35,820 research outputs found

    Smart distribution board overload detector by using microcontroller

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    A statistic by Economic Planning Unit (EPU) on the electricity growth in Malaysia has shown an increment in line with economic growth [1]. In line with government policies, the energy supply industry has been molding itself to cater to the rapid development of the nation in hopes of creating a better and smarter nation [2]. There are many developments and implementation of smart energy consumption to save energy and cater to future energy challenges

    Developing domain ontologies for courseware content

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    Ontologies have the potential to play an important role in educational technology. They can be used to represent knowledge about educational content, supporting instructors in creating content or learners in accessing content in a knowledge-guided way. While ontologies exist for many subject domains, their quality and suitability for the educational context might be unclear. For numerous subjects, ontologies do not exist. We present a method for domain experts rather than ontology engineers to develop ontologies for use in the delivery of courseware content. We will focus in particular on relationship types that allow us to model rich domains adequately. Our investigation will be supported by a case study

    Developing domain ontologies for course content

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    Ontologies have the potential to play an important role in instructional design and the development of course content. They can be used to represent knowledge about content, supporting instructors in creating content or learners in accessing content in a knowledge-guided way. While ontologies exist for many subject domains, their quality and suitability for the educational context might be unclear. For numerous subjects, ontologies do not exist. We present a method for domain experts rather than ontology engineers to develop ontologies for use in the delivery of courseware content. We will focus in particular on relationship types that allow us to model rich domains adequately

    Leachate treatment by conventional coagulation, electrocoagulation and two-stage coagulation (conventional coagulation and electrocoagulation)

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    Leachate is widely explored and investigated due to highly polluted and difficult to treat. Leachate treatment commonly involves advanced, complicated and high cost activities. Conventional coagulation is widely used in the treatment of wastewater but the sludge production becomes the biggest constraint in this treatment. Electrocoagulation is an alternative to conventional method because it has the same application but produce less sludge and requires simple equipment. Thus, combination of conventional coagulation and electrocoagulation can improve the efficiency of coagulation process in leachate treatment. This article is focusing on the efficiency of single and combined treatment as well as the improvement made by combined treatment. Based on review, the percentage reduction of current density and dose of coagulant was perceptible. As much 50% reduction of current density, duration of treatment, and dose of coagulant able to be obtained by using combined treatment. This combined treatment is able to reduce the cost and at the same time reduce the duration of treatment. Hence, the combined treatment offers an alternative technique for landfill leachate treatment on the removal of pollutants

    Tools for producing formal specifications : a view of current architectures and future directions

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    During the last decade, one important contribution towards requirements engineering has been the advent of formal specification languages. They offer a well-defined notation that can improve consistency and avoid ambiguity in specifications. However, the process of obtaining formal specifications that are consistent with the requirements is itself a difficult activity. Hence various researchers are developing systems that aid the transition from informal to formal specifications. The kind of problems tackled and the contributions made by these proposed systems are very diverse. This paper brings these studies together to provide a vision for future architectures that aim to aid the transition from informal to formal specifications. The new architecture, which is based on the strengths of existing studies, tackles a number of key issues in requirements engineering such as identifying ambiguities, incompleteness, and reusability. The paper concludes with a discussion of the research problems that need to be addressed in order to realise the proposed architecture

    Development of a comprehensive software engineering environment

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    The generation of a set of tools for software lifecycle is a recurring theme in the software engineering literature. The development of such tools and their integration into a software development environment is a difficult task because of the magnitude (number of variables) and the complexity (combinatorics) of the software lifecycle process. An initial development of a global approach was initiated in 1982 as the Software Development Workbench (SDW). Continuing efforts focus on tool development, tool integration, human interfacing, data dictionaries, and testing algorithms. Current efforts are emphasizing natural language interfaces, expert system software development associates and distributed environments with Ada as the target language. The current implementation of the SDW is on a VAX-11/780. Other software development tools are being networked through engineering workstations

    Complexity Metrics for Systems Development Methods and Techniques

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    So many systems development methods have been introduced in the last decade that one can talk about a ¿methodology jungle¿. To aid the method developers and evaluators in fighting their way through this jungle, we propose a systematic approach for measuring properties of methods. We describe two sets of metrics which measure the complexity of single diagram techniques, and of complete systems development methods. The proposed metrics provide a relatively fast and simple way to analyse the descriptive capabilities of a technique or method. When accompanied with other selection criteria, the metrics can be used for estimating the relative complexity of a technique compared to others. To demonstrate the applicability of the metrics, we have applied them to 36 techniques and 11 methods

    Analysis of methods

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    Information is one of an organization's most important assets. For this reason the development and maintenance of an integrated information system environment is one of the most important functions within a large organization. The Integrated Information Systems Evolution Environment (IISEE) project has as one of its primary goals a computerized solution to the difficulties involved in the development of integrated information systems. To develop such an environment a thorough understanding of the enterprise's information needs and requirements is of paramount importance. This document is the current release of the research performed by the Integrated Development Support Environment (IDSE) Research Team in support of the IISEE project. Research indicates that an integral part of any information system environment would be multiple modeling methods to support the management of the organization's information. Automated tool support for these methods is necessary to facilitate their use in an integrated environment. An integrated environment makes it necessary to maintain an integrated database which contains the different kinds of models developed under the various methodologies. In addition, to speed the process of development of models, a procedure or technique is needed to allow automatic translation from one methodology's representation to another while maintaining the integrity of both. The purpose for the analysis of the modeling methods included in this document is to examine these methods with the goal being to include them in an integrated development support environment. To accomplish this and to develop a method for allowing intra-methodology and inter-methodology model element reuse, a thorough understanding of multiple modeling methodologies is necessary. Currently the IDSE Research Team is investigating the family of Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing (ICAM) DEFinition (IDEF) languages IDEF(0), IDEF(1), and IDEF(1x), as well as ENALIM, Entity Relationship, Data Flow Diagrams, and Structure Charts, for inclusion in an integrated development support environment