5 research outputs found

    A Fuzzy Inventory System with Deteriorating Items under Supplier Credits Linked to Ordering Quantity

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    [[abstract]]The inventory problem associated with trade credit is a popular topic in which interest income and interest payments are important issues. Most studies related to trade credit assume that the interest rate is both fixed and predetermined. However, in the real market, many factors such as financial policy, monetary policy and inflation, may affect the interest rate. Moreover, within the environment of merchandise storage, some distinctive factors arise which ultimately affect the quality of products such as temperature, humidity, and storage equipment. Thus, the rate of interest charges, the rate of interest earned, and the deterioration rate in a real inventory problem may be fuzzy. In this paper, we deal with these three imprecise parameters in inventory modeling by utilizing the fuzzy set theory. We develop the fuzzy inventory model based on Chang et al.'s [1] model by fuzzifying the rate of interest charges, the rate of interest earned, and the deterioration rate into the triangular fuzzy number. Subsequently, we discuss how to determine the optimal ordering policy so that the total relevant inventory cost, in the fuzzy sense, is minimal. Furthermore, we show that Chang et al.'s [1] model (the crisp model) is a special case of our model (the fuzzy model). Finally, numerical examples are provided to illustrate these results.[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國內[[incitationindex]]SCI[[incitationindex]]EI[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]TW

    Supply Chain Performance and Quality Measurement of Dairy Cow Concentrate in Cooperative toward Sustainable Productivity: a Case Study

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    This research aims to measure supply chain performance of dairy concentrate in cooperative with the SCOR-AHP approach and develop improvement based on the performance result, and to analyze the quality suitability as a basis to develop a comprehensive quality standard and its quality control mechanism. This research was conducted at a dairy farmer cooperative located in West Java. The analysis used to measure the performance was supply chain operation reference-analysis hierarchy process (SCOR-AHP). For measuring the product quality, ten post-production concentrate samples, 27 samples after the distribution process, and 25 samples for homogeneity test from five mixer machines were taken. Concentrate quality parameters were moisture, ash, crude fat, crude protein, crude fiber, total digestible nutrients (TDN), and salt content. Post-production samples data were compared with Indonesian National Standard (SNI) using one-tailed one-sample t-test, samples data from the field were tested using two samples independent t-tests compared to post-production samples data, and homogeneity test was seen from the coefficient of variation value of the salt content. The results show that the supply chain performance value of dairy cow concentrate at the cooperative is excellent. The nutrient content complies with SNI, but the homogeneity of the mixture is classified as poor category. The nutrient content of samples taken from the field shows differences with post-production samples except for TDN. The excessive total cost can be utilized to enhance performance in generating a better quality product. The cooperative should enhance homogeneity by concerning the mixing process and maintain the quality consistency by reformulating, stabilizing the quality of feedstuff, and calculating stock properly to avoid longer storage


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    Supply Chain Management dalam Pengelolaan Industri dan Energi Nasional Menuju Industri yang Berdaya Sain

    Proceeding 1st Annual Conference on Industrial and System Engineering

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    [[alternative]]The retailer's optimal ordering policy under permissible delay in payments

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    博士[[abstract]]延遲付款在實際商場交易行為中非常普遍,供應商經常以提供延遲付款的優惠吸引更多將延遲付款視為一種降價優惠的零售商。提供延遲付款對供應商而言,可吸引更多的零售商購買,並且也可降低同行之間削價競爭之惡性循環;對零售商而言,不僅減少資金的機會成本,在延遲付款期間,零售商還可利用銷售貨品的收入賺得利息。另外,生活中,常見貨品產生退化的現象。例如新鮮蔬果、醫療藥品、電子元件及汽油、酒精、香水等揮發性液體等,都可能會因為時間、溫度或環境等因素,產生變質、損壞或揮發等現象而使得庫存數量減少。所以,在探討此類貨品的存貨問題時,若不考慮退化的現象,將會做出不正確的決定而造成重大的損失。再者,關於允許延遲付款的存貨問題中,利息支付與利息賺得的計算是很重要的議題。過去探討延遲付款之存貨相關文獻大都假設支付利息的利率、賺得利息的利率及貨品退化率皆為固定常數。然而,在實際生活中,有很多因素會造成這三個參數產生不確定的情況。所以,我們考量以模糊數來處理此問題。 本論文探討允許延遲付款下零售商之存貨問題並進一步討論有限補貨率、貨品產生退化的現象、利率及貨品退化率不確定等議題且提供在不同問題下零售商的最適訂購策略。第一章說明研究動機與目的及相關文獻探討。第二章探討供應商提供零售商延遲付款優惠之存貨問題並考慮有限補貨率及兩種付款方法。第三章討論允許延遲付款及有限補貨率下零售商對退化性貨品之最適訂購策略。第四章進一步將利率及貨品退化率模糊化並建立允許延遲付款和訂購量有關的退化性貨品之模糊存貨系統。本論文建立兩個定理和兩個演算法,協助零售商在不同的存貨問題中決定最適訂購策略。同時,亦探討模型中參數值的變動對最適解的影響。最後,在第五章裡將上述各章所得的結論做一總結,並說明未來的研究方向。[[abstract]]A common phenomenon in the real market is that a supplier usually permits the retailer a delay of a fixed time period to settle the total amount owed to him. The permissible delay in payments produces benefits to the supplier. For example, it will attract some customers who consider it to be a type of price reduction and does not provoke competitors to reduce their prices and thus introduce lasting price reductions. Permissible delay in payments also provides advantages to the retailer due to the fact that the retailer can earn interest on the accumulated revenue received, and delay the payment up to the last moment of the permissible period allowed by the supplier. In addition, the deterioration of physical goods is common in daily life. For examples, the decay, damage or evaporation may occur during the normal storage period of items like fresh vegetables and fruit, pharmaceuticals, electronic component, gasoline, alcohol or perfumes. Consequently, the loss must be taken into account while developing the inventory models for such goods. Furthermore, the interest income and interest payments are important issues in the inventory problem associated with permissible delay in payments. Most studies related to permissible delay in payments assume that the interest rate is both fixed and predetermined. However, in the real market, many factors such as financial policy, monetary policy and inflation, may affect the interest rate. Moreover, within the environment of merchandise storage, some distinctive factors arise which ultimately affect the quality of products such as temperature, humidity, and storage equipment. Thus, the rate of interest charges, the rate of interest earned, and the deterioration rate in a real inventory problem may be fuzzy. This thesis discusses the retailer’s inventory problems under some common phenomena including permissible delay in payments, finite replenishment rate, the deterioration of physical goods, fuzzy interest rate and fuzzy deterioration rate. Chapter 1 covers the motivation and objectives of this thesis. In this chapter, literature review about related research papers is also included. In Chapter 2, we establish an inventory model with a finite replenishment rate and permissible delay in payments under two different payment methods. Chapter 3 develops the deteriorating inventory model with a finite replenishment rate under permissible delay in payments. In Chapter 4, we discuss the problem that the rate of interest charges, the rate of interest earned, and the deterioration rate may be fuzzy and construct a fuzzy inventory system with deteriorating items under supplier credits linked to ordering quantity. In this dissertation, we develop two theorems and two algorithms to find the optimal ordering policy and provide numerical examples to illustrate the solution procedure. Also, sensitivity analysis is conducted for the parameters of the models. Finally, chapter 5 provides the conclusions of this thesis and some future research topics.[[tableofcontents]]目錄 頁次 表目錄 V 圖目錄 VI 使用符號一覽表 VII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 相關文獻探討 3 1.2.1 延遲付款 3 1.2.2 有限補貨率 5 1.2.3 退化性貨品 7 1.2.4 模糊存貨模型 9 1.3 本文結構 11 第二章 允許延遲付款與兩種付款方法下之最適訂購策略 14 2.1 前言 14 2.2 符號說明與假設 15 2.3 模型的建立 16 2.3.1 付款方法一: 零售商僅支付已售出的貨品款項,利潤則保留移作他用 17 2.3.2 付款方法二: 零售商一有銷售收入便全數用以支付貨款,直到貨款全部付清 20 2.4 模型的求解 24 2.4.1 付款方法一: 零售商僅支付已售出的貨品款項,利潤則保留移作他用 25 2.4.2 付款方法二: 零售商一有銷售收入便全數用以支付貨款,直到貨款全部付清 28 2.5 特殊情況 33 2.5.1 允許延遲付款之EOQ模型 34 2.5.2 零售商於收到貨品時便立即付清貨款之EPQ模型 35 2.5.3 零售商於收到貨品時便立即付清貨款之EOQ模型 35 2.6 數值範例 36 2.7 小結 40 第三章 允許延遲付款下零售商對退化性貨品之最適訂購策略 41 3.1 前言 41 3.2 符號說明與假設 42 3.3 模型的建立 43 3.4 模型的求解 51 3.5 數值範例 57 3.6 小結 60 第四章 允許延遲付款和訂購量有關的退化性貨品之模糊存貨系統 62 4.1 前言 62 4.2 預備知識 63 4.3 符號說明與假設 68 4.4 模型的建立 69 4.4.1 回顧Chang et al.(2003)之模型 70 4.4.2 模糊存貨模型的建立 71 4.5 模型的求解 77 4.6 數值範例 87 4.7 討論 91 4.7.1 採用符號距離法而非重心法(centroid method)解模糊化的原因 91 4.7.2 模糊函數與確定型(crisp)函數之間的關係 92 4.8 小結 95 第五章 結論 97 5.1 主要研究結果 97 5.2 未來研究方向 99 附錄 證明單位時間存貨相關總成本TRC1-1(T)對T的二階微分在點T=T1-1大於零 102 參考文獻 103 表目錄 頁次 表1-1允許延遲付款下存貨模型比較表 11 表2-1參數s和h的敏感性分析 38 表2-2不同利率值下之最適解 39 表3-1Ie、S及θ分別在不同參數值下之最適解 59 表4-1 不同訂購成本S下之最適解 87 表4-2不同允許延遲付款之最小訂購量Qd之最適解 88 表4-3不同延遲付款的期限M下之最適解 89 表4-4不同的(△*, △**)值下之最適解 90 圖目錄 頁次 圖1-1 本文結構流程圖 13 圖 2-1 零售商的存貨水準與產生利息的累積銷售量示意圖 18 圖 3-1 零售商存貨水準與時間的關係圖 43[[note]]學號: 891560046, 學年度: 9