3 research outputs found

    An Empirical Evaluation of the Cost and Effectiveness of Structural Testing Criteria for Concurrent Programs

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    AbstractConcurrent program testing is not a trivial task. Features like nondeterminism, communication and synchronization impose new challenges that must be considered during the testing activity. Some initiatives have proposed testing approaches for concurrent programs, in which different paradigms and programming languages are considered. However, in general, these contributions do not present a well-formed experimental study to validate their ideas. The problem is that the data used and generated during the validation is not always available, hampering the replication of studies in the context of other testing approaches. This paper presents an experimental study, taking into account the concepts of the Experimental Software En- gineering to evaluate the cost, effectiveness and strength of the structural testing criteria for message-passing programs. The evaluation was conducted considering a benchmark composed of eight MPI programs. A set of eight structural testing criteria defined for message-passing programs was evaluated with the ValiMPI testing tool, which provides the support required to apply the investigated testing criteria. The results indicate the complementary aspect of the criteria and the information about cost and effectiveness has contributed to the establishment of an incremental testing strategy to apply the criteria. All material generated during the experimental study is available for further comparisons


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    Debugging multi-threaded concurrent programs is more difficult than sequential programs because errors are not always reproducible. Re-executing or instrumenting a concurrent program for tracing might change the execution timing and might cause the concurrent program to take a different execution path. In other words, the exact timing that caused the error is unknown. In order to reproduce the error, one needs to execute the concurrent program with the same input values many times as test cases by changing interleavings, but it is not always feasible to test them all. This dissertation proposes a debugging/testing system that generates all possible executions as test cases based on the limited information obtained from an execution trace, and then detects potential race conditions caused by different schedules and interrupt timings on a concurrent multi-threaded program. There are a number of studies about test cases reduction using partial order reduction, but there are still redundancies for the purpose of checking race conditions. The objective is to efficiently reproduce concurrent errors, specifically race conditions, by proposing three methods. The first is to reduce the numbers of interleavings to be tested. This is achieved by reducing redundant test cases and eliminating infeasible ones. The originality of the proposed method is to exploit the nature of branch coverage and utilize data flows from the trace information to identify only those interleavings that affect branch outcomes, whereas existing methods try to identify all the interleavings which may affect shared variables. Since the execution paths with the same branch outcomes would have equivalent sequences of lock/unlock and read/write operations to shared variables, they can be grouped together in the same “race-equivalent” group. In order to reduce the task for reproducing race conditions, it is sufficient to check only one member of the group. In this way, the proposed method can significantly reduces the number of interleavings for testing while still capable of detecting the same race conditions. Furthermore, the proposed method extends the existing model of execution trace to identify and avoid generating infeasible interleavings due to dependency caused by lock/unlock and wait/notify mechanisms. Experimental results suggest that redundant interleavings can be identified and removed which leads to a significant reduction of test cases. We evaluated the proposed method against several concurrent Java programs. The experimental results for an open source program Apache Commons Pool show the number of test cases is reduced from 23, which is based on the existing Thread-Pair-Interleaving method (TPAIR), to only 2 by the proposed method. Moreover, for concurrent programs that contain infinite loops, the proposed method generates only a finite and very few numbers of test cases, while many existing methods generate an infinite number of test cases. The second is to reduce the memory space required for generating test cases. Redundant test cases were still generated by the existing reachability testing method even though there was no need to execute them. Here, we propose a new method by analyzing data dependency to generate only those test cases that might affect sequences of lock/unlock and read/write operations to shared variables. The experimental results for the Apache Commons Pool show that the size of the graph for creating the test cases is reduced from 990 nodes, as based on the reachability testing method used in our previous work, to only 4 nodes by our new method. The third improvement is to reduce the effort involved in checking race conditions by utilizing previous test results. Existing work requires checking race conditions in the whole execution trace for every new test case. The proposed method can identify only those parts of the execution trace in which the sequence of lock/unlock and read/write operations to shared variables might be affected by a new test case, thus necessitating that race conditions be rechecked only for those affected parts. From the new improvements introduced above, the proposed methods accomplish to significantly reduce the efforts for exhaustively checking all possible interleavings. The proposed methods provide programmers the information regarding whether there exist program errors caused by interleavings, the interleaving (path) when the errors occurred, and accesses to shared variables with inconsistent locking.電気通信大学201