3,818 research outputs found

    Математические модели схем компромисса в многокритериальных задачах математического программирования с размытыми ограничениями

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    Сформульовано однокритеріальні та багатокритеріальні задачі математичного програмування з розмитими обмеженнями як задачі векторної оптимізації. Розглядаються постановки, математичні моделі, схеми компромісу, критерії ефективності та методи розв’язання сформульованих задач. Функції обліку втрат у випадку порушення окремих обмежень задачі запропоновано у формі функцій приналежності Fuzzy-Logic. Розглянуто методи нормалізації локальних критеріїв. Наведено алгоритми і обчислювальні схеми розв’язання цих задач при виборі розв’язків із кінцевої множини альтернатив, які ілюструються числовим прикладом.Single- and multicriteria problems of mathematical programming with fuzzy constraints are formulated as vector optimization problems. Formulations of such problems, their mathematical models, compromise schemes, efficiency criteria, and solution methods are considered. Fuzzy-Logic functions are offered to represent losses from violations of some boundary conditions; methods of normalization of local criteria are given. Algorithms and computational schemes for choosing a solution from a finite set of alternatives are illustrated by an example

    Multicriteria optimization to select images as passwords in recognition based graphical authentication systems

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    Usability and guessability are two conflicting criteria in assessing the suitability of an image to be used as password in the recognition based graph -ical authentication systems (RGBSs). We present the first work in this area that uses a new approach, which effectively integrates a series of techniques in order to rank images taking into account the values obtained for each of the dimen -sions of usability and guessability, from two user studies. Our approach uses fuzzy numbers to deal with non commensurable criteria and compares two multicriteria optimization methods namely, TOPSIS and VIKOR. The results suggest that VIKOR method is the most applicable to make an objective state-ment about which image type is better suited to be used as password. The paper also discusses some improvements that could be done to improve the ranking assessment

    A fuzzy multiobjective algorithm for multiproduct batch plant: Application to protein production

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    This paper addresses the problem of the optimal design of batch plants with imprecise demands and proposes an alternative treatment of the imprecision by using fuzzy concepts. For this purpose, we extended a multiobjective genetic algorithm (MOGA) developed in previousworks, taking into account simultaneously maximization of the net present value (NPV) and two other performance criteria, i.e. the production delay/advance and a flexibility criterion. The former is computed by comparing the fuzzy computed production time to a given fuzzy production time horizon and the latter is based on the additional fuzzy demand that the plant is able to produce. The methodology provides a set of scenarios that are helpful to the decision’s maker and constitutes a very promising framework for taken imprecision into account in new product development stage

    Multi crteria decision making and its applications : a literature review

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    This paper presents current techniques used in Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and their applications. Two basic approaches for MCDM, namely Artificial Intelligence MCDM (AIMCDM) and Classical MCDM (CMCDM) are discussed and investigated. Recent articles from international journals related to MCDM are collected and analyzed to find which approach is more common than the other in MCDM. Also, which area these techniques are applied to. Those articles are appearing in journals for the year 2008 only. This paper provides evidence that currently, both AIMCDM and CMCDM are equally common in MCDM

    Strategies for multiobjective genetic algorithm development: Application to optimal batch plant design in process systems engineering

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    This work deals with multiobjective optimization problems using Genetic Algorithms (GA). A MultiObjective GA (MOGA) is proposed to solve multiobjective problems combining both continuous and discrete variables. This kind of problem is commonly found in chemical engineering since process design and operability involve structural and decisional choices as well as the determination of operating conditions. In this paper, a design of a basic MOGA which copes successfully with a range of typical chemical engineering optimization problems is considered and the key points of its architecture described in detail. Several performance tests are presented, based on the influence of bit ranging encoding in a chromosome. Four mathematical functions were used as a test bench. The MOGA was able to find the optimal solution for each objective function, as well as an important number of Pareto optimal solutions. Then, the results of two multiobjective case studies in batch plant design and retrofit were presented, showing the flexibility and adaptability of the MOGA to deal with various engineering problems

    Indicators and Evaluation Tools for the Assessment of Urban Sustainability

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    This paper attempts to provide an explanation of why reductionistic approaches are not adequate to tackle the urban sustainability issue in a consistent way. Concepts such as urban environmental carrying capacity and ecological footprint are discussed. Multicriteria evaluation is proposed as a general multidimensional framework for the assessment of urban sustainability. This paper deals with the following main topics: · definition of the concept of urban sustainability, · discussion of relevant sustainability indicators, · multicriteria evaluation as a framework for the assessment of urban sustainability, · an illustrative example.Urban environmental carrying capacity, ecological footprint, multicriteria evaluation, NAIADE method

    Multi-criteria decision making with linguistic labels: a comparison of two methodologies applied to energy planning

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    This paper compares two multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) approaches based on linguistic label assessment. The first approach consists of a modified fuzzy TOPSIS methodology introduced by Kaya and Kahraman in 2011. The second approach, introduced by Agell et al. in 2012, is based on qualitative reasoning techniques for ranking multi-attribute alternatives in group decision-making with linguistic labels. Both approaches are applied to a case of assessment and selection of the most suitable types of energy in a geographical area.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Comparison of different Multiple-criteria decision analysis methods in the context of conceptual design: application to the development of a solar collector structure

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    At each stage of the product development process, the designers are facing an important task which consists of decision making. Two cases are observed: the problem of concept selection in conceptual design phases and, the problem of pre-dimensioning once concept choices are made. Making decisions in conceptual design phases on a sound basis is one of the most difficult challenges in engineering design, especially when innovative concepts are introduced. On the one hand, designers deal with imprecise data about design alternatives. On the other hand, design objectives and requirements are usually not clear in these phases. The greatest opportunities to reduce product life cycle costs usually occur during the first conceptual design phases. The need for reliable multi-criteria decision aid (MCDA) methods is thus greatest at early conceptual design phases. Various MCDA methods are proposed in the literature. The main criticism of these methods is that they usually yield different results for the same problem. In this work, an analysis of six MCDA methods (weighed sum, weighted product, Kim & Lin, compromise programming, TOPSIS, and ELECTRE I) was conducted. Our analysis was performed via an industrial case of solar collector structure development. The objective is to define the most appropriate MCDA methods in term of three criteria: (i) the consistency of the results, (ii) the ease of understanding and, (iii) the adaptation of the decision type. The results show that TOPSIS is the most consistent MCDA method in our case