18,683 research outputs found

    Information Security Risk Management (ISRM) Model for Saudi Arabian Organisations

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    This research aimed to investigate the factors influencing information security risk management (ISRM) and develop an ISRM model for large Saudi Arabian organisations. The study employed an exploratory research method following a top-down design approach. The research was conducted in two sequential phases: an interview and a focus group discussion. The research identified 14 factors grouped into the people, process, and technology that influence ISRM in large Saudi Arabian organisations. The proposed model can successfully guide large Saudi Arabian organisations to implement ISRM standards more effectively

    Training and Development Challenges in Public Universities: The Case of Saudi Arabian Higher Education

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    This research examines the challenges encountered by training and development (T&D) inpublic higher education universities in Saudi Arabia in terms of needs analysis,implementation, and evaluation. The research emphasizes an understanding of how these problems affect the success rate of T&D programmes through an analytical study focused on understanding the problems in T&D in these institutions by applying a case study method that researches the perspectives of faculty members and senior managers. In response to anidentified gap in the literature particularly regarding investigating the delivery of T&D programmes in public universities within developing and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, this research seeks to explore T&D in Saudi Arabian Higher Education, with the aim of broadening knowledge in this field and offering a deeper understanding of the T&D situation in these institutions, so that HR departments, decision-makers, and policymakers might be better equipped to effectively implement T&D. Semi-structured interviews were used to gather qualitative data from 85 senior managers and faculty staff at four Saudi Arabian public universities, and this data was interpreted using framework analysis. The results highlight a number of significant challenges to the effective delivery of T&D within these institutions that are likely to hinder the growth of T&D in Saudi public universities and possibly compromise the government’s Saudi Vision 2030 plan. The results indicate limited communication between HR departments and colleges to deliver T&D programmes; biases in the selection processes of academic staff for T&D; lack of interest among faculty members to attend T&D; and lack of coordination in university policy practices. Overall, the findings of this research show that the Saudi Arabian higher education sector has failed to capture the value of T&D, thus compromising competitive advantage through their human capital. In light of the findings, a streamlined framework is developed to suggest ways to overcome the challenges identified, which would improve Human Resources practices and help universities gain the value of their T&D programmes, enhancing the performance of the institution as well as of its staff and students

    The Impact of E-Readiness on ELearning Success in Saudi Arabian Higher Education Institutions

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    This research investigates how e-readiness impacts the success of e-learning initiatives in Saudi Arabia’s higher education institutions. The research model assesses this relationship taking into account the unique attributes of teachers, students and administrator in higher education institutions. Seven dimensions constituting the component factors of e-readiness were identified including policy and institutional business strategy, pedagogy, technology, interface design, management, administrative and resource support as well as evaluation and continual improvement. Also six dimensions which constitute the component factors of e-learning success including system, information and service qualities, use and user satisfaction as well as net benefits were also identified. The research hypothesizes, construct and test structural equation models (SEM) on the current levels of e-readiness of Saudi Arabian higher education institutions to successfully implement e-learning initiatives. Research instrument was developed using a pool of items generated from literature. The instruments used were verified and confirmed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Results of EFA, CFA indicated the measurement scale can serve as reliable and valid tool to assess the relationship between e-readiness and e-learning success in Saudi Arabian higher education institutions. Structural equation modelling was used to test this relationship and to assess the applicability of the study’s theoretical framework to different and multiple groups. The unique attributes of teachers, students and administrator to achieve meaningful comparisons across groups were considered and the results exhibit adequate cross-group equivalence which was achieved at different levels. Finding confirmed the universality of the five dimensions of e-readiness to have significant effects on the six dimensions of e-learning success. Additionally, the findings indicated stability of the relationships among the variables within the structural equation model and it isn’t influenced by differences of teachers, students, and administrators either conceptually or psychometrically. The current work contributes to our knowledge of e-learning through the lens of theoretical insights and empirical findings. The implications of the research in the context of Saudi Arabia are discussed and it is intended that the findings from this research can be used to inform strategic decision making towards harnessing the power of e-learning in the country’s higher institutions of learning

    Intention to use e-government services among the academic staff in Saudi universities

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    E-government diffusion and usage is a global topic that concerns many countries worldwide. E-government is a way for providing services of government over online channels of communication to its citizens. Saudi Arabia has implemented a program of e-government in 2005 to encourage performance of public sectors through acquiring the benefits of Information Communication Technology (ICT) advances. This study focuses on the factors that influence intention to use e-government among the academic staff in Saudi Arabia. In addition, this study is to identify the mediating role of e-government awareness on the relationships between social influence, trust of internet and trust in intermediaries and intention to use e-government and the mediating role of perceived risk on the relationships between trust of internet and trust in intermediaries and intention to use e-government. Based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), this study integrated these factors to examine their influences on intention to use e-government. This study utilized a quantitative approach using a survey to reflect consumers’ perspectives towards e-government usage. To examine the hypothesized model, the data were collected from the academic staff working in Saudi public universities. This study employed Partial Least Squares techniques to confirm the validity and reliability of the measurement model and to examine the structural relationships. The findings of the study confirmed the influences of social influence, e-government awareness, trust in intermediary and perceived risk on intention to use e-government. Further, awareness of e-government is influenced by social influence, trust in Internet and trust in intermediary and mediates the relationship between these factors and intention to use e-government. Trust in Internet factor emerged as significant predictor of consumers’ risk perceptions and mediates the relationship between this factor and intention to use e-government. This study has important implications for e-government practitioners, researchers and policy decision makers interested in the implementation of e-governmen


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    Little of the available funding reaches entrepreneurs and SMEs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This lack of financing ability, known as credit rationing, is mainly due to information asymmetries and is a pressing issue in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi government is relying on the entrepreneurship and SMEs subsector to diversify the Kingdom’s economy away from the dominance of oil and to create jobs for young Saudis who are underemployed. This study aims to answer a question that hypothesizes that entrepreneurs need an optimal training module to understand the types of information that investors utilize in investment decisions and the type of “signals” from entrepreneurs that inspire confidence in investors. The human capital theory suggests that a quality training program can establish a skill base that will improve return on investment. The signaling theory suggests that the challenge of imperfect information can be largely overcome by training entrepreneurs to send more accurate and more targeted signals to investors regarding their character, skills, and the viability of their projects. The study uses both quantitative and qualitative methods in data collection. The research was conducted within the Saudi cities of Riyadh, Jeddah, and Dammam, where most of the entrepreneurial activities and SMEs development are located. It suffered some limitations due to access to data and the conservativeness of the Saudi population in responding to academic studies that affected the sample size The findings reveal that entrepreneurs with an in-depth understanding of investors’ due diligence process are more likely to invest adequately to assemble appropriate skill sets and learn to signal the characteristics that investors appreciate while tailoring their ventures and business plans to meet investors’ ideals. A training module that includes these components can be vital in overcoming credit rationing in the Kingdom. Universities, mainly business schools, may play a significant role in providing the optimal training module, with collaboration from investors. This study contributes to the literature by representing the history of the entrepreneurship and SMEs development in the Kingdom through three main periodical stages. Also, it identifies the assessment studies that international management consultants prepared to several Saudi government agencies in the subject field. This contribution is more likely to help future researchers in having more practical information about the entrepreneurship and SMEs ecosystem in the Kingdom. Furthermore, the study has implications on entrepreneurship and SMEs development stakeholders such as entrepreneurs, investors, training institutes, and regulators. Few recommendations are proposed. The study concludes with suggestions for research in related subject areas in Saudi Arabia and potentially other countries with similar economies

    Identifying the relevance of personal values to e-government portals' success: insights from a Delphi study

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    Most governments around the world have put considerable financial resources into the development of e-government systems. They have been making significant efforts to provide information and services online. However, previous research shows that the rate of adoption and success of e-government systems vary significantly across countries. It is argued here that culture can be an important factor affecting e- government success. This paper aims to explore the relevance of personal values to the e-government success from an individual user’s perspective. The ten basic values identified by Schwartz were used. A Delphi study was carried out with a group of experts to identify the most relevant personal values to the e-government success from an individual’s point of view. The findings suggest that four of the ten values, namely Self-direction, Security, Stimulation, and Tradition, most likely affect the success. The findings provide a basis for developing a comprehensive e-government evaluation framework to be validated using a large scale survey in Saudi Arabia
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