100 research outputs found

    Data Driven Stochastic Game Network-Based Smart Home Monitoring System Using IoT-Enabled Edge Computing Environments

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    Edge computing plays a crucial role in the processing of Consumer Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled latency-sensitive applications. In smart homes, dynamic action strategies based on multiple IoT objects with edge processing can be the best solution for handling adverse events. To overcome these challenges, the use of Stochastic Game Net (SGN) forming IoT devices as players with predefined action sets is one of the feasible solutions. Relative to this context, the edge-assisted IoT-enabled data-driven SGN model is proposed to handle various events in the smart home environment. Stochastic Petri Nets (SPNs) and game theory are integrated into our proposed model to build data-driven dynamic SGNs for the smart home environment. Dynamic SGNs for a comprehensive smart home system are generated in real-time through transitions based on sensor data, enhancing interoperability and scalability in smart home environments. We use the Net logo tool and state-of-the-art smart home sensor datasets to generate dynamic SGNs for various events. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model within a data-driven smart home environment. It shows that the present work significantly outperforms other state-of-the-art techniques in terms of decision-making at the edge layer. Moreover, using the proposed system the energy efficacy increased to around 39mJ/K nodes, and the average temporal delay for different events was reduced significantly

    Panel 2: Understanding Network Effects in the Platform Context

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    Combinatorial Auction-based Mechanisms for Composite Web Service Selection

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    Composite service selection presents the opportunity for the rapid development of complex applications using existing web services. It refers to the problem of selecting a set of web services from a large pool of available candidates to logically compose them to achieve value-added composite services. The aim of service selection is to choose the best set of services based on the functional and non-functional (quality related) requirements of a composite service requester. The current service selection approaches mostly assume that web services are offered as single independent entities; there is no possibility for bundling. Moreover, the current research has mainly focused on solving the problem for a single composite service. There is a limited research to date on how the presence of multiple requests for composite services affects the performance of service selection approaches. Addressing these two aspects can significantly enhance the application of composite service selection approaches in the real-world. We develop new approaches for the composite web service selection problem by addressing both the bundling and multiple requests issues. In particular, we propose two mechanisms based on combinatorial auction models, where the provisioning of multiple services are auctioned simultaneously and service providers can bid to offer combinations of web services. We mapped these mechanisms to Integer Linear Programing models and conducted extensive simulations to evaluate them. The results of our experimentation show that bundling can lead to cost reductions compared to when services are offered independently. Moreover, the simultaneous consideration of a set of requests enhances the success rate of the mechanism in allocating services to requests. By considering all composite service requests at the same time, the mechanism achieves more homogenous prices which can be a determining factor for the service requester in choosing the best composite service selection mechanism to deploy

    Mapping the Evolution of "Clusters": A Meta-analysis

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    This paper presents a meta-analysis of the “cluster literature” contained in scientific journals from 1969 to 2007. Thanks to an original database we study the evolution of a stream of literature which focuses on a research object which is both a theoretical puzzle and an empirical widespread evidence. We identify different growth stages, from take-off to development and maturity. We test the existence of a life-cycle within the authorships and we discover the existence of a substitutability relation between different collaborative behaviours. We study the relationships between a “spatial” and an “industrial” approach within the textual corpus of cluster literature and we show the existence of a “predatory” interaction. We detect the relevance of clustering behaviours in the location of authors working on clusters and in measuring the influence of geographical distance in co-authorship. We measure the extent of a convergence process of the vocabulary of scientists working on clusters.Cluster, Life-Cycle, Cluster Literature, Textual Analysis, Agglomeration, Co-Authorship

    Consumer guide to competition : a practical handbook

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    French version available in IDRC Digital Library: Guide du consommateur sur la concurrence : un manuel pratiqu

    Skyscrapers and Skylines: New York and Chicago, 1885-2007

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    This paper compares and contrasts the determinants of the market for skyscrapers in Chicago and New York from 1885 to 2007, using annual time series data. I estimate the factors that determine both the number of skyscraper completions and the height of the tallest building completed each year in the two cities. I find that each city responds differently to the same economic fundamentals. Also, regressions test for and find the presence of strategic interaction across the two cities. I also estimate the effects of zoning regulations on height. Compared to New York, Chicago's zoning policies significantly reduced the height of its skyline.New York, Chicago, skyscrapers, building height

    Intellectual Property and Innovation in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

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    2noThe aim of this study is to provide a structured review of the role of IPR in fostering innovation and economic growth in the European ICT sector. Typically IPR analysis of industries focuses on patents. In practice, however, IPR strategies are developed combining the use of different IP rights. The scope of analysis considers this and looks at the joint use of patents, trademarks and industrial designs, each protecting a different type of knowledge-based asset. Based on these characteristics, the focus of the research is to provide an overview of the mechanisms typically employed in order to appropriate the returns from R&D investments. For each formal IPR, we briefly review the main contributions to the economic literature, both theoretical and empirical, on the rationale for its existence and the effects it generates on firms’ behaviour and market outcomes. We then highlight the most important emerging issues. In the final section of the study, we focus on the software industry.reservedmixedStefano, Comino; Fabio M. ManentiComino, Stefano; Fabio M., Manent

    Essays on Complementary Products and Strategies

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    Complementary products contribute significantly to the growth and sustenance of primary products and platforms in many high technology product markets. Although different literatures have investigated issues related to complementary products, our understanding on this topic is limited. This dissertation aims to address some of the questions in the growing literature on complementary products. Following the literature review, the third chapter develops the conceptual underpinnings of product complementarity and examines commonly specified definitions to clarify the dimensions of product complementarity. The fourth chapter addresses the boundary question from the perspective of a primary product firm. The theoretical model identifies the antecedents of the internalization decision emphasizing the influence of type of product complementarity and key environmental contingences, viz., technological and market demand uncertainty. The fourth and fifth chapters of the thesis examine the role of type of complementarity in predicting the governance choices of 31 public businesses over a time frame of 26 years in the PC industry, a setting where complementary products have significantly influenced the competitive and technological landscape. The study findings reveal that type of complementarity along with environmental contingences influence a firm's choice of internalization, alliances or complementor make. Market demand uncertainty influences the choice of strategy towards complementary product for moderately increasing levels of uncertainty while technological uncertainty predicts the governance choices for both low and moderately increasing levels of uncertainty. In addition, in accordance with emerging literature in the Transaction Cost Economics logic (Leiblein & Miller, 2002; Jacobides, 2005) the findings highlight the role of firm capabilities. The dissertation attempts to contribute to the strategy literature by explicating the importance of nature of complementary products, so far not addressed in traditional TCE work.Ph.D., Business Administration -- Drexel University, 201

    Integrated Economic and Climate Modeling

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    This survey examines the history and current practice in integrated assessment models (IAMs) of the economics of climate change. It begins with a review of the emerging problem of climate change. The next section provides a brief sketch of the rise of IAMs in the 1970s and beyond. The subsequent section is an extended exposition of one IAM, the DICE/RICE family of models. The purpose of this description is to provide readers an example of how such a model is developed and what the major components are. The nal section discusses major important open questions that continue to occupy IAM modelers. These involve issues such as the discount rate, uncertainty, the social cost of carbon, the potential for catastrophic climate change, algorithms, and fat-tailed distributions. These issues are ones that pose both deep intellectual challenges as well as important policy implications for climate change and climate-change policy

    A Knowledge Perspective of Strategic Alliances and Management of Biopharmaceutical Innovation: Evolving Research Paradigms

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    Information from the Human Genome Project is being integrated into the drug discovery and development process to permit novel drug targets to be identified, clinical trial testing to be made more efficient, and efficacious therapeutics to be approved and made widely available. Knowledge of the genome will allow for the description and quantification of disease and susceptibility to disease as informational errors or deficits. The creation and application of knowledge occur through cooperative or competitive interactions, often reflecting the perceived value of the knowledge. The public or private value of the knowledge, both for itself and for potential applications, can be determined through an understanding of the classification and characterization of this knowledge, as well as the position of the knowledge within the drug discovery and development pipeline. The transformation of knowledge from a purely public good to a quasi-private good has highlighted the need for balance between incentives for the market provision of scientific and technological knowledge by an innovator and incentives for the market provision of incremental knowledge by a follow-on developer. It has been suggested that a patent system developed for a discrete model of innovation may no longer be optimal for an information-based, cumulative model of innovation. Consequently, it is necessary to reanalyze models of intellectual property protection and strategies of knowledge sharing in biopharmaceutical discovery research. Under certain conditions, the biotech commons is an efficient institution that can preserve downstream opportunities for multiple researchers fairly and efficiently. A framework for classifying and characterizing discovery knowledge is developed in this research and the role of research consortia in preserving the biotech commons is analyzed. This study also addresses the value of pooling versus unilaterally holding knowledge, the benefits associated with appropriating from the commons, the role of knowledge characteristics in bargaining between licensor and licensee, and the overall management of the biotech commons
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