2 research outputs found

    Sistem Embedded Cerdas Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy Untuk Efisiensi Konsumsi Energi Listrik

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    Bertambahnya pertumbuhan industri, penggunaan alat elektronik untuk kebutuhan kantor dan rumah tangga menjadi kontribusi peningkatan konsumsi energi pada setiap tahunnya sehingga berpotensi menimbulkan pemborosan pemakaian energi yang berdampak pada lingkungan dan pemanasan global. Pengendalian konsumsi energi listrik oleh pemerintah dan organisasi peduli ingkungan melalui kampanye kesadaran hemat energi pada masyarakat dinilai belum cukup efektif dan efisien. Penelitian ini membuat purwarupa sistem embedded cerdas yang dapat mengendalikan penggunaan peralatan elektronik menggunakan metode Logika Fuzzy sehingga pengendalian konsumsi energi listrik dapat dilakukan secara otomatis. Sistem ini dirancang dengan menggunakan mikrokontroller Arduino Nano yang diintegrasikan dengan sensor suhu, sensor gerak dan modul Real Time Clock (RTC). Pada tahap pengujian kinerja, sistem ini dihubungkan dengan berbagai peralatan elektronik seperti pendingin ruangan, lampu, dan tempat penghubung arus listrik (stopkontak). Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan sistem embedded cerdas mampu mengendalikan konsumsi energi dan menghemat energi listrik hingga 28,71%

    A Fuzzy Logic Based Retrofit System for Enabling Smart Energy Efficient Electric Cookers

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    In recent years, our homes have been equipped with smarter and more energy efficient electric appliances such as smart fridges, washing machines, TVs, etc. However, it seems that cookers seem to have been left aside during this trend although for example in UK electric cookers consume up to 20% of the evening peak electricity consumption. In addition, over half of the accidental house fires are due to cooking and cooking appliances. One of the reasons for the lack of smart energy efficient electric cookers is the complexity of performing energy efficient control for the various cooking techniques. This paper presents a fuzzy logic based system which can be cheaply retrofitted in existing electric cookers to convert them to semi-autonomous, energy efficient and safe smart electric cookers. The proposed system can control the cooker heating plate to allow the semi-autonomous safe operation of the most common cooking techniques including boiling, stir/shallow-frying, deep-frying and warming. In addition, the developed system can identify when human intervention is necessary and when dangerous situations happen or are imminent. We will present several real-world experiments which were performed in the University of Essex intelligent apartment (iSpace) with various users where the proposed system operated a cooker semi-autonomously in various cooking modes and it was shown that when compared to the human manual operation, the proposed system realised an average energy saving of 21.42 %, 34.43% and 20.29% for the boiling, stir/shallow-frying and deep-frying cooking techniques respectively. In addition, the realised smart cooker has shown unique safety features not present in existing commercial cookers