15 research outputs found

    Disentangled Variational Auto-Encoder for Semi-supervised Learning

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    Semi-supervised learning is attracting increasing attention due to the fact that datasets of many domains lack enough labeled data. Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE), in particular, has demonstrated the benefits of semi-supervised learning. The majority of existing semi-supervised VAEs utilize a classifier to exploit label information, where the parameters of the classifier are introduced to the VAE. Given the limited labeled data, learning the parameters for the classifiers may not be an optimal solution for exploiting label information. Therefore, in this paper, we develop a novel approach for semi-supervised VAE without classifier. Specifically, we propose a new model called Semi-supervised Disentangled VAE (SDVAE), which encodes the input data into disentangled representation and non-interpretable representation, then the category information is directly utilized to regularize the disentangled representation via the equality constraint. To further enhance the feature learning ability of the proposed VAE, we incorporate reinforcement learning to relieve the lack of data. The dynamic framework is capable of dealing with both image and text data with its corresponding encoder and decoder networks. Extensive experiments on image and text datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.Comment: 6 figures, 10 pages, Information Sciences 201

    Suicidal Ideation and Mental Disorder Detection with Attentive Relation Networks

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    Mental health is a critical issue in modern society, and mental disorders could sometimes turn to suicidal ideation without effective treatment. Early detection of mental disorders and suicidal ideation from social content provides a potential way for effective social intervention. However, classifying suicidal ideation and other mental disorders is challenging as they share similar patterns in language usage and sentimental polarity. This paper enhances text representation with lexicon-based sentiment scores and latent topics and proposes using relation networks to detect suicidal ideation and mental disorders with related risk indicators. The relation module is further equipped with the attention mechanism to prioritize more critical relational features. Through experiments on three real-world datasets, our model outperforms most of its counterparts

    CatGAN: Category-aware Generative Adversarial Networks with Hierarchical Evolutionary Learning for Category Text Generation

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    Generating multiple categories of texts is a challenging task and draws more and more attention. Since generative adversarial nets (GANs) have shown competitive results on general text generation, they are extended for category text generation in some previous works. However, the complicated model structures and learning strategies limit their performance and exacerbate the training instability. This paper proposes a category-aware GAN (CatGAN) which consists of an efficient category-aware model for category text generation and a hierarchical evolutionary learning algorithm for training our model. The category-aware model directly measures the gap between real samples and generated samples on each category, then reducing this gap will guide the model to generate high-quality category samples. The Gumbel-Softmax relaxation further frees our model from complicated learning strategies for updating CatGAN on discrete data. Moreover, only focusing on the sample quality normally leads the mode collapse problem, thus a hierarchical evolutionary learning algorithm is introduced to stabilize the training procedure and obtain the trade-off between quality and diversity while training CatGAN. Experimental results demonstrate that CatGAN outperforms most of the existing state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. Accepted by AAAI 202

    Feature-aware conditional GAN for category text generation

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    Category text generation receives considerable attentions since it is beneficial for various natural language processing tasks. Recently, the generative adversarial network (GAN) has attained promising performance in text generation, attributed to its adversarial training process. However, there are several issues in text GANs, including discreteness, training instability, mode collapse, lack of diversity and controllability etc. To address these issues, this paper proposes a novel GAN framework, the feature-aware conditional GAN (FA-GAN), for controllable category text generation. In FA-GAN, the generator has a sequence-to-sequence structure for improving sentence diversity, which consists of three encoders including a special feature-aware encoder and a category-aware encoder, and one relational-memory-core-based decoder with the Gumbel SoftMax activation function. The discriminator has an additional category classification head. To generate sentences with specified categories, the multi-class classification loss is supplemented in the adversarial training. Comprehensive experiments have been conducted, and the results show that FA-GAN consistently outperforms 10 state-of-the-art text generation approaches on 6 text classification datasets. The case study demonstrates that the synthetic sentences generated by FA-GAN can match the required categories and are aware of the features of conditioned sentences, with good readability, fluency, and text authenticity.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure

    Artificial Intelligence, Social Media and Supply Chain Management: The Way Forward

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    Supply chain management (SCM) is a complex network of multiple entities ranging from business partners to end consumers. These stakeholders frequently use social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, to voice their opinions and concerns. AI-based applications, such as sentiment analysis, allow us to extract relevant information from these deliberations. We argue that the context-specific application of AI, compared to generic approaches, is more efficient in retrieving meaningful insights from social media data for SCM. We present a conceptual overview of prevalent techniques and available resources for information extraction. Subsequently, we have identified specific areas of SCM where context-aware sentiment analysis can enhance the overall efficiency

    Generative AI in the Construction Industry: Opportunities & Challenges

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    In the last decade, despite rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) transforming many industry practices, construction largely lags in adoption. Recently, the emergence and rapid adoption of advanced large language models (LLM) like OpenAI's GPT, Google's PaLM, and Meta's Llama have shown great potential and sparked considerable global interest. However, the current surge lacks a study investigating the opportunities and challenges of implementing Generative AI (GenAI) in the construction sector, creating a critical knowledge gap for researchers and practitioners. This underlines the necessity to explore the prospects and complexities of GenAI integration. Bridging this gap is fundamental to optimizing GenAI's early-stage adoption within the construction sector. Given GenAI's unprecedented capabilities to generate human-like content based on learning from existing content, we reflect on two guiding questions: What will the future bring for GenAI in the construction industry? What are the potential opportunities and challenges in implementing GenAI in the construction industry? This study delves into reflected perception in literature, analyzes the industry perception using programming-based word cloud and frequency analysis, and integrates authors' opinions to answer these questions. This paper recommends a conceptual GenAI implementation framework, provides practical recommendations, summarizes future research questions, and builds foundational literature to foster subsequent research expansion in GenAI within the construction and its allied architecture & engineering domains