409 research outputs found

    Therapeutic Strategies for the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation:New Insights from Biophysical Modeling and Signal Processing

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    Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac rhythm disorder encountered in clinical practice, often leading to severe complications such as heart failure and stroke. This arrhythmia, increasing in prevalence with age, already affects several millions of people in the United States, with a rising occurrence of the disease during the past two decades. In spite of these warning signals, atrial fibrillation is still difficult to treat, because basic mechanisms of the arrhythmia remain poorly understood and current treatments are therefore based on empirical considerations. The future of therapeutic solutions for the treatment of complex diseases such as atrial fibrillation relies on a strong collaboration between medicine, biology and engineering. Only through such synergies will efficient monitoring, diagnostic and therapeutic devices be created. The goal of the present thesis was to adopt this multidisciplinary approach, and develop new strategies for atrial fibrillation therapy using both computer modeling and advanced signal processing methods. Biophysical modeling is a practical and ethically interesting approach to develop innovative therapies, since physiological phenomena of interest are reproduced numerically and the resulting framework is then used with full repeatability to explore mechanisms and test treatments. A model of the human atria, that was developed in our group, was used to simulate atrial fibrillation and perform mechanistic and therapeutic investigations. In a first study, computer simulations were used to observe spontaneous terminations of two models of atrial fibrillation corresponding to different developmental stages of the arrhythmia. Dynamical parameters were observed during several seconds prior to termination in order to describe the underlying mechanisms of this natural phenomenon, showing that different levels of fibrillation complexity led to different termination patterns. The mechanisms highlighted by the study were successfully compared to those described in the existing literature and could suggest interesting guidelines to better investigate spontaneous terminations of atrial fibrillation in experimental and clinical settings. Moreover, a more precise understanding of the natural extinction of atrial fibrillation will certainly be crucial for future therapy developments. The potential of rapid low-energy pacing for artificially terminating atrial fibrillation was also thoroughly investigated. First, the possibility to entrain and thereby control fibrillating atrial activity by rapid pacing was studied in a systematic manner. Results showed that optimized pacing parameters provided sustained entrainment of electrical activity, although total extinction of atrial fibrillation was never observed. The ability to control atrial activity by pacing was also shown to depend on specific properties of the atrial tissue, showing that patients with atrial fibrillation may not all respond in the same way to pacing treatments. Finally, this study suggested different guidelines for the development of pace-termination algorithms for atrial fibrillation. Based on these results, a new pacing sequence for the automatic termination of atrial fibrillation was designed, implemented and tested in the biophysical model. The pacing protocol comprised two distinct phases involving a succession of rapid and slow pacing stimulations. The results of the tests suggest that this pacing scheme could represent an alternative to current treatments of atrial fibrillation, and could easily be implemented in patients who already have an indication for pacing. Advanced signal processing techniques were also used in this thesis to analyze real cardiac signals and develop new diagnosis tools. Multivariate spectral analysis and complexity measures were combined to develop an automatic method able to describe subtle changes in atrial fibrillation organization as measured by non-invasive ECG recordings. Accurate discrimination between persistent and permanent AF was shown possible, and potential applications in clinical settings to optimize patient management were demonstrated. Collectively, the results of this thesis show that major public health issues such as atrial fibrillation can strongly benefit from the contribution of biomedical engineering. The modeling and signal processing approaches used in the present dissertation proved effective and promising, and synergies between clinicians and scientists will definitely be at the basis of future therapies

    Cardiac Arrhythmias

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    Cardiac arrhythmias are common triggers of emergency admission to cardiology or high-dependency departments. Most cases are easy to diagnose and treat, while others may present a challenge to healthcare professionals. A translational approach to arrhythmias links molecular and cellular scientific research with clinical diagnostics and therapeutic methods, which may include both pharmacological and non-pharmacologic treatments. This book presents a comprehensive overview of specific cardiac arrhythmias and discusses translational approaches to their diagnosis and treatment

    Cardiac Arrhythmias

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    The most intimate mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias are still quite unknown to scientists. Genetic studies on ionic alterations, the electrocardiographic features of cardiac rhythm and an arsenal of diagnostic tests have done more in the last five years than in all the history of cardiology. Similarly, therapy to prevent or cure such diseases is growing rapidly day by day. In this book the reader will be able to see with brighter light some of these intimate mechanisms of production, as well as cutting-edge therapies to date. Genetic studies, electrophysiological and electrocardiographyc features, ion channel alterations, heart diseases still unknown , and even the relationship between the psychic sphere and the heart have been exposed in this book. It deserves to be read

    ECG based Prediction Model for Cardiac-Related Diseases using Machine Learning Techniques

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    This dissertation presents research on the construction of predictive models for health conditions through the application of Artificial Intelligence methods. The work is thus focused on the prediction, in the short and long term, of Atrial Fibrillation conditions through the analysis of Electrocardiography exams, with the use of several techniques to reduce noise and interference, as well as their representation through spectrograms and their application in Artificial Intelligence models, specifically Deep Learning. The training and testing processes of the models made use of a publicly available database. In its two approaches, predictive algorithms were obtained with an accuracy of 96.73% for a short horizon prediction and 96.52% for long Atrial Fibrillation prediction horizon. The main objectives of this dissertation are thus the study of works already carried out in the area during the last decade, to present a new methodology of prediction of the presented condition, as well as to present and discuss its results, including suggestions for improvement for future development.Esta dissertação descreve a construção de modelos preditivos de condições de saúde através de aplicação de métodos de Inteligência Artificial. O trabalho é assim focado na predição, a curto e longo prazo, de condições de Fibrilhação Auricular através da análise de exames de Eletrocardiografia, com a utilização de diversas técnicas de redução de ruído e de interferência, bem como a sua representação através de espectrogramas e sua aplicação em modelos de Inteligência Artificial, concretamente de Aprendizagem Profunda (Deep Learning na língua inglesa). Os processos de treino e teste dos modelos obtidos recorreram a uma base de dados publicamente disponível. Nas suas duas abordagens, foram obtidos algoritmos preditivos com uma precisão de 96.73% para uma predição de curto horizonte e 96.52% para longo horizonte de predição de Fibrilhação Auricular. Os objetivos principais da presente dissertação são assim o estudo de trabalhos já realizados na área durante a última década, apresentar uma nova metodologia de predição da condição apresentada, bem como apresentar e discutir os seus resultados, incluindo sugestões de melhoria para futuro desenvolvimento