389 research outputs found

    The State of Lifelong Learning in Service Robots: Current Bottlenecks in Object Perception and Manipulation

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    Service robots are appearing more and more in our daily life. The development of service robots combines multiple fields of research, from object perception to object manipulation. The state-of-the-art continues to improve to make a proper coupling between object perception and manipulation. This coupling is necessary for service robots not only to perform various tasks in a reasonable amount of time but also to continually adapt to new environments and safely interact with non-expert human users. Nowadays, robots are able to recognize various objects, and quickly plan a collision-free trajectory to grasp a target object in predefined settings. Besides, in most of the cases, there is a reliance on large amounts of training data. Therefore, the knowledge of such robots is fixed after the training phase, and any changes in the environment require complicated, time-consuming, and expensive robot re-programming by human experts. Therefore, these approaches are still too rigid for real-life applications in unstructured environments, where a significant portion of the environment is unknown and cannot be directly sensed or controlled. In such environments, no matter how extensive the training data used for batch learning, a robot will always face new objects. Therefore, apart from batch learning, the robot should be able to continually learn about new object categories and grasp affordances from very few training examples on-site. Moreover, apart from robot self-learning, non-expert users could interactively guide the process of experience acquisition by teaching new concepts, or by correcting insufficient or erroneous concepts. In this way, the robot will constantly learn how to help humans in everyday tasks by gaining more and more experiences without the need for re-programming

    Fast Object Learning and Dual-arm Coordination for Cluttered Stowing, Picking, and Packing

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    Robotic picking from cluttered bins is a demanding task, for which Amazon Robotics holds challenges. The 2017 Amazon Robotics Challenge (ARC) required stowing items into a storage system, picking specific items, and packing them into boxes. In this paper, we describe the entry of team NimbRo Picking. Our deep object perception pipeline can be quickly and efficiently adapted to new items using a custom turntable capture system and transfer learning. It produces high-quality item segments, on which grasp poses are found. A planning component coordinates manipulation actions between two robot arms, minimizing execution time. The system has been demonstrated successfully at ARC, where our team reached second places in both the picking task and the final stow-and-pick task. We also evaluate individual components.Comment: In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 201

    Pick and Place Without Geometric Object Models

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    We propose a novel formulation of robotic pick and place as a deep reinforcement learning (RL) problem. Whereas most deep RL approaches to robotic manipulation frame the problem in terms of low level states and actions, we propose a more abstract formulation. In this formulation, actions are target reach poses for the hand and states are a history of such reaches. We show this approach can solve a challenging class of pick-place and regrasping problems where the exact geometry of the objects to be handled is unknown. The only information our method requires is: 1) the sensor perception available to the robot at test time; 2) prior knowledge of the general class of objects for which the system was trained. We evaluate our method using objects belonging to two different categories, mugs and bottles, both in simulation and on real hardware. Results show a major improvement relative to a shape primitives baseline
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