4,030 research outputs found

    A Primal-Dual Framework for Real-Time Dense RGB-D Scene Flow

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    This paper presents the first method to compute dense scene flow in real-time for RGB-D cameras. It is based on a variational formulation where brightness constancy and geometric consistency are imposed. Accounting for the depth data provided by RGB-D cameras, regularization of the flow field is imposed on the 3D surface (or set of surfaces) of the observed scene instead of on the image plane, leading to more geometrically consistent results. The minimization problem is efficiently solved by a primal-dual algorithm which is implemented on a GPU, achieving a previously unseen temporal performance. Several tests have been conducted to compare our approach with a state-of-the-art work (RGB-D flow) where quantitative and qualitative results are evaluated. Moreover, an additional set of experiments have been carried out to show the applicability of our work to estimate motion in realtime. Results demonstrate the accuracy of our approach, which outperforms the RGB-D flow, and which is able to estimate heterogeneous and non-rigid motions at a high frame rate.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Research supported by the Spanish Government under project DPI1011-25483 and the Spanish grant program FPI-MICINN 2012

    Motion Cooperation: Smooth Piece-Wise Rigid Scene Flow from RGB-D Images

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    We propose a novel joint registration and segmentation approach to estimate scene flow from RGB-D images. Instead of assuming the scene to be composed of a number of independent rigidly-moving parts, we use non-binary labels to capture non-rigid deformations at transitions between the rigid parts of the scene. Thus, the velocity of any point can be computed as a linear combination (interpolation) of the estimated rigid motions, which provides better results than traditional sharp piecewise segmentations. Within a variational framework, the smooth segments of the scene and their corresponding rigid velocities are alternately refined until convergence. A K-means-based segmentation is employed as an initialization, and the number of regions is subsequently adapted during the optimization process to capture any arbitrary number of independently moving objects. We evaluate our approach with both synthetic and real RGB-D images that contain varied and large motions. The experiments show that our method estimates the scene flow more accurately than the most recent works in the field, and at the same time provides a meaningful segmentation of the scene based on 3D motion.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Spanish Government under the grant programs FPI-MICINN 2012 and DPI2014- 55826-R (co-founded by the European Regional Development Fund), as well as by the EU ERC grant Convex Vision (grant agreement no. 240168)

    Variational Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo under General Lighting

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    Photometric stereo (PS) techniques nowadays remain constrained to an ideal laboratory setup where modeling and calibration of lighting is amenable. To eliminate such restrictions, we propose an efficient principled variational approach to uncalibrated PS under general illumination. To this end, the Lambertian reflectance model is approximated through a spherical harmonic expansion, which preserves the spatial invariance of the lighting. The joint recovery of shape, reflectance and illumination is then formulated as a single variational problem. There the shape estimation is carried out directly in terms of the underlying perspective depth map, thus implicitly ensuring integrability and bypassing the need for a subsequent normal integration. To tackle the resulting nonconvex problem numerically, we undertake a two-phase procedure to initialize a balloon-like perspective depth map, followed by a "lagged" block coordinate descent scheme. The experiments validate efficiency and robustness of this approach. Across a variety of evaluations, we are able to reduce the mean angular error consistently by a factor of 2-3 compared to the state-of-the-art.Comment: Haefner and Ye contributed equall
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