9 research outputs found

    A Grainless Semantics for Parallel Programs with Shared Mutable Data

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    AbstractWe provide a new denotational semantic model, based on “footstep traces”, for parallel programs which share mutable state. The structure of this model embodies a classic principle proposed by Dijkstra: processes should be treated independently, with interference occurring only at synchronization points. As a consequence the model makes fewer distinctions between programs than traditional trace models, which may help to mitigate the combinatorial explosion triggered by interleaving. For a sequential or synchronization-free program the footstep trace semantics is equivalent to a non-deterministic state transformation, so the new model supports “sequential” reasoning about synchronization-free code fragments. We show that footstep trace semantics is strictly more abstract than action trace semantics and suitable for compositional reasoning about race-freedom and partial correctness. The new model can be used to establish the soundness of concurrent separation logic. We include some example programs to facilitate comparison with earlier models, and we discuss briefly the relationship with a recent model by John Reynolds in which actions have discernible starts and finishes

    Variables as Resource for Shared-Memory Programs: Semantics and Soundness

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    AbstractParkinson, Bornat, and Calcagno recently introduced a logic for partial correctness in which program variables are treated as resource, generalizing earlier work based on separation logic and permissions. An advantage of their approach is that it yields a logic devoid of complex side conditions: there is no need to pepper the inference rules with “modifies” clauses. They used a simple operational semantics to prove soundness of the sequential fragment of their logic, and they showed that the inference rules of concurrent separation logic can be translated directly into their framework. Their concurrency rules are strictly more powerful than those of concurrent separation logic, since the new logic allows proofs of programs that perform concurrent reads. We provide a denotational semantics and a soundness proof for the concurrent fragment of their logic, extending our earlier work on concurrent separation logic to incorporate permissions in a natural manner

    Independence and concurrent separation logic

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    A compositional Petri net-based semantics is given to a simple language allowing pointer manipulation and parallelism. The model is then applied to give a notion of validity to the judgements made by concurrent separation logic that emphasizes the process-environment duality inherent in such rely-guarantee reasoning. Soundness of the rules of concurrent separation logic with respect to this definition of validity is shown. The independence information retained by the Petri net model is then exploited to characterize the independence of parallel processes enforced by the logic. This is shown to permit a refinement operation capable of changing the granularity of atomic actions

    A semantics for concurrent separation logic

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    AbstractWe present a trace semantics for a language of parallel programs which share access to mutable data. We introduce a resource-sensitive logic for partial correctness, based on a recent proposal of O’Hearn, adapting separation logic to the concurrent setting. The logic allows proofs of parallel programs in which “ownership” of critical data, such as the right to access, update or deallocate a pointer, is transferred dynamically between concurrent processes. We prove soundness of the logic, using a novel “local” interpretation of traces which allows accurate reasoning about ownership. We show that every provable program is race-free

    Separation Logic for Small-step Cminor (extended version)

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    Cminor is a mid-level imperative programming language (just below C), and there exist proved-correct optimizing compilers from C to Cminor and from Cminor to machine language. We have redesigned Cminor so that it is suitable for Hoare Logic reasoning, we have designed a Separation Logic for Cminor, we have given a small-step operational semantics so that extensions to concurrent Cminor will be possible, and we have a machine-checked proof of soundness of our Separation Logic. This is the first large-scale machine-checked proof of a Separation Logic w.r.t. a small-step semantics, or for a language with nontrivial reducible control-flow constructs. Our sequential soundness proof of the sequential Separation Logic for the sequential language features will be reusable change within a soundness proof of Concurrent Separation Logic w.r.t. Concurrent Cminor. In addition, we have a machine-checked proof of the relation between our small-step semantics and Leroy's original big-step semantics; thus sequential programs can be compiled by Leroy's compiler with formal end-to-end correctness guarantees

    Layered and Object-Based Game Semantics *

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    International audienceLarge-scale software verification relies critically on the use of compositional languages, semantic models, specifications, and verification techniques. Recent work on certified abstraction layers synthesizes game semantics, the refinement calculus, and algebraic effects to enable the composition of heterogeneous components into larger certified systems. However, in existing models of certified abstraction layers, compositionality is restricted by the lack of encapsulation of state. In this paper, we present a novel game model for certified abstraction layers where the semantics of layer interfaces and implementations are defined solely based on their observable behaviors. Our key idea is to leverage Reddy's pioneer work on modeling the semantics of imperative languages not as functions on global states but as objects with their observable behaviors. We show that a layer interface can be modeled as an object type (i.e., a layer signature) plus an object strategy. A layer implementation is then essentially a regular map, in the sense of Reddy, from an object with the underlay signature to that with the overlay signature. A layer implementation is certified when its composition with the underlay object strategy implements the overlay object strategy. We also describe an extension that allows for non-determinism in layer interfaces. After formulating layer implementations as regular maps between object spaces, we move to concurrency and design a notion of concurrent object space, where sequential traces may be identified modulo permutation of independent operations. We show how to express protected shared object concurrency, and a ticket lock implementation, in a simple model based on regular maps between concurrent object spaces

    Ownership-based order reduction and simulation in shared-memory concurrent computer systems

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    The highest level of confidence in the correct functionality of system software can be gained from a pervasive formal verification approach, where the high-level language application layer is connected to the gate-level hardware layer through a stack of semantic layers coupled by simulation theorems. While such semantic stacks exist for sequential systems, the foundational theory of semantic stacks for concurrent systems is still incomplete. This thesis contributes to close this gap. First we prove a general order reduction theorem establishing a model where processes are executing blocks of steps, being only interleaved at selectable interleavingpoints. An ownership-based memory access policy is imposed to prove commutativity properties for non-synchronizing steps, enabling the desired reordering. In contrast to existing work, we only assume properties on the order-reduced level, thus providing a complete abstraction. We then apply sequential simulation theorems on top of the block schedules and prove a general simulation theorem between two abstract concurrent systems including the transfer of safety properties. Finally we instantiate our frameworks with a MIPS instruction set architecture, a macro assembler (MASM) semantics, and an intermediate language semantics for C. Applying the concurrent simulation theorem, we justify the concurrent semantics of MASM and C against their ISA implementation.Das größte Vertrauen in die korrekte Funktionsweise von System-Software kann mit Hilfe durchdringender formaler Beweisverfahren erlangt werden, welche alle Abstraktionsebenen eines Computersystems durch Simulationstheoreme miteinander koppeln. Während solche Gerüste von Semantiken bereits für sequentielle Systeme entwickelt wurden, finden sich in der entsprechenden Theorie für nebenläufige Systeme noch Lücken, zur Schließung derer diese Arbeit beitragen soll. Zunächst beweisen wir ein allgemeines Reduktionstheorem, das die möglichen Reihenfolgen, in der Prozesse Schritte machen, auf ein Modell beschränkt, in dem Blöcke von Schritten verschiedener Prozesse nacheinander ausgeführt werden. Mittels eines ”Ownership”-basierten Speicherzugriffprotokolls beweisen wir Kommutativitätseigenschaften für lokale Schritte verschiedener Prozesse und ermöglichen so das Vertauschen dieser. Da unser Theorem nur Eigenschaften des reihenfolgereduzierten Systems annimmt ermöglicht es eine vollständige Abstraktion vom ursprünglichen Modell. Auf die Blockausführung wenden wir sequentielle Simulationstheoreme an und beweisen ein allgemeines Simulationstheorem zwischen abstrakten nebenläufigen Systemen sowie den Transfer von Sicherheitseigenschaften. Wir instanziieren das Theorem mit einem MIPS-Instruktionssatz und Semantiken für Makroassembler und C. Dadurch rechtfertigen wir die nebenläufige Semantik der Programmiersprachen gegen ihre Maschinenimplementierung

    Plants & Civilization; An Introduction to the Interrelationships of Plants and People

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