5 research outputs found

    A Generalized Arc-Consistency Algorithm for a Class of Counting Constraints: Revised Edition that Incorporates One Correction

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    This paper introduces the SEQ BIN meta-constraint with a polytime algorithm achieving general- ized arc-consistency according to some properties. SEQ BIN can be used for encoding counting con- straints such as CHANGE, SMOOTH or INCREAS- ING NVALUE. For some of these constraints and some of their variants GAC can be enforced with a time and space complexity linear in the sum of domain sizes, which improves or equals the best known results of the literature

    Propagating Regular Counting Constraints

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    Constraints over finite sequences of variables are ubiquitous in sequencing and timetabling. Moreover, the wide variety of such constraints in practical applications led to general modelling techniques and generic propagation algorithms, often based on deterministic finite automata (DFA) and their extensions. We consider counter-DFAs (cDFA), which provide concise models for regular counting constraints, that is constraints over the number of times a regular-language pattern occurs in a sequence. We show how to enforce domain consistency in polynomial time for atmost and atleast regular counting constraints based on the frequent case of a cDFA with only accepting states and a single counter that can be incremented by transitions. We also prove that the satisfaction of exact regular counting constraints is NP-hard and indicate that an incomplete algorithm for exact regular counting constraints is faster and provides more pruning than the existing propagator from [3]. Regular counting constraints are closely related to the CostRegular constraint but contribute both a natural abstraction and some computational advantages.Comment: Includes a SICStus Prolog source file with the propagato

    A Generalized Arc-Consistency Algorithm for a Class of Counting Constraints

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    This paper introduces the SEQ BIN meta-constraint with a polytime algorithm achieving generalized arc-consistency. SEQ BIN can be used for encoding counting constraints such as CHANGE, SMOOTH, or INCREASING NVALUE. For all of them the time and space complexity is linear in the sum of domain sizes, which improves or equals the best known results of the literature

    Ordonnancement cumulatif avec dépassements de capacité (Contrainte globale et décompositions)

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    La programmation par contraintes est une approche intéressante pour traiter des problèmes d ordonnancement. En ordonnancement cumulatif, les activités sont définies par leur date de début, leur durée et la quantité de ressource nécessaire à leur exécution. La ressource totale disponible (la capacité) en chaque instant est fixe. La contrainte globale Cumulative modélise ce problème en programmation par contraintes. Dans de nombreux cas pratiques, la date limite de fin d un projet est fixée et ne peut être retardée. Dans ce cas, il n est pas toujours possible de trouver un ordonnancement des activités qui n engendre aucun dépassement de la capacité en ressource. On peut alors tolérer de relâcher la contrainte de capacité, dans une limite raisonnable, pour obtenir une solution. Nous proposons une nouvelle contrainte globale : la contrainte SoftCumulative qui étend la contrainte Cumulative pour prendre en compte ces dépassements de capacité. Nous illustrons son pouvoir de modélisation sur plusieurs problèmes pratiques, et présentons différents algorithmes de filtrage. Nous adaptons notamment les algorithmes de balayage et d Edge-Finding à la contrainte SoftCumulative. Nous montrons également que certains problèmes pratiques nécessitent d imposer des violations de capacité pour satisfaire des règles métiers, modélisées par des contraintes additionnelles. Nous présentons une procédure de filtrage originale pour traiter ces dépassements imposés. Nous complétons notre étude par une approche par décomposition. Enfin, nous testons et validons nos différentes techniques de résolution par une série d expériences.Constraint programming is an interesting approach to solve scheduling problems. In cumulative scheduling, activities are defined by their starting date, their duration and the amount of resource necessary for their execution. The total available resource at each point in time (the capacity) is fixed. In constraint programming, the Cumulative global constraint models this problem. In several practical cases, the deadline of theproject is fixed and can not be delayed. In this case, it is not always possible to find a schedule that does not lead to an overload of the resource capacity. It can be tolerated to relax the capacity constraint, in a reasonable limit, to obtain a solution. We propose a new global constraint : the SoftCumulative constraint that extends the Cumulative constraint to handle these overloads. We illustrate its modeling power on several practical problems, and we present various filtering algorithms. In particular, we adapt the sweep and Edge-Finding algorithms to the SoftCumulative constraint. We also show that some practical problems require to impose overloads to satisfy business rules, modelled by additional constraints. We present an original filtering procedure to deal with these imposed overloads. We complete our study by an approach by decomposition. At last, we test and validate our different resolution techniques through a series of experiments.NANTES-ENS Mines (441092314) / SudocSudocFranceF