596 research outputs found

    A Fully Differential Digital CMOS Pulse UWB Generator

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    A new fully-digital CMOS pulse generator for impulse-radio Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) systems is presented. First, the shape of the pulse which best fits the FCC regulation in the 3.1-5 GHz sub-band of the entire 3.1-10.6 GHz UWB bandwidth is derived and approximated using rectangular digital pulses. In particular, the number and width of pulses that approximate an ideal template is found through an ad-hoc optimization methodology. Then a fully differential digital CMOS circuit that synthesizes the pulse sequence is conceived and its functionality demonstrated through post-layout simulations. The results show a very good agreement with the FCC requirements and a low power consumptio

    Photonic processing of microwave signals

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    La distribution par fibre optique de signaux de type « ultra-wideband (UWB)» requiert le développement de nouvelles technologies photoniques qui seront le sujet d'étude de cette thÚse. Nous commençons avec un démonstration expérimentale d'une technique de sculpture d'impulsions qui offre une solution économique et à faible consommation de puissance pour les systÚmes UWB . Dans cette étude, nous procédons à l'apodisation de deux réseaux Bragg identiques avec une variation de période linéaire qui sont placés aux deux entrées d'un photodétecteur balancé. L'apodisation est réalisée par l'application d'un profile de température à l'aide d'éléments résistif de petite dimensions, ce qui permet une consommation énergétique réduite et une bonne résolution spectrale. Le filtrage spectral d'une source laser puisée suivi d'une conversion fréquence-temps par propagation dans une fibre optique standard permet de générer une impulsion UWB efficace d'un point de vue énergétique pour les communications à courte portée dans la bande spectrale de 3 a 10 GHz. Dans un deuxiÚme temps, pour générer des signaux passe-bande à haute fréquence, nous avons utilisé un laser puisé à commutation de gain. AprÚs la conversion optique/électrique des impulsions en utilisant des filtres optiques et RF appropriés, nous réussissons à générer des signaux large bande dans des bandes spectrales ayant des fréquences centrales de 25, 35 et 45 GHz. Nous examinons diverses configurations de filtres permettant cette conversion selon qu'il y ait ou non transmission dans une fibre optique. Finalement, nous démontrons la détection de signaux RF dans le domaine optique par le design et la fabrication de filtres adaptés. Notre récepteur utilise un modulateur de Mach-Zehnder pour faire la conversion électrique-optique et des filtres à base de réseau de Bragg comme filtres adaptés. Nous examinons la performance du récepteur pour deux conditions de polarisation différentes du Mach-Zehnder. Nous avons conçu des filtres adaptés pour ces deux cas et nous discutons de la performance résultant

    A Study of Integrated UWB Antennas Optimised for Time Domain Performance

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    Antennas for impulse radio ultra-wideband based portable devices are required to be compact and able to transmit or receive waveforms with minimal distortion in order to support proximity ranging with a centimetre-scale precision. The first part of thesis characterises several pulse types for use in the generation of picosecond-scale signals in respect to the regulatory power and frequency standards while the principles of antenna transient transmission and reception are stated. The proximity effect of planar conductors on the performance of an ultra-wideband antenna is investigated in both spectral and temporal domain demonstrating the relationship between the antenna-reflector separation and the antenna performance. Balanced and unbalanced antennas are also investigated for integration into asset-tracking tag applications and are designed to operate in close proximity to PCB boards while meeting realistic dimensional constraints and acceptable time domain performances. Monopole antenna designs are reported with performances optimized for minimum pulse dispersion. Minimization of pulse dispersion effects in the antenna designs is achieved using pulses with optimal spectral fit to the UWB emission mask. The generation of these waveforms are reported for the first time. An antenna de-embedding method is reported enabling validation of the simulated fidelity factor of radiated patterns. Novel differentially-fed planar dipole and slot antennas are reported for direct IC output integration. Design objectives and optimisation are focused on bandwidth enhancement and pulse dispersion minimisation. Finally, time- and frequency-domain measurements are carried out using an approach based on the superposition principle

    A Novel DS-UWB Pulses Design Using Genetic Algorithm

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    [[abstract]]This paper proposes a new pulse design method to improve spectrum utilization rate and reduce the outage probability in ultra wide band (UWB) system. Several third derivative Gaussian waveforms are employed to generate the pulse based on the bandwidth constraint set by the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) mask. The genetic algorithm (GA) is used to find the optimal pulse parameter. This method is an easy way to achieve in practical circuit implementation compared to one pulse generator, since COMS circuit is hard to produce one pulse with short duration and complex pulse shape. Comparisons with the traditional Gaussian pulse, the synthesis pulse by GA not only satisfy the FCC emission mask but also have high spectrum utilization rate. Simulation results show that the performances in indoor UWB system using the synthesis pulse by GA is better than that using traditional Gaussian pulse. Numerical results show that the synthesis pulse by GA is higher 30 percent of spectrum utilization rate and lower 65 percent of outage probability for the same transmission power, as well as lower 21 percent of outage probability for fixed signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)at the receiver comparing with traditional Gaussian pulse. This proposed method not only use in indoor UWB system but also can extend to different communication system just changing the system object function.[[conferencetype]]朋際[[conferencedate]]20090403~20090405[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Kuala Lumpar, Malaysi

    Optimized Monopole and Dipole Antennas for UWB Asset Tag Location Systems

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    Miniaturized monopole and dipole antenna designs are reported with performances optimized for ultrawideband pulsed radio applications. The geometries are created using Bézier spline shapes, which have been refined with a genetic algorithm to simultaneously take account of both frequency- and time-domain criteria. Time-domain measurements of ultra wideband antennas with uniformly distributed energy across the full 3.1-10.6 GHz mask are reported for the first time and validate a new approach to minimization of pulse dispersion effects in the antenna designs

    Ultra-wideband indoor communications using optical technology

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    La communication ultra large bande (UWB) a attirĂ© une Ă©norme quantitĂ© de recherches ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, surtout aprĂšs la prĂ©sentation du masque spectral de US Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Les impulsions ultra-courtes permettent de trĂšs hauts dĂ©bits de faible puissance tout en Ă©liminant les interfĂ©rences avec les systĂšmes existants Ă  bande Ă©troite. La faible puissance, cependant, limite la portĂ©e de propagation des radios UWB Ă  quelques mĂštres pour la transmission sans fil Ă  l’intĂ©rieur d’une piĂšce. En outre, des signaux UWB reçu sont Ă©tendus dans le temps en raison de la propagation par trajet multiple qui rĂ©sulte en beaucoup d’interfĂ©rence inter-symbole (ISI) Ă  haut dĂ©bit. Le monocycle Gaussien, l’impulsion la plus commune dans UWB, a une mauvaise couverture sous le masque de la FCC. Dans cette thĂšse, nous dĂ©montrons des transmet- teurs qui sont capables de gĂ©nĂ©rer des impulsions UWB avec une efficacitĂ© de puissance Ă©levĂ©e. Une impulsion efficace rĂ©sulte dans un rapport de signal Ă  bruit (SNR) supĂ©rieur au rĂ©cepteur en utilisant plus de la puissance disponible sous le masque spectral de la FCC. On produit les impulsions dans le domaine optique et utilise la fibre optique pour les transporter sur plusieurs kilomĂštres pour la distribution dans un rĂ©seau optique pas- sif. La fibre optique est trĂšs fiable pour le transport des signaux radio avec une faible consommation de puissance. On utilise les Ă©lĂ©ments simples comme un modulateur Mach-Zehnder ou un rĂ©sonateur en anneau pour gĂ©nĂ©rer des impulsions, ce qui permet l’intĂ©gration dans le silicium. Compatible avec la technologie CMOS, la photonique sur silicium a un potentiel Ă©norme pour abaisser le coĂ»t et l’encombrement des systĂšmes optiques. La photodĂ©tection convertit les impulsions optiques en impulsions Ă©lectriques avant la transmission sur l’antenne du cĂŽtĂ© de l’utilisateur. La rĂ©ponse frĂ©quentielle de l’antenne dĂ©forme la forme d’onde de l’impulsion UWB. Nous proposons une technique d’optimisation non-linĂ©aire qui prend en compte la distorsion d’antenne pour trouver des impulsions qui maximisent la puissance transmise, en respectant le masque spectral de la FCC. Nous travaillons avec trois antennes et concevons une impulsion unique pour chacune d’entre elle. L’amĂ©lioration de l’énergie des impulsions UWB amĂ©liore directement la SNR au rĂ©cepteur. Les rĂ©sultats de simulation montrent que les impulsions optimisĂ©es amĂ©liorent considĂ©rablement le taux d’erreur (BER) par rapport au monocycle Gaussien sous propagation par trajet multiple. Notre autre contribution est l’évaluation d’un filtre adaptĂ© pour recevoir efficacement des impulsions UWB. Le filtre adaptĂ© est synthĂ©tisĂ© et fabriquĂ© en technologie microstrip, en collaboration avec l’UniversitĂ© McGill comme un dispositif de bande interdite Ă©lectromagnĂ©tique. La rĂ©ponse frĂ©quentielle du filtre adaptĂ© montre une ex- cellente concordance avec le spectre ciblĂ© de l’impulsion UWB. Les mesures de BER confirment la performance supĂ©rieure du filtre adaptĂ© par rapport Ă  un rĂ©cepteur Ă  conversion directe. Le canal UWB est trĂšs riche en trajet multiple conduisant Ă  l’ISI Ă  haut dĂ©bit. Notre derniĂšre contribution est l’étude de performance des rĂ©cepteurs en simulant un systĂšme avec des conditions de canaux rĂ©alistes. Les rĂ©sultats de la simulation montrent que la performance d’un tel systĂšme se dĂ©grade de façon significative pour les hauts dĂ©bits. Afin de compenser la forte ISI dans les taux de transfert de donnĂ©es en Gb/s, nous Ă©tudions l’algorithme de Viterbi (VA) avec un nombre limitĂ© d’états et un Ă©galiseur DFE (decision feedback equalizer). Nous examinons le nombre d’états requis dans le VA, et le nombre de coefficients du filtre dans le DFE pour une transmission fiable de UWB en Gb/s dans les canaux en ligne de vue. L’évaluation par simulation de BER confirme que l’égalisation amĂ©liore considĂ©rablement les performances par rapport Ă  la dĂ©tection de symbole. La DFE a une meilleure performance par rapport Ă  la VA en utilisant une complexitĂ© comparable. La DFE peut couvrir une plus grande mĂ©moire de canal avec un niveau de complexitĂ© relativement rĂ©duit.Ultra-wideband (UWB) communication has attracted an enormous amount of research in recent years, especially after the introduction of the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) spectral mask. Ultra-short pulses allow for very high bit-rates while low power eliminates interference with existing narrowband systems. Low power, however, limits the propagation range of UWB radios to a few meters for indoors wireless transmission. Furthermore, received UWB signals are spread in time because of multipath propagation which results in high intersymbol interference at high data rates. Gaussian monocycle, the most commonly employed UWB pulse, has poor coverage under the FCC mask. In this thesis we demonstrate transmitters capable of generating UWB pulses with high power efficiency at Gb/s bit-rates. An efficient pulse results in higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver by utilizing most of the available power under the FCC spectral mask. We generate the pulses in the optical domain and use optical fiber to transport the pulses over several kilometers for distribution in a passive optical network. Optical fiber is very reliable for transporting radio signals with low power consumption. We use simple elements such as a Mach Zehnder modulator or a ring resonator for pulse shaping, allowing for integration in silicon. Being compatible with CMOS technology, silicon photonics has huge potential for lowering the cost and bulkiness of optical systems. Photodetection converts the pulses to the electrical domain before antenna transmission at the user side. The frequency response of UWB antennas distorts the UWB waveforms. We pro- pose a nonlinear optimization technique which takes into account antenna distortion to find pulses that maximize the transmitted power, while respecting the FCC spectral mask. We consider three antennas and design a unique pulse for each. The energy improvement in UWB pulses directly improves the receiver SNR. Simulation results show that optimized pulses have a significant bit error rate (BER) performance improvement compared to the Gaussian monocycle under multipath propagation. Our other contribution is evaluating a matched filter to receive efficiently designed UWB pulses. The matched filter is synthesized and fabricated in microstrip technology in collaboration with McGill University as an electromagnetic bandgap device. The frequency response of the matched filter shows close agreement with the target UWB pulse spectrum. BER measurements confirm superior performance of the matched filter compared to a direct conversion receiver. The UWB channel is very rich in multipath leading to ISI at high bit rates. Our last contribution is investigating the performance of receivers by simulating a system employing realistic channel conditions. Simulation results show that the performance of such system degrades significantly for high data rates. To compensate the severe ISI at gigabit rates, we investigate the Viterbi algorithm (VA) with a limited number of states and the decision feedback equalizer (DFE). We examine the required number of states in the VA, and the number of taps in the DFE for reliable Gb/s UWB trans- mission for line-of-sight channels. Non-line-of-sight channels were also investigated at lower speeds. BER simulations confirm that equalization considerably improves the performance compared to symbol detection. The DFE results in better performance compared to the VA when using comparable complexity as the DFE can cover greater channel memory with a relatively low complexity level

    Polarization Decomposition Algorithm for Detection Efficiency Enhancement

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    In the paper, a new polarization decomposition of the optimal detection algorithm in the partially homogeneous environment is presented. Firstly, the detectors Matched Subspace Detector (MSD) and Adaptive Subspace Detector (ASD) are adopted to deal with detection problems in the partially homogeneous environment. Secondly, the fitness function with polarization parameters is equivalently decomposed to enhance time detection efficiency in the algorithm. It makes the multiplication number of the fitness function from square to a linear increase along with the increase in parameters. Simulation results indicate that the proposed decomposition is much more efficient than direct use of the fitness function

    Design of Waveform Set for Multiuser Ultra-Wideband Communications

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    The thesis investigates the design of analogue waveform sets for multiuser and UWB communications using suitably chosen Hermite-Rodriguez basis functions. The non-linear non-convex optimization problem with time and frequency domains constraints has been transformed into suitable forms and then solved using a standard optimization package. The proposed approach is more flexible and efficient than existing approaches in the literature. Numerical results show that orthogonal waveform sets with high spectral efficiency can be produced

    Transient Modeling of Ultra Wideband Pulse Propagation

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