appear in Proceedings of Twenty-Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-12

    Generation of All Possible Multiselections from a Multiset

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    The concept of a [k1, k2,..., kK]-selection applied on a multiset is introduced and an algorithm is outlined to generate all [k1, k2,..., kK]-selections from a given multiset. Key words: Multiselection; Mutiset; Contingency matrix; Combinatorie

    Subset-lex: did we miss an order?

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    We generalize a well-known algorithm for the generation of all subsets of a set in lexicographic order with respect to the sets as lists of elements (subset-lex order). We obtain algorithms for various combinatorial objects such as the subsets of a multiset, compositions and partitions represented as lists of parts, and for certain restricted growth strings. The algorithms are often loopless and require at most one extra variable for the computation of the next object. The performance of the algorithms is very competitive even when not loopless. A Gray code corresponding to the subset-lex order and a Gray code for compositions that was found during this work are described.Comment: Two obvious errors corrected (indicated by "Correction:" in the LaTeX source

    Encodings and Arithmetic Operations in P Systems

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    Following, we present in this paper various number encodings and operations over multisets. We obtain the most compact encoding and several other interesting encodings and study their properties using elements of combinatorics over multisets. We also construct P systems that implement their associated operations. We quantify the effect of adding order to a multiset thus obtaining a string, as going from encoding lengths of the number n in base b and time complexities of operations of the order b p n to lengths and complexities of order logbn

    Pop & Push: Ordered Tree Iteration in ?(1)-Time

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