403 research outputs found

    Minuet: Accelerating 3D Sparse Convolutions on GPUs

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    Sparse Convolution (SC) is widely used for processing 3D point clouds that are inherently sparse. Different from dense convolution, SC preserves the sparsity of the input point cloud by only allowing outputs to specific locations. To efficiently compute SC, prior SC engines first use hash tables to build a kernel map that stores the necessary General Matrix Multiplication (GEMM) operations to be executed (Map step), and then use a Gather-GEMM-Scatter process to execute these GEMM operations (GMaS step). In this work, we analyze the shortcomings of prior state-of-the-art SC engines, and propose Minuet, a novel memory-efficient SC engine tailored for modern GPUs. Minuet proposes to (i) replace the hash tables used in the Map step with a novel segmented sorting double-traversed binary search algorithm that highly utilizes the on-chip memory hierarchy of GPUs, (ii) use a lightweight scheme to autotune the tile size in the Gather and Scatter operations of the GMaS step, such that to adapt the execution to the particular characteristics of each SC layer, dataset, and GPU architecture, and (iii) employ a padding-efficient GEMM grouping approach that reduces both memory padding and kernel launching overheads. Our evaluations show that Minuet significantly outperforms prior SC engines by on average 1.74×1.74\times (up to 2.22×2.22\times) for end-to-end point cloud network executions. Our novel segmented sorting double-traversed binary search algorithm achieves superior speedups by 15.8×15.8\times on average (up to 26.8×26.8\times) over prior SC engines in the Map step. The source code of Minuet is publicly available at https://github.com/UofT-EcoSystem/Minuet

    Enhancing In-Memory Spatial Indexing with Learned Search

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    Spatial data is ubiquitous. Massive amounts of data are generated every day from a plethora of sources such as billions of GPS-enableddevices (e.g., cell phones, cars, and sensors), consumer-based applications (e.g., Uber and Strava), and social media platforms (e.g.,location-tagged posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram). This exponential growth in spatial data has led the research communityto build systems and applications for efficient spatial data processing.In this study, we apply a recently developed machine-learned search technique for single-dimensional sorted data to spatial indexing.Specifically, we partition spatial data using six traditional spatial partitioning techniques and employ machine-learned search withineach partition to support point, range, distance, and spatial join queries. Adhering to the latest research trends, we tune the partitioningtechniques to be instance-optimized. By tuning each partitioning technique for optimal performance, we demonstrate that: (i) grid-basedindex structures outperform tree-based index structures (from 1.23× to 2.47×), (ii) learning-enhanced variants of commonly used spatialindex structures outperform their original counterparts (from 1.44× to 53.34× faster), (iii) machine-learned search within a partitionis faster than binary search by 11.79% - 39.51% when filtering on one dimension, (iv) the benefit of machine-learned search diminishesin the presence of other compute-intensive operations (e.g. scan costs in higher selectivity queries, Haversine distance computation, andpoint-in-polygon tests), and (v) index lookup is the bottleneck for tree-based structures, which could potentially be reduced by linearizingthe indexed partitions.Additional Key Words and Phrases: spatial data, indexing, machine-learning, spatial queries, geospatia

    Characterization and surface reconstruction of objects in tomographic images of composite materials

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaIn the scope of the project Tomo-GPU supported by FCT / MCTES the aim is to build an interactive graphical environment that allows a Materials specialist to define their own programs for analysis of 3D tomographic images. This project aims to build a tool to characterize and investigate the identified objects, where the user can define search criteria such as size, orientation, bounding boxes, among others. All this processing will be done on a desktop computer equipped with a graphics card with some processing power. On the proposed solution the modules for characterizing objects, received from the identification phase, will be implemented using some existing software libraries, most notably the CGAL library. The characterization modules with bigger execution times will be implemented using OpenCL and GPUs. With this work the characterization and reconstruction of objects and their research can now be done on conventional machines, using GPUs to accelerate the most time-consuming computations. After the conclusion of this thesis, new tools that will help to improve the current development cycle of new materials will be available for Materials Science specialists

    APRIL: Approximating Polygons as Raster Interval Lists

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    The spatial intersection join an important spatial query operation, due to its popularity and high complexity. The spatial join pipeline takes as input two collections of spatial objects (e.g., polygons). In the filter step, pairs of object MBRs that intersect are identified and passed to the refinement step for verification of the join predicate on the exact object geometries. The bottleneck of spatial join evaluation is in the refinement step. We introduce APRIL, a powerful intermediate step in the pipeline, which is based on raster interval approximations of object geometries. Our technique applies a sequence of interval joins on 'intervalized' object approximations to determine whether the objects intersect or not. Compared to previous work, APRIL approximations are simpler, occupy much less space, and achieve similar pruning effectiveness at a much higher speed. Besides intersection joins between polygons, APRIL can directly be applied and has high effectiveness for polygonal range queries, within joins, and polygon-linestring joins. By applying a lightweight compression technique, APRIL approximations may occupy even less space than object MBRs. Furthermore, APRIL can be customized to apply on partitioned data and on polygons of varying sizes, rasterized at different granularities. Our last contribution is a novel algorithm that computes the APRIL approximation of a polygon without having to rasterize it in full, which is orders of magnitude faster than the computation of other raster approximations. Experiments on real data demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of APRIL; compared to the state-of-the-art intermediate filter, APRIL occupies 2x-8x less space, is 3.5x-8.5x more time-efficient, and reduces the end-to-end join cost up to 3 times.Comment: 12 page

    SwiftSpatial: Spatial Joins on Modern Hardware

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    Spatial joins are among the most time-consuming queries in spatial data management systems. In this paper, we propose SwiftSpatial, a specialized accelerator architecture tailored for spatial joins. SwiftSpatial contains multiple high-performance join units with innovative hybrid parallelism, several efficient memory management units, and an integrated on-chip join scheduler. We prototype SwiftSpatial on an FPGA and incorporate the R-tree synchronous traversal algorithm as the control flow. Benchmarked against various CPU and GPU-based spatial data processing systems, SwiftSpatial demonstrates a latency reduction of up to 5.36x relative to the best-performing baseline, while requiring 6.16x less power. The remarkable performance and energy efficiency of SwiftSpatial lay a solid foundation for its future integration into spatial data management systems, both in data centers and at the edge
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