80 research outputs found

    Quantum Diffusion and Delocalization for Band Matrices with General Distribution

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    We consider Hermitian and symmetric random band matrices HH in d≥1d \geq 1 dimensions. The matrix elements HxyH_{xy}, indexed by x,y∈Λ⊂Zdx,y \in \Lambda \subset \Z^d, are independent and their variances satisfy \sigma_{xy}^2:=\E \abs{H_{xy}}^2 = W^{-d} f((x - y)/W) for some probability density ff. We assume that the law of each matrix element HxyH_{xy} is symmetric and exhibits subexponential decay. We prove that the time evolution of a quantum particle subject to the Hamiltonian HH is diffusive on time scales t≪Wd/3t\ll W^{d/3}. We also show that the localization length of the eigenvectors of HH is larger than a factor Wd/6W^{d/6} times the band width WW. All results are uniform in the size \abs{\Lambda} of the matrix. This extends our recent result \cite{erdosknowles} to general band matrices. As another consequence of our proof we show that, for a larger class of random matrices satisfying ∑xσxy2=1\sum_x\sigma_{xy}^2=1 for all yy, the largest eigenvalue of HH is bounded with high probability by 2+M−2/3+ϵ2 + M^{-2/3 + \epsilon} for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, where M \deq 1 / (\max_{x,y} \sigma_{xy}^2).Comment: Corrected typos and some inaccuracies in appendix

    The Three Loop Isotopy and Framed Isotopy Invariants of Virtual Knots

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    This paper introduces two virtual knot theory ``analogues'' of a well-known family of invariants for knots in thickened surfaces: the Grishanov-Vassiliev finite-type invariants of order two. The first, called the three loop isotopy invariant, is an invariant of virtual knots while the second, called the three loop framed isotopy invariant, is a regular isotopy invariant of framed virtual knots. The properties of these invariants are investigated at length. In addition, we make precise the informal notion of ``analogue''. Using this formal definition, it is proved that a generalized three loop invariant is a virtual knot theory analogue of a generalization of the Grishanov-Vassiliev invariants of order two

    Zariski density of crystalline representations for any p-adic field

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    The aim of this article is to prove Zariski density of crystalline representations in the rigid analytic space associated to the universal deformation ring of a d-dimensional mod p representation of Gal(\bar{K}/K) for any d and for any p-adic field K. This is a generalization of the results of Colmez, Kisin (d=2, K=Q_p), of the author (d=2, any K), of Chenevier (any d, K=Q_p). A key ingredient for the proof is to construct a p-adic family of trianguline representations. In this article, we construct (an approximation of) this family by generalizing Kisin's theory of finite slope subspace X_{fs} for any d and for any K

    Variational energy principle for compressible, baroclinic flow. 1: First and second variations of total kinetic action

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    The case of a cold gas in the absence of external force fields is considered. Since the only energy involved is kinetic energy, the total kinetic action (i.e., the space-time integral of the kinetic energy density) should serve as the total free-energy functional in this case, and as such should be a local minimum for all possible fluctuations about stable flow. This conjecture is tested by calculating explicit, manifestly covariant expressions for the first and second variations of the total kinetic action in the context of Lagrangian kinematics. The general question of the correlation between physical stability and the convexity of any action integral that can be interpreted as the total free-energy functional of the flow is discussed and illustrated for the cases of rectillinear and rotating shearing flows

    Trace Formulae and Spectral Statistics for Discrete Laplacians on Regular Graphs (I)

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    Trace formulae for d-regular graphs are derived and used to express the spectral density in terms of the periodic walks on the graphs under consideration. The trace formulae depend on a parameter w which can be tuned continuously to assign different weights to different periodic orbit contributions. At the special value w=1, the only periodic orbits which contribute are the non back- scattering orbits, and the smooth part in the trace formula coincides with the Kesten-McKay expression. As w deviates from unity, non vanishing weights are assigned to the periodic walks with back-scatter, and the smooth part is modified in a consistent way. The trace formulae presented here are the tools to be used in the second paper in this sequence, for showing the connection between the spectral properties of d-regular graphs and the theory of random matrices.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure
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