5,578 research outputs found

    Data Provenance Inference in Logic Programming: Reducing Effort of Instance-driven Debugging

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    Data provenance allows scientists in different domains validating their models and algorithms to find out anomalies and unexpected behaviors. In previous works, we described on-the-fly interpretation of (Python) scripts to build workflow provenance graph automatically and then infer fine-grained provenance information based on the workflow provenance graph and the availability of data. To broaden the scope of our approach and demonstrate its viability, in this paper we extend it beyond procedural languages, to be used for purely declarative languages such as logic programming under the stable model semantics. For experiments and validation, we use the Answer Set Programming solver oClingo, which makes it possible to formulate and solve stream reasoning problems in a purely declarative fashion. We demonstrate how the benefits of the provenance inference over the explicit provenance still holds in a declarative setting, and we briefly discuss the potential impact for declarative programming, in particular for instance-driven debugging of the model in declarative problem solving

    Querying and managing opm-compliant scientific workflow provenance

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    Provenance, the metadata that records the derivation history of scientific results, is important in scientific workflows to interpret, validate, and analyze the result of scientific computing. Recently, to promote and facilitate interoperability among heterogeneous provenance systems, the Open Provenance Model (OPM) has been proposed and has played an important role in the community. In this dissertation, to efficiently query and manage OPM-compliant provenance, we first propose a provenance collection framework that collects both prospective provenance, which captures an abstract workflow specification as a recipe for future data derivation and retrospective provenance, which captures past workflow execution and data derivation information. We then propose a relational database-based provenance system, called OPMPROV that stores, reasons, and queries prospective and retrospective provenance, which is OPM-compliant provenance. We finally propose OPQL, an OPM-level provenance query language, that is directly defined over the OPM model. An OPQL query takes an OPM graph as input and produces an OPM graph as output; therefore, OPQL queries are not tightly coupled to the underlying provenance storage strategies. Our provenance store, provenance collection framework, and provenance query language feature the native support of the OPM model

    Workflow Provenance: from Modeling to Reporting

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    Workflow provenance is a crucial part of a workflow system as it enables data lineage analysis, error tracking, workflow monitoring, usage pattern discovery, and so on. Integrating provenance into a workflow system or modifying a workflow system to capture or analyze different provenance information is burdensome, requiring extensive development because provenance mechanisms rely heavily on the modelling, architecture, and design of the workflow system. Various tools and technologies exist for logging events in a software system. Unfortunately, logging tools and technologies are not designed for capturing and analyzing provenance information. Workflow provenance is not only about logging, but also about retrieving workflow related information from logs. In this work, we propose a taxonomy of provenance questions and guided by these questions, we created a workflow programming model 'ProvMod' with a supporting run-time library to provide automated provenance and log analysis for any workflow system. The design and provenance mechanism of ProvMod is based on recommendations from prominent research and is easy to integrate into any workflow system. ProvMod offers Neo4j graph database support to manage semi-structured heterogeneous JSON logs. The log structure is adaptable to any NoSQL technology. For each provenance question in our taxonomy, ProvMod provides the answer with data visualization using Neo4j and the ELK Stack. Besides analyzing performance from various angles, we demonstrate the ease of integration by integrating ProvMod with Apache Taverna and evaluate ProvMod usability by engaging users. Finally, we present two Software Engineering research cases (clone detection and architecture extraction) where our proposed model ProvMod and provenance questions taxonomy can be applied to discover meaningful insights


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    In service-oriented environments, services are put together in the form of a workflow with the aim of distributed problem solving. Capturing the execution details of the services' transformations is a significant advantage of using workflows. These execution details, referred to as provenance information, are usually traced automatically and stored in provenance stores. Provenance data contains the data recorded by a workflow engine during a workflow execution. It identifies what data is passed between services, which services are involved, and how results are eventually generated for particular sets of input values. Provenance information is of great importance and has found its way through areas in computer science such as: Bioinformatics, database, social, sensor networks, etc. Current exploitation and application of provenance data is very limited as provenance systems started being developed for specific applications. Thus, applying learning and knowledge discovery methods to provenance data can provide rich and useful information on workflows and services. Therefore, in this work, the challenges with workflows and services are studied to discover the possibilities and benefits of providing solutions by using provenance data. A multifunctional architecture is presented which addresses the workflow and service issues by exploiting provenance data. These challenges include workflow composition, abstract workflow selection, refinement, evaluation, and graph model extraction. The specific contribution of the proposed architecture is its novelty in providing a basis for taking advantage of the previous execution details of services and workflows along with artificial intelligence and knowledge management techniques to resolve the major challenges regarding workflows. The presented architecture is application-independent and could be deployed in any area. The requirements for such an architecture along with its building components are discussed. Furthermore, the responsibility of the components, related works and the implementation details of the architecture along with each component are presented

    Scientific workflow execution reproducibility using cloud-aware provenance

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    Scientific experiments and projects such as CMS and neuGRIDforYou (N4U) are annually producing data of the order of Peta-Bytes. They adopt scientific workflows to analyse this large amount of data in order to extract meaningful information. These workflows are executed over distributed resources, both compute and storage in nature, provided by the Grid and recently by the Cloud. The Cloud is becoming the playing field for scientists as it provides scalability and on-demand resource provisioning. Reproducing a workflow execution to verify results is vital for scientists and have proven to be a challenge. As per a study (Belhajjame et al. 2012) around 80% of workflows cannot be reproduced, and 12% of them are due to the lack of information about the execution environment. The dynamic and on-demand provisioning capability of the Cloud makes this more challenging. To overcome these challenges, this research aims to investigate how to capture the execution provenance of a scientific workflow along with the resources used to execute the workflow in a Cloud infrastructure. This information will then enable a scientist to reproduce workflow-based scientific experiments on the Cloud infrastructure by re-provisioning the similar resources on the Cloud.Provenance has been recognised as information that helps in debugging, verifying and reproducing a scientific workflow execution. Recent adoption of Cloud-based scientific workflows presents an opportunity to investigate the suitability of existing approaches or to propose new approaches to collect provenance information from the Cloud and to utilize it for workflow reproducibility on the Cloud. From literature analysis, it was found that the existing approaches for Grid or Cloud do not provide detailed resource information and also do not present an automatic provenance capturing approach for the Cloud environment. To mitigate the challenges and fulfil the knowledge gap, a provenance based approach, ReCAP, has been proposed in this thesis. In ReCAP, workflow execution reproducibility is achieved by (a) capturing the Cloud-aware provenance (CAP), b) re-provisioning similar resources on the Cloud and re-executing the workflow on them and (c) by comparing the provenance graph structure including the Cloud resource information, and outputs of workflows. ReCAP captures the Cloud resource information and links it with the workflow provenance to generate Cloud-aware provenance. The Cloud-aware provenance consists of configuration parameters relating to hardware and software describing a resource on the Cloud. This information once captured aids in re-provisioning the same execution infrastructure on the Cloud for workflow re-execution. Since resources on the Cloud can be used in static or dynamic (i.e. destroyed when a task is finished) manner, this presents a challenge for the devised provenance capturing approach. In order to deal with these scenarios, different capturing and mapping approaches have been presented in this thesis. These mapping approaches work outside the virtual machine and collect resource information from the Cloud middleware, thus they do not affect job performance. The impact of the collected Cloud resource information on the job as well as on the workflow execution has been evaluated through various experiments in this thesis. In ReCAP, the workflow reproducibility isverified by comparing the provenance graph structure, infrastructure details and the output produced by the workflows. To compare the provenance graphs, the captured provenance information including infrastructure details is translated to a graph model. These graphs of original execution and the reproduced execution are then compared in order to analyse their similarity. In this regard, two comparison approaches have been presented that can produce a qualitative analysis as well as quantitative analysis about the graph structure. The ReCAP framework and its constituent components are evaluated using different scientific workflows such as ReconAll and Montage from the domains of neuroscience (i.e. N4U) and astronomy respectively. The results have shown that ReCAP has been able to capture the Cloud-aware provenance and demonstrate the workflow execution reproducibility by re-provisioning the same resources on the Cloud. The results have also demonstrated that the provenance comparison approaches can determine the similarity between the two given provenance graphs. The results of workflow output comparison have shown that this approach is suitable to compare the outputs of scientific workflows, especially for deterministic workflows

    Sciunits: Reusable Research Objects

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    Science is conducted collaboratively, often requiring knowledge sharing about computational experiments. When experiments include only datasets, they can be shared using Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) or Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). An experiment, however, seldom includes only datasets, but more often includes software, its past execution, provenance, and associated documentation. The Research Object has recently emerged as a comprehensive and systematic method for aggregation and identification of diverse elements of computational experiments. While a necessary method, mere aggregation is not sufficient for the sharing of computational experiments. Other users must be able to easily recompute on these shared research objects. In this paper, we present the sciunit, a reusable research object in which aggregated content is recomputable. We describe a Git-like client that efficiently creates, stores, and repeats sciunits. We show through analysis that sciunits repeat computational experiments with minimal storage and processing overhead. Finally, we provide an overview of sharing and reproducible cyberinfrastructure based on sciunits gaining adoption in the domain of geosciences