7 research outputs found

    Ranking to Learn: Feature Ranking and Selection via Eigenvector Centrality

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    In an era where accumulating data is easy and storing it inexpensive, feature selection plays a central role in helping to reduce the high-dimensionality of huge amounts of otherwise meaningless data. In this paper, we propose a graph-based method for feature selection that ranks features by identifying the most important ones into arbitrary set of cues. Mapping the problem on an affinity graph-where features are the nodes-the solution is given by assessing the importance of nodes through some indicators of centrality, in particular, the Eigen-vector Centrality (EC). The gist of EC is to estimate the importance of a feature as a function of the importance of its neighbors. Ranking central nodes individuates candidate features, which turn out to be effective from a classification point of view, as proved by a thoroughly experimental section. Our approach has been tested on 7 diverse datasets from recent literature (e.g., biological data and object recognition, among others), and compared against filter, embedded and wrappers methods. The results are remarkable in terms of accuracy, stability and low execution time.Comment: Preprint version - Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Springer 201

    An Improved Minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance Approach for Feature Selection in Gene Expression Data

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    AbstractIn this article, an improved feature selection technique has been proposed. Mutual Information is taken as the basic criterion to find the feature relevance and redundancy. The mutual information between a feature and class labels defines the relevance of that feature. Again, the mutual information among different features defines the correlation i.e., the redundancy among those features. Now our objective is to find such a feature set for which the mutual information among the features and the class labels are maximized and the mutual information among the features are minimized. Therefore, the goal of the proposed method is to find the most relevant and least redundant feature set. The number of output features is provided by the user. First the most relevant feature is added to the empty final feature set. Then in each iteration a non-dominated feature set with respect to relevance and redundancy is generated and from this set of features, the most relevant and non-redundant feature is included in the final feature set. Thereafter, in an incremental way a feature is added in every iteration and this step is repeated while the size of the final feature set is equal to the user given number of features. The features contained by the final feature set have maximum relevance and least correlation. The proposed method is applied on microarray gene expression data to find the most relevant and non-redundant genes and the performance of the proposed method is compared with that of the popular mRMR (MIQ) and mRMR (MID) schemes on several real-life data sets

    A Feature Selection Method based on Tree Decomposition of Correlation Graph

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    International audienceThis paper presents a new method for feature selection where only relevant features are kept in the dataset and all other features are discarded. The proposed method uses tree decomposition heuristics to reveal subsets of highly connected features. These subsets are replaced by selecting representatives to reduce feature redundancy. Experiments performed on various datasets show promising results for our proposals

    Efficient Network Domination for Life Science Applications

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    With the ever-increasing size of data available to researchers, traditional methods of analysis often cannot scale to match problems being studied. Often only a subset of variables may be utilized or studied further, motivating the need of techniques that can prioritize variable selection. This dissertation describes the development and application of graph theoretic techniques, particularly the notion of domination, for this purpose. In the first part of this dissertation, algorithms for vertex prioritization in the field of network controllability are studied. Here, the number of solutions to which a vertex belongs is used to classify said vertex and determine its suitability in controlling a network. Novel efficient scalable algorithms are developed and analyzed. Empirical tests demonstrate the improvement of these algorithms over those already established in the literature. The second part of this dissertation concerns the prioritization of genes for loss-of-function allele studies in mice. The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium leads the initiative to develop a loss-of-function allele for each protein coding gene in the mouse genome. Only a small proportion of untested genes can be selected for further study. To address the need to prioritize genes, a generalizable data science strategy is developed. This strategy models genes as a gene-similarity graph, and from it selects subset that will be further characterized. Empirical tests demonstrate the method’s utility over that of pseudorandom selection and less computationally demanding methods. Finally, part three addresses the important task of preprocessing in the context of noisy public health data. Many public health databases have been developed to collect, curate, and store a variety of environmental measurements. Idiosyncrasies in these measurements, however, introduce noise to data found in these databases in several ways including missing, incorrect, outlying, and incompatible data. Beyond noisy data, multiple measurements of similar variables can introduce problems of multicollinearity. Domination is again employed in a novel graph method to handle autocorrelation. Empirical results using the Public Health Exposome dataset are reported. Together these three parts demonstrate the utility of subset selection via domination when applied to a multitude of data sources from a variety of disciplines in the life sciences

    Graphs from features: tree-based graph layout for feature analysis

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    Feature Analysis has become a very critical task in data analysis and visualization. Graph structures are very flexible in terms of representation and may encode important information on features but are challenging in regards to layout being adequate for analysis tasks. In this study, we propose and develop similarity-based graph layouts with the purpose of locating relevant patterns in sets of features, thus supporting feature analysis and selection. We apply a tree layout in the first step of the strategy, to accomplish node placement and overview based on feature similarity. By drawing the remainder of the graph edges on demand, further grouping and relationships among features are revealed. We evaluate those groups and relationships in terms of their effectiveness in exploring feature sets for data analysis. Correlation of features with a target categorical attribute and feature ranking are added to support the task. Multidimensional projections are employed to plot the dataset based on selected attributes to reveal the effectiveness of the feature set. Our results have shown that the tree-graph layout framework allows for a number of observations that are very important in user-centric feature selection, and not easy to observe by any other available tool. They provide a way of finding relevant and irrelevant features, spurious sets of noisy features, groups of similar features, and opposite features, all of which are essential tasks in different scenarios of data analysis. Case studies in application areas centered on documents, images and sound data demonstrate the ability of the framework to quickly reach a satisfactory compact representation from a larger feature set

    A Graph-Based Approach to Feature Selection

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